<a name"0.3.0">
0.3.0 (2016-11-17)
Bug Fixes
- browsochrones: Change inputs to work with the new browsochrones (12e9b34f)
- dependencies: Correct out of date dependencies in yarn.lock (1f3ac923)
- scroll: Make dock's box-sizing border-box. (ccf55d17)
- deps: Update to latest mastarm, woonerf, browsochrones, and transitive (00d70b22)
- fetch: Remove unused files. Add action logs for everything. DeepEqualify. (1dea8fcf)
- mastarm: Use mastarm react bootstrapping files. (754f6467)
- origins: Only show destination select when origin is filled. (473fe837)
- spinner: Show the loading indicator whenever browsochrones is doing work. (f8065d10)