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edits custom wf
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thomas-lamiaux committed Jun 20, 2024
1 parent 0f0c509 commit 169591a
Showing 1 changed file with 49 additions and 24 deletions.
73 changes: 49 additions & 24 deletions src/Tutorial_Equations_wf.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -388,8 +388,15 @@ Qed.
call to be smaller.
Moreover, [<lex] is well-founded as soon as [<A] and [<B] are.
A classical example where it is useful, is to define the Ackerman function.
Indeed, is terminating as the recursive call are all smaller for the
A classical example where it is useful, is to define the Ackerman:

Fail Equations ack (m n : nat) : nat :=
ack 0 n := S n;
ack (S m) 0 := ack m 1;
ack (S m) (S n) := ack m (ack (S m) n).

(** Indeed, is terminating as the recursive call are all smaller for the
lexicographic order, which is essential to deal with the last case:
- [(m,0) <lex (S m, 0)] as [m < S m]
- [(m, ack (S m) n) <lex (S m, S n)] as [m < S m]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,31 +478,53 @@ Qed.
Module LinearSearch.

Context (f : nat -> bool).
Context (h : exists n : nat, f n = true).
Context (h : exists m : nat, f m = true).

(** Knowing there is an [n : nat] such that [f n = true], we would like to
(** Knowing there exists an [m : nat] such that [f m = true], we would like to
actually compute one.
Intuitively, we should be able to just try them one by one starting from 0
until we find one, and it should terminate as we know there exists one.
However, it is not clear which classical measure or order to use to
justify this idea. We will hence use a custom one.
We define a relation [R : nat -> nat -> nat] such that [n] is "smaller" than
"m" when [n = 1 + m] and that all booleans before [m] are [false],
i.e [forall k, k <= m -> f k = false].
until we find one, and it should terminate as we know there exists a [m] such
that [f m = true].
However, it is not clear which classical measure or relation to use to
formalise this intuition. We will hence use a custom relation [R n m].
We want to distinguish whether [n < m] or [m <= n]:
- When [m <= n], we do not care about [Acc n] as we are supposed to have already found [m].
As we know that [f m = true], to discard these cases automatically, we add
[forall k, k <= m -> f k = false] to the relation to get [f m = false].
- By the previous point, we know that [Acc m].
Consequently, to prove [Acc n] when [n < m], we want to reason by induction
on [k := m - n]. To do so, we add [n = S m] to the relation.
This gives us the following relation and proof of our intuition:

Definition R n m := (forall k, k <= m -> f k = false) /\ n = S m.

(** Knowing that the previous booleans have been [false] enables us to prove
that [R] is well-founded when combined with [h].
We omit the proof here because it is a bit long, and not very interesting
for our purpose.
Lemma wf_R_m_le m (h : f m = true) : forall n, m <= n -> Acc R n.
intros n H. constructor. intros ? [h' ?].
specialize (h' m ltac:(auto)).

Lemma wf_R_lt_m m (h : f m = true) : forall n, n < m -> Acc R n.
intros n H. assert (Acc R m) by (eapply wf_R_m_le; eauto).
rewrite <- (Nat.sub_add n m ltac:(lia)) in *.
set (k := m - n) in *; clearbody k. clear h H.
induction k.
- easy.
- apply IHk. constructor. intros ? [? ->]. assumption.

(** We can now prove that the realtion is well-founded: *)
Lemma wf_R : (exists n : nat, f n = true) -> well_founded R.
intros [m h] n. destruct (le_lt_dec m n).
- eapply wf_R_m_le; eassumption.
- eapply wf_R_lt_m; eassumption.

(** Having proven it is well-founded, we declare it as an instance of the database
[WellFounded] so that [Equations] can find it automatically when using the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -613,7 +642,7 @@ Notation "x 'eqn:' p" := (exist _ x p) (only parsing, at level 20).
to fill.

#[tactic="idtac"] Equations f_sequence (a : A) : list A by wf a lt :=
#[tactic="idtac"] Equations? f_sequence (a : A) : list A by wf a lt :=
f_sequence a with inspect (f a) := {
| Some p eqn: eq1 => p :: f_sequence p;
| None eqn:_ => List.nil
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -657,12 +686,8 @@ eqList [] [] _ := true;
eqList (a::l) (a'::l') eq := andb (eq a a') (eqList l l' eq);
eqList _ _ _ := false.

(** Having define an equality test on list, we would like to define an equality
test on RoseTree.
For technical reasons, the straigthforward definition is not accepted by Coq
before Coq v8.20, so we need well-founded recursion on the size of RoseTress
to define the equality test.
if you are using a subsequent version, assume you need it for pedagogical purposes.
(** For pedagogical purposes, having define an equality test on list, we would
like to define an equality test on RoseTree using well-founded recursion.
If we try to define the equality test naively as below, [Equations] generates
the obligation [sizeRT l < 1 + list_sum (map sizeRT lt)] corresponding to
Expand Down

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