a project of École 42, where it is necessary to build a rubik 3x3x3 solver that fits in less than 150 rotations.
the metric for counting rotations is the half-turn metric (HTM).
only these rotations are possible:
L, L2, L', R, R2, R', F, F2, F', B, B2, B', U, U2, U', D, D2, D'
rubik's solving algorithm is a 7-step build (white cross, white corners, middle layer, etc.).
this configuration was used to mark the positions of the corners and edges of the rubik:
python 3.10 required.
visualization requires the ursina
python3 rubik.py -s <num of spins> -vis
press spacebar
for solution step
optional arguments:
set the number of shuffles
show solution time
visualize rubik's solution