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@conradkleinespel conradkleinespel released this 29 Oct 16:51
· 100 commits to master since this release

Known to compile with Rust 1.21.0 and Cargo 0.22.0.

New import command

You can now import passwords into Rooster from a JSON file:

rooster import dump.json

The import format is the same as the export format from rooster export.

New weak command

Rooster can now check if you have any weak passwords:

Try it:

rooster weak

Fuzzy search everywhere

The add, delete, regenerate, rename and transfer now also support fuzzy search. This makes it easier to use these commands if you make a typo or have a lot of passwords saved with Rooster.

For instance, try renaming your Google password with:

rooster rename ggl NewGoogleName

Previously, you had to type rooster rename google NewGoogleName.

Thanks @yamnikov-oleg for this improvement!

Code updates

Thanks to @yamnikov-oleg, all 3rd party dependencies used by Rooster are now in Rooster's Github repository, which will make it easier to them after an update in the future.

Thanks to @Eternity-Yarr, Rooster now uses serde for JSON serialization instead of the deprecated rustc-serialize.

Thanks you both ! 👍

To update Rooster, follow the installation instructions: