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![Version 1.0.1]

Contacthub C# .NET SDK for Windows

Table of contents

## Introduction

This SDK enables you to easily access the Contacthub REST API, and simplifies all authentication and data read/write operations. The project is based on the Visual Studio 2015 IDE and can be compiled as a DLL library. It is accompanied by a sample project and a unit test.

## Dependencies

The only dependency is the Newtonsoft Json library, a very popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET (read license). Newtonsoft Json is available as a NuGet package and is already configured in the packages.config file. The project also uses other NuGet packages for unit testing (NUnit.CompareNETObject). If you are not using unit tests, these packages are not required.

## Getting started

These instructions will help you to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine, for development and testing purposes.

### 1. Create your client application

Create a new Visual Studio solution with a new console application, and add the Contacthub SDK Library belonging to the project, to the references. If you do not need unit test, ContactHubSdkLibrary.Test is not required.

### 2. Download the required packages

You can only compile this SDK library if you have the packages listed in packages.config. To get all required packages, open the NuGet Package Manager Console and type:

PM> update-package -reinstall

Then clean and rebuild the solution.

### 3. Include the SDK library

Add references to the SDK library in your application:

using ContactHubSdkLibrary;
using ContactHubSdkLibrary.Events;
using ContactHubSdkLibrary.Models;
using ContactHubSdkLibrary.SDKclasses;
### 4. Configure the credentials

Edit your app.config (or web.config) file and add the following settings:

    <add key="workspaceID" value="123123123-123-1232-1232-23433333333"/>
    <add key="token" value="12341234121234123412341234"/>
    <add key="nodeID" value= "23423434-54544-4545-3434-34523453444"/>

Replace the sample values above with the real credentials, which are provided by Contactlab. appSettings is the most convenient way to configure the credentials, but if you wish, you can use your favorite technique to save and retrieve them so the SDK will work.

### 5. Instantiate the workspace and the node

To instantiate the workspace, use the following:

Workspace currentWorkspace = new Workspace(
Node currentNode = currentWorkspace.GetNode(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["nodeID"].ToString());

This code doesn’t actually make the call to the remote system. It is only used to initialize the node.

### 6. Get all customers

The most simple call is to read customers. If your workspace is empty you will not get any results, but it will confirm whether your credentials are working. To get customers, use the PagedCustomer object:

int pageSize = 5;
PagedCustomer pagedCustomers = null;
Error error=null;
bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, pageSize, null, null, null,ref error);
List<Customer> customers = pagedCustomers._embedded.customers;

If the call is correct, pageIsValid returns true.

### 7. Add customer

To complete your first application, add a customer to the Contacthub node:

PostCustomer newCustomer = new PostCustomer()
  externalId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
  @base = new BaseProperties()
   firstName = "Donald",
   lastName = "Duck",
   contacts = new Contacts()
    email = ""
   timezone = BasePropertiesTimezoneEnum.GeorgiaTime
Error error=null;
Customer createdCustomer = currentNode.AddCustomer(newCustomer,ref error, false);

If the call is correct, you should get a customer object with all of its fields, while its id attribute is not shown as null. This is the internal ID that you will use as an identifier for your customer.

### 8. Error handling

Each call requires an Error class parameter passed by a reference, which allows you to throw an exception if required:

 Error error=null;

The parameter must be void. All functions return an Error object with an error description in the message attribute. If no errors are present, null is returned.

## Use ### Customer Class #### Add a customer

To create a customer, instantiate a Customer type object and assign the required attributes. The @base field contains the main customer data. This code creates a customer with a name, last name, email, time zone and an External ID. The externalId is a field in which the client application can write its own primary key and use it in searches to get the customer.


PostCustomer newCustomer = new PostCustomer()
  externalId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
  @base = new BaseProperties()
                    firstName = "Donald",
                    lastName = "Duck",
                    contacts = new Contacts()
                        email = ""
                    timezone = BasePropertiesTimezoneEnum.GeorgiaTime
#### Add a customer with a forced update

You can force a customer to be inserted, if they already exist in the node. The remote system verifies the presence of the customer, according to the rules defined in the Contacthub configuration. To force the update use true in the forceUpdate parameter.


