contour 0.1.0 prerelease 3
Changes since last prerelease
- windows installer does now contain
General Features
- Available on all 3 major platforms, Linux, OS/X, Windows.
- Emoji support (-: π π π πͺ :-)
- Font ligatures support (such as in Fira Code).
- Bold and italic fonts
- GPU-accelerated rendering.
- Vertical Line Markers (quickly jump to markers in your history!)
- Blurred behind transparent background when using Windows 10 or KDE window manager on Linux.
- Runtime configuration reload
- 256-color and Truecolor support
- Key binding customization
- Color Schemes
- Profiles (grouped customization of: color scheme, login shell, and related behaviours)
- Clickable hyperlinks via OSC 8
- Sixel inline images