Releases: cornyhorse-tuis/sshaman
Fixed a bug where creating configurations via the CLI was causing configurations to have not-yet-implemented features populate, breaking workflow. Removed the not implemented error and am falling back on failing silently.
Fixed issue in TUI where selection required an enter keypress, followed by one of S or C to connect via SFTP or SSH, respectively. New behavior is that if you are hovering over a node and press "c", it will select the node and then connect, so only one keypress is required.
Full Changelog: 0.1.1...0.1.2
New Features
- Identity file support added to both CLI and TUI
To add an identity file, you can now specify -i flag in the CLI. It will default to using the id_rsa in the users home directory. You may also supply a complete path to the file.
- Port forwarding added
You may specify an arbitrary number of ports to forward, using the standard format that ssh provides, e.g.:
80:localhost:8081 will forward "localhost:8081" on the remote machine to port 80 on the machine you are running the command from.
The CLI accepts the flag multiple times, so you can do:
-fp '80:localhost:8081' -fp '81:localhost:8080' # etc. etc.
- Explicitly declared start commands and password to not yet be implemented. There are now safeguards from adding this via the CLI and if you try to invoke a file that has either of these configurations, it will actively reject working. I'm thinking about adding a flag that will let it silently fail, but I thought it better to not do that because I might not ever add support for these features. It turns out invoking ceases working when you invoke an SSH command over it, so I don't know the feasibility of it. And with SSH, there is no built in command for accepting passwords; I could potentially use the "expect" but that opens up a ton of variability and complexity for something that generally speaking is insecure.
This is the initial release of the application. It is still very much an alpha. Some of the tests are incomplete and it lacks many features that I would like to add.