This repository contains rendered templates from core-platform-software-templates repository.
Every time any template is changed render-templates.yaml
workflow is triggered.
This workflow will render all templates, commit the changes and run the whole P2P for updated templates.
Here is a quick diagram describing with an example of the process:
actor C as Client
participant ST as core-platform-software-templates
box core-platform-reference-applications
participant RT as render-templates.yaml
participant P2P as p2p.yaml
C ->> ST: Update 'go-web' template
ST ->> RT: Trigger workflow
RT ->> RT: Render all templates
RT ->> RT: Push updates for 'go-web' template
RT ->> P2P: Trigger workflow for 'go-web'
Hence, changes to applications are happening automatically and any application update made directly to this repository will be overwritten. If you want to update an application, please make a PR to core-platform-software-templates repository.
Prerequisite: it is assumed that you have corectl
installed and initialized.
Read more about corectl
You can fork this repository to your organization and use it as a starting point for your own applications.
The only thing you need to do to make P2P work properly for your organization is to run:
corectl p2p env sync <your-repository> <your-tenant>
This will use configuration from your environments to prepare your repository for P2P.
In addition, it's recommended that you also delete workflows which are used to maintain this repository:
rm .github/workflows/render-template.yaml .github/workflows/p2p.yaml
git commit -m "Delete maintaining workflows"
git push
These are used to render templates. Should be deleted after forking.
- render-template.yaml -
fetches all the templates from core-platform-software-templates repo,
renders it and collect ids of changed templates.
For each changed template, it calls
. - p2p.yaml - runs the whole Path To Production (P2P) in one go.
These workflows are supposed to be used after forking the repository.
- fast-feedback.yaml, extended-test.yaml, prod.yaml - run certain P2P stage for a given application.
- matrix-fast-feedback.yaml, matrix-extended-test.yaml, matrix-prod.yaml - generate matrix of applications to be handled for a certain P2P stage. matrix-extended-test.yaml and matrix-prod.yaml are triggered on schedule or manual call. matrix-fast-feedback.yaml is triggered on push to main to on PRs. only runs for applications that have changed.
- find-lifecycles.yaml -
helper workflow to find all lifecycles in the repository.
Lifecycles are used to generate matrix to be handled by
workflows. Conceptually, lifecycles represent a unit of software which should have a separate P2P lifecycle, typically a single application. Directory is considered to contain a lifecycle if it has Makefile with P2P targets.