We're finally releasing 1.0! There are a ton of new updates to login-fire and here are some key highlights:
- Hybrid elements!
- Handling accessibility
- Internationalization
- Simple customization (CSS and text)
- Federated authentication scope specification
- Show/Hide password options for email address + password authentication
The API is different now, so check out the documentation to find out what you need to change. We believe this update makes things a lot simpler for you and are looking forward to your feedback.
Huge thanks to @masonlouchart for the amazing work he's done spearheading this release, from refactoring the code to adding a ton of features to reviewing PRs and adding documentation. He's done it all. Thanks Mason!
Also, thanks to all our contributors who made some awesome PRs and are shaping login-fire as it is today:
@Oupsla and @Protoss78 thank you so much!