PostCustomer updateCustomer = [...]
updateCustomer.extra = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
Customer createdCustomer = currentNode.AddCustomer(updateCustomer,ref error, true);
#### Update a customer (full update)

To update all customer fields, you need to create a PostCustomer object and call the updateCustomer function, with the fullUpdate parameter set to true. In this way, the customer object will be completely replaced with the new data, including all fields that are set to null.


Customer customer = currentNode.UpdateCustomer((PostCustomer)updateCustomer,,ref error, true);

To be able to update, you have to include the customer ID, because the PostCustomer object does not have the ID attribute. We recommend using partial update (see below) to avoid deleting fields that have already been previously set.


If you need to update a customer, always remember to use aPostCustomer object. You cannot cast Customer to PostCustomer, you must use the .ToPostCustomer() method.


                Customer newCustomer = [...] //set customer
                PostCustomer customer = newCustomer.ToPostCustomer();
#### Update a customer (partial update)

If you only need to update certain fields belonging to a customer, you can make a partial update. In this case, only the not null fields will be used for the update.


Customer customer = currentNode.UpdateCustomer((PostCustomer)partialData, customerID,ref error, false);
#### Add or update a customer with extended properties

Extended properties have a dynamic structure that is defined in the server-side workspace configuration. You cannot use an auto-builder on the client, which gets a class that is already structured, as the extended properties are on the server side. You must build your data structure exactly as it defined on the server.

An extended properties validator is not part of this SDK. You must use the correct data type For each extended property.

Available data types are:

  • ExtendedPropertyString


  • ExtendedPropertyStringArray

    Array of strings

  • ExtendedPropertyNumber


  • ExtendedPropertyNumberArray

    Array of numbers

  • ExtendedPropertyBoolean


  • ExtendedPropertyObject


  • ExtendedPropertyObjectArray

    Array of objects

  • ExtendedPropertyDateTime


  • ExtendedPropertyDateTimeArray

    Array of datetimes


  PostCustomer newCustomer = new PostCustomer()
   nodeId = currentNodeID,
   externalId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
   @base = new BaseProperties()
    firstName = "Donald",
    lastName = "Duck",
    contacts = new Contacts()
     email = ""
    timezone = BasePropertiesTimezoneEnum.GMT0100
   extended = new List<ExtendedProperty>()
    new ExtendedPropertyNumber()
    new ExtendedPropertyString()
    new ExtendedPropertyStringArray()
     value=new List<String>() { "123", "456" }
    new ExtendedPropertyNumberArray()
     value=new List<Double>() { 123.99, 456.99 }
    new ExtendedPropertyBoolean()
    new ExtendedPropertyObjectArray()
     value=new List<ExtendedProperty>()
      new ExtendedPropertyNumber()
      new ExtendedPropertyNumber()
    new ExtendedPropertyDateTime()
    new ExtendedPropertyDateTimeArray()
     value=new List<DateTime>()
  //post new customer
  string customerID = null;
  Customer createdCustomer = currentNode.AddCustomer(newCustomer, ref error);
  if (createdCustomer != null)
     customerID =;
     //add customer error
#### Get paged customers

To get a list of customers, you must go through a pager. Each page is returned as a PageCustomers object, which is passed by a reference to the function. The customers array is in the ._embedded.customers attribute. The maximum value for the page size is 50.


PagedEvent pagedEvents = null;
int pageSize = 5;
bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, pageSize, null, null, null, ref error);

After the first page, you can easily cycle through the next pages with:

pageIsValid = currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers,,ref error);


bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, pageSize, null, null, null,ref error);  //first page
if (pageIsValid)
 Debug.Print(String.Format("Current page {0}/{1}", + 1,;
 for (int i = 1; i <; i++)
   pageIsValid = currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers,,ref error); //next page
   Debug.Print(String.Format("Current page {0}/{1}", + 1,;


 bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, pageSize,
                                             null, null, null,ref error);
 if (pageIsValid)
   Debug.Print(String.Format("Current page {0}/{1}", + 1,;
   while (currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers,, ref error))
    Debug.Print(String.Format("Current page {0}/{1}", + 1,;

If you already have the first or one of the following pages, you can jump to a specific page. You can do this if you pass a PagedCustomer object that has already been identified by a previous call. Make sure it is not null.


