This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 20, 2023. It is now read-only.
Bug Fixes
- Adapt CollapsingToolbarLayout to end at half height (EXPOSUREAPP-12346) #5065
- Travelbutton wrongly active (EXPOSUREAPP-12659) #5071
- Fix Menu color (EXPOSUREAPP-11515) #5084
- Fix booster badge for PL & UK languages (EXPOSUREAPP-12777) #5100
- Improve performance of certificate censor (EXPOSUREAPP-12459) #5101
- Fix: Wrong time format in print Certificate(EXPOSUREAPP-12046) #5115
- Certificate Overview UI Fix (DEV) #5108
- FIX: Low risk with exposures shows wrong details (EXPOSUREAPP-12845) #5111
- Swipe to delete for certificates (EXPOSUREAPP-11224) #5096
- Navigation on back press in submission flow (EXPOSUREAPP-12904) #5125
- Fix certificate deletion app crash (EXPOSUREAPP-12875) #5103
- Broken UI after deleted test (EXPOSUREAPP-12938) #5129
- Certificate details missing (EXPOSUREAPP-12934) #5135
- FIX: global layout listener in PersonDetailsFragment (DEV) #5137
- FIX: reduce app crashes when cert error (EXPOSUREAPP-12872,12873,12874) #5138
- FIX: No red badge at ‘Hinweis zur Auffrischimpfung’ (EXPOSUREAPP-12966) #5139
- Add case for not attached dcc in FamilyTest (EXPOSUREAPP-12941) #5143
New Features
- Support rapid test profile for family members (EXPOSUREAPP-12456) #5045, #5054, #5048, #5074, #5077, #5082, #5098, #5106
- Adjust Info Screen to announce new Release-Features for 2.22 (EXPOSUREAPP-12651) #5095
- User overview: Support a third certificate (EXPOSUREAPP-12062) #5085
- Support revocation of single certificates (EXPOSUREAPP-12455) #5037, #5122
- Adjust negative RAT test screen (EXPOSUREAPP-12933) #5132
Text Changes
- Translation Delivery #5083, #5105, #5133, #5142
- Changes for Schnelltest-Profil (EXPOSUREAPP-12885, EXPOSUREAPP-12923) #5117
- Corrected Spelling (EXPOSUREAPP-12923) #5126
- Changed rat_profile_open_card_title to plural form (EXPOSUREAPP-12923) #5127
- Typo "faq zur druckversion" (EXPOSUREAPP-12947) #5131
Others / Chore
- Adapt screenshots to not show unplanned feature (EXPOSUREAPP-12726) #5097
- Reduce logs (DEV) #5102
- Cleanup profile files (DEV) #5116
- screenshot fix (DEV) #5121
- Profile screenshots (EXPOSUREAPP-12673) #5093
- Improved logging / censoring / minor improvements (DEV) #5128
- FIX: remove unused error codes to fix translation delivery (DEV) #5134