Flast_PyJWT is a flask extension for adding authentication and authorization via JWT tokens. Routes can be decorated to require JWT auth or refresh tokens, and can require the presence of additional claims and their values.
Flask_PyJWT can be installed with pip
pip install Flask_PyJWT
A python version of 3.8 or higher is officially supported. Other versions of Python 3.x may work, but have not been tested.
Currently, only Flask 1.1.x is officially supported. Flask 2.x may work, but has not been tested.
Documentation is hosted by Read the Docs.
You can find documentation for Flask_PyJWT at https://flask-pyjwt.readthedocs.io/
Flask_PyJWT's configuration variables are read from the Flask app's config and start with the prefix "JWT_".
): The issuer of JWTs. Usually your website/API's name.
): The type of auth to use for your JWTs (HMACSHA256, HMACSHA512, RSA256, RSA512).
Accepted Values:
- HS256
- HS512
- RS256
- RS512
| bytes
): The secret key or RSA private key to sign JWTs with.
is HS256 or HS512, a str
is required.
is RS256 or RS512, a bytes
encoded RSA private key is required.
): The maximum time, in seconds, that an auth JWT is considered valid.
): The maximum time, in seconds, that a refresh JWT is considered valid.
| bytes
): The RSA public key used to verify JWTs with, if the JWT_AUTHTYPE
is set to RS256 or RS512.
from Flask import flask, request
from Flask_PyJWT import auth_manager, current_token, require_token
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["JWT_ISSUER"] = "Flask_PyJWT" # Issuer of tokens
app.config["JWT_AUTHTYPE"] = "HS256" # HS256, HS512, RS256, or RS512
app.config["JWT_SECRET"] = "SECRETKEY" # string for HS256/HS512, bytes (RSA Private Key) for RS256/RS512
app.config["JWT_AUTHMAXAGE"] = 3600
app.config["JWT_REFRESHMAXAGE"] = 604800
auth_manager = AuthManager(app)
# Create auth and refresh tokens with the auth_manager object
@app.route("/login", METHODS=["POST"])
def post_token():
username = request.form["username"]
password = request.form["password"]
# Some user authentication via username/password
if not valid_login(username, password):
return {"error": "Invalid login credentials"}, 401
# Retrieve some authorizations the user has, such as {"admin": True}
authorizations = get_user_authorizations(username)
# Create the auth and refresh tokens
auth_token = auth_manager.auth_token(username, authorizations)
refresh_token = auth_manager.refresh_token(username)
return {
"auth_token": auth_token.signed,
"refresh_token": refresh_token.signed
}, 200
# Protect routes by requiring auth tokens
def protected_route():
return {"message": "You've reached the protected route!"}, 200
# Provision new auth tokens by requiring refresh tokens
@app.route("/refresh", method=["POST"])
def refresh_token_route():
username = current_token.sub
# Retrieve some authorizations the user has, such as {"admin": True}
authorizations = get_user_authorizations(username)
new_auth_token = auth_manager.auth_token(username, authorizations)
return {
"auth_token": new_auth_token.signed
}, 200
# Require specific claims in auth or refresh tokens
# to match a route's rule variables
def user_specific_route(username):
return {"message": f"Hello, {username}!"}, 200
# Require arbitrary claims in auth or refresh tokens
@require_token(custom_claim="Arbitrary Required Value")
def custom_claim_route():
return {"message": "You've reached the custom claim route!"}, 200
# Require authorizations to be present in an auth token's scope
@require_token(scope={"admin": True})
def admin_dashboard():
return {"message": f"Hello admin!"}
# Access the current token's information using current_token
def extract_token_info():
return {
"token_type": current_token.token_type,
"subject": current_token.sub,
"scope": current_token.scope,
"claims": current_token.claims,
"is_signed": current_token.is_signed()
"signed_token": current_token.signed,
# Require authorization to be present in an auth token's scope or claims, but
# with the option to override those values with other claims
@require_token(sub="username", override={"admin": True})
def overridable_route():
is_admin = current_token.claims.get("admin")
return {"message": f"Hello, {'admin' if is_admin else username}!"}, 200