Get the third page:

bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, 3, ref error);
#### Get a single customer

You can get a customer through the internal ID or the ExternalID


Get a customer by the ID (internal):

Customer customer = currentNode.GetCustomerByID(customerID,ref error);


Get a customer by the ExternalID:

Customer customerByExtID = currentNode.GetCustomerByExternalID(extID, ref error);

You can also get the customer through the external ID by using GetCustomers(). If the external ID is unique, it should always return a single result.


Get a customer by the external ID:

bool isValid = currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, 10, extID, null, null, ref error);
#### Query customers

You can create a query to refine GetCustomers(). You have two ways to specify a query, the simple mode and the advanced mode.

  • Simple mode

    Uses a query builder to get the query string. For example, Query firstName and lastName (AND condition).

The simple mode allows you to easily build a query with an AND or an OR operator. If you want to build a complex query, you can pass it directly in JSON (see below) according to the REST API specifications.


QueryBuilder qb = new QueryBuilder();
qb.AddQuery(new QueryBuilderItem() {
            attributeName = "base.firstName",
            attributeOperator = QueryBuilderOperatorEnum.EQUALS,
            attributeValue = "Donald" });
qb.AddQuery(new QueryBuilderItem() {
            attributeName = "base.lastName",
            attributeOperator = QueryBuilderOperatorEnum.EQUALS,
            attributeValue = "Duck" });
currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, 10, null,
                            ref error);
  • Advanced mode

    Pass a query string using JSON


string querySTR = @"{
 ""name"": """",
 ""query"": {
 ""are"": {
 ""condition"": {
    ""attribute"": ""base.firstName"",
    ""operator"": ""EQUALS"",
    ""type"": ""atomic"",
    ""value"": ""Diego""
  ""name"": ""No name"",
  ""type"": ""simple""
currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, 10, null, querySTR, null,ref error);
#### Select fields

You can select the fields returned by GetCustomers


currentNode.GetCustomers(ref pagedCustomers, 10, null, null, "base.firstName,base.lastName",ref error);
#### Delete a customer

You can delete a customer by just using their ID


currentNode.DeleteCustomer(,ref error);
#### Customer data shortcuts

Although they are Customer attributes, there are five entities that you can access directly, without carrying out a full or partial customer update. The following subclasses of the Customer Class can be managed directly with specific add, update and delete methods:

  • Jobs
  • Education
  • Subscription
  • Like

The Tag subclass can also be managed in a similar way.

##### Jobs


Add a new job:

  Customer myCustomer = currentNode.GetCustomerByID("16917ed3-6789-48e0-9f8e-e5e8d3c92310",ref error);
  Jobs newJob = new Jobs()
        id = "d14ef5ad-675d-4bac-a8bb-c4feb4641050",
        companyIndustry = "Aerospace",
        companyName = "Acme inc",
        jobTitle = "Director",
        startDate = DateTime.Now,
        endDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),
        isCurrent = true
  Jobs returnJob = currentNode.AddCustomerJob(, newJob,ref error);

Get and update a customer job:

        Jobs j = currentNode.GetCustomerJob(customerID, jobID,ref error);
        j.startDate = DateTime.Now;
        j.endDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
        Jobs updatedJob = currentNode.UpdateCustomerJob(customerID, j,ref error);

Remove a customer job:

	bool idDeleted = node.DeleteCustomerJob(customerID, jobID, ref error);
##### Education


Add a new education entry:

  Customer myCustomer = currentNode.GetCustomerByID("d14ef5ad-675d-4bac-a8bb-c4feb4641050",ref error);
  Educations newEdu = new Educations()
            id = "0eae64f3-12fb-49ad-abb9-82ee595037a2",
            schoolConcentration = "123",
            schoolName = "abc",
            schoolType = EducationsSchoolTypeEnum.COLLEGE,
  Educations returnEdu = currentNode.AddCustomerEducation(, newEdu,ref error);

Get and update a customer education:

