Newest Technique: First time installation as root on ubuntu 16 or above.
All in one line BUT replace the XXXXX with your private key
cd;apt install -y git screen;echo 'masternodeprivkey=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'>pk_vivo_1.txt;git clone;screen -dmS new_screen bash;screen -S new_screen -p 0 -X exec /root/vpsVIVO/ vivo 1
Installs a vivo masternode using an ip4. It will build the masternode from source. It will run as a service and will be restarted if the vps is restarted.
Copy the line below into notepad and after modyfying it, run the entire line as root. As root, you can run the following command in one line but replace the xxx s with your private key.
The vps script will run for 15 minutes and disconnect your ssh session. Putty will show a disconnect error. That means the machine is rebooting. You can restart another session if you want to check the vps.
Meanwhile set up your cold wallet, the masternode.conf file on your windows machine (if that is where your cold wallet is at).
After the server has rebooted, you will need to start the alias on the cold wallet.
The conf file is located at: /etc/masternodes/vivo_n1.conf
Executables like vivod are in: /usr/local/bin
Data directory is in: /var/lib/masternodes/vivo1
To do an individual run of sentinel: /root/
To do a getinfo: /usr/local/bin/vivo-cli -conf=/etc/masternodes/vivo_n1.conf getinfo
99 percent of the time, a problem is because of invalid private key or a mistake on the the cold wallet (the controlling wallet).
To see if the deamon is running: service vivo_n1 status
Or you can look at top and see if vivod exists in the list
To start the deamon: service vivo_n1 start
If it does not start, to trouble shoot the "starting":
/sbin/runuser -l masternode -c '/usr/local/bin/vivod -daemon -pid=/var/lib/masternodes/vivo1/ -conf=/etc/masternodes/vivo_n1.conf -datadir=/var/lib/masternodes/vivo1'
Look at the output
If you have made a mistake with your privatekey, nano conf=/etc/masternodes/vivo_n1.conf Go the the bottom and fix it control x to save and then type in reboot That will restart everything.
TO REINDEX: (one single line below)
service vivo_n1 stop;/sbin/runuser -l masternode -c '/usr/local/bin/vivod -reindex -pid=/var/lib/masternodes/vivo1/ -conf=/etc/masternodes/vivo_n1.conf -datadir=/var/lib/masternodes/vivo1'