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Contentstack is a headless CMS with an API-first approach. It is a CMS that developers can use to build powerful cross-platform applications in their favorite languages. Build your application frontend, and Contentstack will take care of the rest. Read More.

Contentstack DataSync MongoDB SDK

Contentstack DataSync provides MongoDB SDK to query applications that have locally stored contents in mongodb. Given below is the detailed guide and helpful resources to get started.


Note For optimal performance, we recommend that you add indexes on the following keys of your collections

  • _content_type_uid: 1
  • uid: 1
  • locale: 1
  • updated_at: -1


Property Type Default value Description
dbName string contentstack-persistent-db Optional The MongoDB database name
collection string contents Optional MongoDB database's collection names
url string mongodb://localhost:27017 Optional. The MongoDB connection URI
limit number 100 Optional. Caps the total no of objects returned in a single call
skip number 0 Optional. Number of objects skipped before the result is returned
indexes object see config below Optional. Option to create db indexes via configuration
projections object see config below Optional. Mongodb projections. Keys provided here would be displayed/filtered out when fetching the result
options object see config below Optional. MongoDB connection options Ref. for more info
referenceDepth number 2 Optional The default nested-reference-field depth that'd be considered when calling .includeReferences(). This can be overridden by passing a numerical argument to .includeReferences(4)

Config Overview

Here's an overview of the SDK's configurable properties

  contentStore: {
    collection: {
      asset: 'contents',
      entry: 'contents',
      schema: 'content_types',
    dbName: 'contentstack-db',
    indexes: {
      _content_type_uid: 1,
      locale: 1,
      uid: 1,
      updated_at: -1,
    limit: 100,
    locale: 'en-us',
    options: {
      autoReconnect: true,
      connectTimeoutMS: 15000,
      keepAlive: true,
      noDelay: true,
      reconnectInterval: 1000,
      reconnectTries: 20,
      useNewUrlParser: true,
    projections: {
      _content_type_uid: 0,
      _id: 0,
    referenceDepth: 2,
    skip: 0,
    url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',

Sample SDK Query

Here's a sample SDK query to get started.

Learn more on how to query using datasync-mongodb-sdk here.

import { Contentstack } from 'datasync-mongodb-sdk'
const Stack = Contentstack.Stack(config)

  .then(() => {
    return Stack.contentType('blog')
      .language('en-gb') // Optional. If not provided, defaults to en-us
      .queryReferences({'authors.firstName': 'R.R. Martin'})
      .then((result) => {
        // Your result would be
        // {
        //   entries: [...], // All entries, who's first name is R.R. Martin
        //   content_type_uid: 'blog',
        //   locale: 'es-es',
        //   content_type: {...}, // Blog content type's schema
        //   count: 3, // Total count of blog content type
        // }
  .catch((error) => {
    // handle errors..

Important: You need to call .connect(), to initiate SDK queries!

Once you have initialized the SDK, you can start querying on mongodb


  • Notes

    • By default, 'content_type_uid' and 'locale' keys as part of the response.
    • If .language() is not provided, then the 1st language, provided in config.defaultLocale would be considered.
    • If querying for a single entry/asset (using .entry() OR .findOne()), the result will be an object i.e. { entry: {} }, if the entry or asset is not found, { entry: null } will be returned.
    • Querying multiple entries, would return { entries: [ {...} ] }.
    • By default, all entry responses would include their referred assets. If .excludeReferences() is called, no references (including assets) would not be returned in the response.
  • Query a single entry

// Sample 1. Returns the 1st entry that matches query filters
  .entry() // OR .asset()
  .then((result) => {
    // Response
    // result = {
    //   entry: any | null,
    //   content_type_uid: string,
    //   locale: string,
    // }

// Sample 2. Returns the 1st entry that matches query filters
  .entries() // for .assets() 
  .then((result) => {
    // Response
    // result = {
    //   entry: any | null,
    //   content_type_uid: string,
    //   locale: string,
    // }
  • Querying a set of entries, assets or content types
  .entries() // for .assets() 
  .then((result) => {
    // Response
    // result = {
    //   entry: any | null,
    //   content_type_uid: string,
    //   count: number,
    //   locale: string,
    // }

Advanced Queries

In order to learn more about advance queries please refer the API documentation, here.

Further Reading

Support and Feature requests

If you have any issues working with the library, please file an issue here at Github.

You can send us an e-mail at if you have any support or feature requests. Our support team is available 24/7 on the intercom. You can always get in touch and give us an opportunity to serve you better!


This repository is published under the MIT license.