  Educations edu = currentNode.GetCustomerEducation(customerID, educationID,ref error);
  edu.startYear = 2010;
  edu.endYear = 2016;
  Educations updatedEducation = currentNode.UpdateCustomerEducation(customerID, edu,ref error);

Remove a customer education:

	bool isDeleted = node.DeleteCustomerEducation(customerID, educationID, ref error);
##### Subscription


Add a new subscription:

    Customer myCustomer = currentNode.GetCustomerByID("d14ef5ad-675d-4bac-a8bb-c4feb4641050",ref error);
    Subscriptions newSubscription = new Subscriptions()
        id = "b33c4b9e-4bbe-418f-a70b-6fb7384fc4ab",
        name = "test subscription",
        type = "testType",
        kind = SubscriptionsKindEnum.DIGITALMESSAGE,
        dateStart = DateTime.Now,
        dateEnd = DateTime.Now,
        subscriberId = "e3ab0e11-4310-4329-b70b-a8b0d0250f67",
        registeredAt = DateTime.Now,
        updatedAt = DateTime.Now,
        preferences = new List<Preferences>()
                    new Preferences()
                                    key="myKey", value="MyValue"
    Subscriptions returnSub = currentNode.AddCustomerSubscription(, newSubscription,ref error);

Get and update a customer subscription:

    Subscriptions s = currentNode.GetCustomerSubscription(customerID, subscriptionID,ref error);
    s.dateStart = DateTime.Now;
    s.dateEnd = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10);
    Subscriptions updatedSubscription = currentNode.UpdateCustomerSubscription(customerID, s, ref error);

Remove a customer subscription:

	bool isDeleted = node.DeleteCustomerSubscription(customerID, subscriptionID, ref error);
##### Like


Add a new like:

    Customer myCustomer = currentNode.GetCustomerByID("9bdca5a7-5ecf-4da4-86f0-78dbf1fa950f", ref error);
    Likes newLike = new Likes()
        category = "sport",
        id = "eee8c9d6-e30a-4aa9-93f0-db949ba32841",
        name = "tennis",
        createdTime = DateTime.Now
    Likes returnLike = currentNode.AddCustomerLike(, newLike,ref error);

Get and update a customer like:

    Likes l = currentNode.GetCustomerLike(customerID, likeID, ref error);
    l.category = "music";
    Likes updatedLike = currentNode.UpdateCustomerLike(customerID, l, ref error);

Remove a customer like:

	bool isDeleted = node.DeleteCustomerLike(customerID, likeID, ref error);
##### Tags

Tags consist of two arrays of strings known as 'auto' and 'manual' (CustomerTagTypeEnum.Auto CustomerTagTypeEnum.Manual)


Get customer tags:

    Tags customerTag = currentNode.GetCustomerTags("9bdca5a7-5ecf-4da4-86f0-78dbf1fa950f",ref error);

You can add and delete a single element using the following shortcuts:


Add customer tags:

   Tags currentTags = currentNode.AddCustomerTag(
                            ref error);

Remove customer tags:

    Tags currentTags = currentNode.RemoveCustomerTag(
                            ref error);
### Event Class

Events are based on the appropriate template. By entering the value for the type field, the right template is defined for the properties field.

The same thing also applies to the context field, which defines the template that is used for the contextInfo field. ype and context are defined in the eventPropertiesClass.cs and eventContextClass.cs files.

tracking field contains tracking information (for example: google analitycs).

The correlation between the value of the enumeration and its class is very intuitive, because you can derive the name of one from the other. For example, if you choose type=EventTypeEnum.openedTicket, the properties will be allocated through the EventPropertyOpenedTicket class. If you choose context = EventContextEnum.WEB, the contextInfo will be allocated through an EventContextPropertyWEB class.

#### Customer Events

You can directly add an event to a customer if you know their ID.


