BrainzBot is a .fmbot inspired discord bot for ListenBrainz. You can add it to your server using this link
Have any questions or just want to try out the bot? Join the discord server here!
This bot was created mostly as a way for me to get motivation and grow more consistant with learning how to code.
- Download and install node.js if you don't already have it.
- Clone/download this repo and go into the folder.
git clone
- Install the node dependencies.
npm install
- Fill out .env.example and config.json.example, then rename them to .env and config.json respectively.
- Required fields (.env only)
- TOKEN - you need to create a Discord Developer Application
- DATABASE_URL - MongoDB database, either self-hosted or through atlas.
- LISTENBRAINZ_TOKEN - Your own ListenBrainz Token
- Required fields (.env only)
- Run the bot!
npm run start
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.