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Igor Strebezhev edited this page May 20, 2017 · 2 revisions


<call val="Goal"><unit/></call>


  • If there is a goal. shelvedGoals and abandonedGoals have the same structure as the first set of (current/foreground) goals. backgroundGoals contains a list of pairs of lists of goals (list ((list Goal)*(list Goal))); it represents a "focus stack" (see code for reference). Each time a proof is focused, it will add a new pair of lists-of-goals. The first pair is the most nested set of background goals, the last pair is the top level set of background goals. The first list in the pair is in reverse order. Each time you focus the goal (e.g. using Focus or a bullet), a new pair will be prefixed to the list.
<value val="good">
  <option val="some">
    <!-- current goals -->
    <!-- `backgroundGoals` -->
        <list><goal />...</list>
        <list><goal />...</list>

For example, this script:

Goal P -> (1=1/\2=2) /\ (3=3 /\ (4=4 /\ 5=5) /\ 6=6) /\ 7=7.
split; split. (* current visible goals are [1=1, 2=2, 3=3/\(4=4/\5=5)/\6=6, 7=7] *)
Focus 3. (* focus on 3=3/\(4=4/\5=5)/\6=6; bg-before: [1=1, 2=2], bg-after: [7=7] *)
split; [ | split ]. (* current visible goals are [3=3, 4=4/\5=5, 6=6] *)
Focus 2. (* focus on 4=4/\5=5; bg-before: [3=3], bg-after: [6=6] *)
* (* focus again on 4=4/\5=5; bg-before: [], bg-after: [] *)
split. (* current visible goals are [4=4,5=5] *)

should generate the following goals structure:

goals: [ P|-4=4, P|-5=5 ]
  ( [], [] ), (* bullet with one goal has no before or after background goals *)
  ( [ P|-3=3 ], [ P|-6=6 ] ), (* Focus 2 *)
  ( [ P|-2=2, P|-1=1 ], [ P|-7=7 ] ) (* Focus 3; notice that 1=1 and 2=2 are reversed *)

Pseudocode for listing all of the goals in order: rev (flat_map fst background) ++ goals ++ flat_map snd background.

  • No goal:
<value val="good"><option val="none"/></value>
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