  Customer myCustomer = currentNode.GetCustomerByID("9bdca5a7-5ecf-4da4-86f0-78dbf1fa950f",ref error);
                PostEvent newEvent = new PostEvent()
                    customerId =,
                    type = EventTypeEnum.clickedLink,
                    context = EventContextEnum.OTHER,
                    properties = new EventBaseProperty()
                string result = currentNode.AddEvent(newEvent,ref error);
                if (result != "202")
                    //insert error

in the following, both the properties and the contextInfo data are used:

    Customer myCustomer = currentNode.GetCustomerByID("d14ef5ad-675d-4bac-a8bb-c4feb4641050",ref error);
    EventPropertyRepliedTicket typeProperties = new EventPropertyRepliedTicket()
        category = new List<String>() { "MyCategory" },
        idTicket = "MyTicketID",
        subject = "Question",
        text = "lorem ipsum"
    EventContextPropertyWEB contextProperties = new EventContextPropertyWEB()
        client = new Client()
            ip = "",
            userAgent = "Mozilla"
    PostEvent newEvent = new PostEvent()
        customerId =,
        type = EventTypeEnum.repliedTicket,
        context = EventContextEnum.WEB,
        properties = typeProperties,
        contextInfo = contextProperties,
        date = DateTime.Now
    string result = currentNode.AddEvent(newEvent,ref error);
    if (result != "202")
        //insert error
#### Anonymous Events

The event class allows you to add customer events, even if you do not have immediate access to the appropriate customer. You can create an event using BringBackProperties in two different ways, through:

  • A sessionID


  • An ExternalID

If you use a sessionID, you must first create a session, then use it for any events. When the customer is created, you can associate and reconcile them with all events that have been added so far.

If you create an event using BringBackProperties with an ExternalID, you can automatically create an empty customer, and all relevant events will be associated with them. Later, you will can update the associated customer through the ExternalID.

In general, adding an event in this way is asynchronous and, as a result, the API does not reply with the newly generated identifier.


Add an anonymous event with a externalID and then reconcile it with a customer:

    string extID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
    PostEvent newEvent = new PostEvent()
        bringBackProperties = new BringBackProperty()
            nodeId =,
            type = BringBackPropertyTypeEnum.EXTERNAL_ID,
            value = extID
        type = EventTypeEnum.loggedIn,
        context = EventContextEnum.WEB,
        properties = new EventBaseProperty()
    string result = currentNode.AddEvent(newEvent,ref error);
    if (result != "202")
         //insert error
         Thread.Sleep(1000); //wait event and customer elaboration
         //update customer
         string customerID = null;
         //the customer was made by filling the event with the ExternalID. You must retrieve the customer from externaID and update it
         Customer extIdCustomer = currentNode.GetCustomerByExternalID(extID,ref error);
         customerID =;
         PostCustomer postCustomer = new PostCustomer()
            @base = new BaseProperties()
                firstName = "Donald",
                lastName = "Duck",
                contacts = new Contacts()
                    email = ""
                timezone = BasePropertiesTimezoneEnum.YekaterinburgTime
         Customer createdCustomer = currentNode.UpdateCustomer(postCustomer, customerID, true,ref error);
         customerID =;
         //wait queue elaboration
         pagedEvents = null;
         bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetEvents(ref pagedEvents, 10, customerID,
                                                     null, null, null, null, null,
                                                     ref error);

Add an anonymous event with a Session and then reconcile it with a customer:

    //create new session
    Session currentSession = new Session();
    PostEvent newEvent = new PostEvent()
        bringBackProperties = new BringBackProperty()
            nodeId =,
            type = BringBackPropertyTypeEnum.SESSION_ID,
            value = currentSession.value
        type = EventTypeEnum.loggedIn,
        context = EventContextEnum.WEB,
        properties = new EventBaseProperty()
    string result = currentNode.AddEvent(newEvent,ref error);
    if (result != "202")
        //insert error
        PostCustomer newPostCustomer = new PostCustomer()
            nodeId =,
            externalId = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(),
            @base = new BaseProperties()
                firstName = "Donald",
                lastName = "Duck",
                contacts = new Contacts()
                    email = ""
                timezone = BasePropertiesTimezoneEnum.GMT0100
        Customer newCustomer = currentNode.AddCustomer(newPostCustomer,ref error);
        Session returnSession = currentNode.AddCustomerSession(, currentSession,ref error);
        pagedEvents = null;
        bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetEvents(ref pagedEvents, 10,,
                                                    null, null, null, null, null,
                                                    ref error);
#### Get paged Events

The following enables you to get all events that are filtered using a customerID. The pagination rules are the same as those described in the Get paged customers section above.


