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Exposure logs duplicates #1475

Enib80 opened this issue Nov 8, 2020 · 22 comments

Exposure logs duplicates #1475

Enib80 opened this issue Nov 8, 2020 · 22 comments
bug Something isn't working mirrored-to-jira This item is also tracked internally in JIRA question Further information is requested


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Enib80 commented Nov 8, 2020

I have installed the latest version of the CWA app. However this does not help to manually activate the "Update" even when all parameters are set (-> hintergrundaktualisierung).
My question:

  1. Does it mean that the app stops to register keys from the moment it would regularly be updated. And there is a gap until it is updated again?

  2. on 7.11.2020 I received following updated (See attachment). What does that mean? It seems weird having to updates at the same time. Does this mean I had on Friday 7.11.2020 14 low risk contacts with 14 different people? Or can that be a duplicate? On that day I did only passed by 5 people in a shop. Alltogether I was only 20 minutes in the shop. Thus I am wondering whether the contacts can also come from neighbours. And I wonder whether the same contact will be counted twice or more often.

  3. I backed up my iphone on icloud and migrated to a new iphone. I was wondering whether the history of the CWA app is migrated, too. But it isn't or wasn't. Is there an option to migrate the history manually?

  4. If I have several devices with the same Apple -ID. Or if I use one device with several Apple-IDs (from family). What impact does it have on the CWA exposure log?

Thank you very much for clarifying.


Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3682 Duplicate/Obsolete

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3664

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Ein-Tim commented Nov 8, 2020


Does it mean that the app stops to register keys from the moment it would regularly be updated. And there is a gap until it is updated again?

The App will still send and recive keys from other devices, but there are no new Keys (from positive people) downloaded from the Server until the check is succesfull.

on 7.11.2020 I received following updated (See attachment). What does that mean? It seems weird having to updates at the same time. Does this mean I had on Friday 7.11.2020 14 low risk contacts with 14 different people? Or can that be a duplicate? On that day I did only passed by 5 people in a shop. Alltogether I was only 20 minutes in the shop. Thus I am wondering whether the contacts can also come from neighbours. And I wonder whether the same contact will be counted twice or more often.

The App you are using it not an offical App, so maybe there is an bug in it. @felixlen is maintaining it, maybe he could take a look at this. I'm not totally in it, but for me it looks like that this is an Issue in the site, because it's one "Schlüsseldatei" and the same date so it should not show 2 different entrys for one day. Could you post a screenshot form your CWA here? Thanks!

I backed up my iphone on icloud and migrated to a new iphone. I was wondering whether the history of the CWA app is migrated, too. But it isn't or wasn't. Is there an option to migrate the history manually?

No, thats unfortunately not possible.

If I have several devices with the same Apple -ID. Or if I use one device with several Apple-IDs (from family). What impact does it have on the CWA exposure log?

This has no impact, Data from the Exposure Notification Framework is not synced via iCloud. See #1234 (comment)

@heinezen heinezen transferred this issue from corona-warn-app/cwa-website Nov 8, 2020
@heinezen heinezen added bug Something isn't working question Further information is requested and removed bug Something isn't working labels Nov 8, 2020
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Ein-Tim commented Nov 8, 2020

Just one question from me @Enib80

What do you mean with:

I have installed the latest version of the CWA app. However this does not help to manually activate the "Update" even when all parameters are set (-> hintergrundaktualisierung).

Are Checks not done even if you have the App opened? Or are Background checks not running reliable?

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Enib80 commented Nov 9, 2020 via email

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Enib80 commented Nov 9, 2020 via email

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Ein-Tim commented Nov 9, 2020

Okay thanks for the Information,I would love to take a deeper look into this, could you please share your Exposure Logs & an Screenshot of the App here so I can see what exactly is happening?
The Exposure Log does not contain any sensible data.

How to export Exposure Notificaiton Logs (iOS)


Einstellungen ➡️ Begegnungsmitteilungen ➡️ Status von Begegnungsaufzeichnungen ➡️ Begegnungsüberprüfungen ➡️ Überprüfungen exportieren


Settings ➡️ Exposure Notifications ➡️ Exosure Logging Status ➡️ Exposure Checks ➡️ Export Exposure Checks

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Enib80 commented Nov 9, 2020


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Ein-Tim commented Nov 9, 2020

Okay interesting, thanks.
Maybe @daimpi could also take a look at this just too ensure that I don't get anything wrong here.

