Implementation of Bayesian Optimization (BO) with Gaussian Process (GP) surrogates based on GPFlow
and trieste
This code is for constrained global optimization, that attempts to find the minimum value of a black-box function in a given number of iterations. More on the algorithm of BO can be found here.
This repository focuses on constrained BO, where the constraints are black-box functions as well. To learn the unknown feasible region, each constraint is modelled using a separate (GP).
This technique is particularly suited for optimization of functions, situations where the balance between exploration and exploitation is important. An unknown constraint could be the run-time of a machine learning of which the hyperparameters are being tuned.
See below for a quick guide on how to use the software.
from import Space
from constrained_bo import ConstrainedBO
from examples import Ackley
# define the problem
bench = Ackley()
space = Space(bench.bounds)
# generate some initial samples
n_init = 8
init_X = Space(space).rvs(random_state=1, n_samples=n_init)
# define optimizer
optimizer = ConstrainedBO(optimization_problem=bench,
# run the optimization
result = optimizer.minimize(n_calls=40, verbose=True)