    List<Event> allEvents = new List<Event>();
    int pageSize = 20;
    //filter by customer id (required)
    bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetEvents(ref pagedEvents, pageSize, "5a0c7812-daa9-467a-b641-012d25b9cdd5",
                                        null, null, null, null, null,
                                        ref error);
    if (pageIsValid)
        Debug.Print(String.Format("Current page {0}/{1}", + 1,;
        for (int i = 1; i <; i++)
            pageIsValid = currentNode.GetEvents(ref pagedEvents,,ref error);
            Debug.Print(String.Format("Current page {0}/{1}", + 1,;

In addition to the customerID, you can filter by event type.


    bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetEvents(ref pagedEvents, pageSize, "9bdca5a7-5ecf-4da4-86f0-78dbf1fa950f",
                                                EventTypeEnum.clickedLink, null, null, null, null,
                                                ref error);

Or filter by context. ` Example:

 bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetEvents(ref pagedEvents, pageSize, "9bdca5a7-5ecf-4da4-86f0-78dbf1fa950f",
                                                EventTypeEnum.clickedLink, EventContextEnum.OTHER, null, null, null,
                                                ref error);

Or filter by active/passive event.


 bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetEvents(ref pagedEvents, pageSize, "9bdca5a7-5ecf-4da4-86f0-78dbf1fa950f",
                                                null, null, EventModeEnum.ACTIVE, null, null,
                                                ref error);

Or filter by dates.


 bool pageIsValid = currentNode.GetEvents(ref pagedEvents, pageSize, "9bdca5a7-5ecf-4da4-86f0-78dbf1fa950f",
                                                null, null, null, Convert.ToDateTime("2016-01-01"),
                                                ref error);
#### Get single event

You can get a single event, if you know its ID.


 Event ev = currentNode.GetEvent("495ccaaa-97cf-4eee-957d-fae0d39053f8", ref error);
#### Session

The Session object enables you to use a session to locate each event and eventually reconcile them with a customer. The Session object is local to the client SDK. It does not create any type of object on the Contacthub server. The session ID is automatically generated in the .value attribute.


 Customer myCustomer = currentNode.GetCustomerByID("9bdca5a7-5ecf-4da4-86f0-78dbf1fa950f",ref error);
 Session newSession = new Session();
 Session returnSession = currentNode.AddCustomerSession(, newSession,ref error);
 //[...] use the session, then reset it
 var newID = newSession.value;
## Further information ### System update time

Writing data on the remote platform has a latency of approximately 30 seconds. For example, if you add or delete a customer, it will take about 30 seconds before GetCustomers returns consistent data.

### Logs

You can enable a detailed log of all calls to the Contacthub remote system. To enable logging, you simply add the following keys to your app.config \| web.config:

    <add key="ContactHubSdkEnableLog" value= "true"/>
    <add key="ContactHubSdkPathLog" value= "c:\temp\trace.log"/>

This can be useful to intercept any server-side errors that are not visible on the SDK client side.

## Class builder

Some properties that you may want to change in the future, are not static in Contacthub. For example, if you want to add new event types, or new enumeration values as a prefix to some properties. These definitions are available in a JSON schema, which is readily accessible with the REST API.

To make developer life easier, the SDK provides the required classes and enumerators for the schema, which are related to the customer base properties (basePropertiesClass.cs), events properties (eventPropertiesClass.cs) and events context properties (eventContextClass.cs). Events have additional properties for tracking data (google analitycs, etc). In trackingClass.cs there are related tracking classes.

You can automatically create the classes as required, by using the project that is available in the classBuilder folder.

To update the classes:

  • Open the project that is available in the classBuilder folder
  • Copy all generated files from bin/debug to /PropertiesClasses in the SDK project, overwriting the existing files
  • Rebuild the SDK project

All new files include a comment with the date of generation in the first line, as follows:

/* selfgenerated from version 30/01/2017 12:37:51 */


The real version number is not available at present (fixed value