The Hash DF09694A302A2C2EA8A7709C32AC7EC117B11A1092951124ED2DC287750FCCAD was first downloaded at 07.11.20. There no matches were found. Already on the 07.11.20 the Hash was downloaded twice & both Hashes contained 7 matches. Then on 08.11.20 there was no check, but on 09.11.20 there was a check which downloaded the Hash twice (again). Also in This Check the Number of Matches is 7.
This is definitely not how it should be. I would trust the Number of Encounters in CWA, so you had 7 encounters.

Two more questions:

  1. When did you update to iOS 14.1? Before or after the 07.11.20?
  2. Could you please update to iOS 14.2 and do a check and share your log again? (The next Check will earliest be possible tomorrow in the early morning)

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Enib80 commented Nov 9, 2020

I updated it I think at least two weeks ago. The check on 7.11 was at 23 o'clock. Already then the two same strings there reported. There is no check yesterday, because it did not do it automatically. .

Does it mean that the encounters have been at the same day? Or can it be, that the 7 encounters can be anytime in the past and this is due to the fact that the testing facilities do a mass upload of their test result?

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Ein-Tim commented Nov 9, 2020

Does it mean that the encounters have been at the same day?

Could be, but also could not be. You can only definitely tell if the Encounters start to disappear, then they are older than 14 days.

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Ein-Tim commented Nov 9, 2020

@thomasaugsten Would you like to jump in here since the App is definetly not working correctly (downloaded the same Hash twice)?

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daimpi commented Nov 10, 2020

@Ein-Tim, @Enib80

Looking at your EN log checks have been performed pretty consistently before the Nov 07.

Date No. of checks performed
26. Okt 14
27. Okt 14
28. Okt 14
29. Okt 14
30. Okt 14
31. Okt 14
02. Nov 14
03. Nov 14
04. Nov 14
05. Nov 14
06. Nov 14
07. Nov 16
09. Nov 15

14 checks per day as expected.

But then on the Nov. 07. There are two packages which are each checked twice:

          "Hash" : "DF09694A302A2C2EA8A7709C32AC7EC117B11A1092951124ED2DC287750FCCAD",
          "MatchCount" : 7,
          "KeyCount" : 29195,
          "AppBundleIdentifier" : "de.rki.coronawarnapp",
          "Timestamp" : "2020-11-07 23:28:14 +0100"
          "Hash" : "DF09694A302A2C2EA8A7709C32AC7EC117B11A1092951124ED2DC287750FCCAD",
          "MatchCount" : 7,
          "KeyCount" : 29195,
          "AppBundleIdentifier" : "de.rki.coronawarnapp",
          "Timestamp" : "2020-11-07 23:28:13 +0100"

(This is the package which contains the diagnosis keys (DKs) which caused the 7 encounters)

And the other package:

          "Hash" : "1068092B709B3F06B1B2F6FB069158F4EFC6AEF43745EA950B727C7BCFBC3B53",
          "MatchCount" : 0,
          "KeyCount" : 14422,
          "AppBundleIdentifier" : "de.rki.coronawarnapp",
          "Timestamp" : "2020-11-07 23:28:03 +0100"
          "Hash" : "1068092B709B3F06B1B2F6FB069158F4EFC6AEF43745EA950B727C7BCFBC3B53",
          "MatchCount" : 0,
          "KeyCount" : 14422,
          "AppBundleIdentifier" : "de.rki.coronawarnapp",
          "Timestamp" : "2020-11-07 23:28:02 +0100"

Which was also submitted twice to the Exposure Notification Framework (ENF) but doesn't contain any matches.

Then checks are missing on the 08th and on the 09th the package with the matches is again submitted twice to ENF (and the two submission are again separated by one second between them):

          "Hash" : "DF09694A302A2C2EA8A7709C32AC7EC117B11A1092951124ED2DC287750FCCAD",
          "MatchCount" : 7,
          "KeyCount" : 29195,
          "AppBundleIdentifier" : "de.rki.coronawarnapp",
          "Timestamp" : "2020-11-09 03:30:05 +0100"
          "Hash" : "DF09694A302A2C2EA8A7709C32AC7EC117B11A1092951124ED2DC287750FCCAD",
          "MatchCount" : 7,
          "KeyCount" : 29195,
          "AppBundleIdentifier" : "de.rki.coronawarnapp",
          "Timestamp" : "2020-11-09 03:30:04 +0100"

@Enib80 your CWA is showing 7 encounters, right? That should be correct, but why there are multiple submissions of the same package to ENF on the same day is beyond me and doesn't sound like it's working as intended tbh.

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We will check why the same key file is passed twice in the ENF

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if I use one device with several Apple-IDs (from family). What impact does it have on the CWA exposure log?

@Enib80 This question should also be answered by the dev team (or even by Apple?).
To rephrase: is the ENF aware of this family usage? Does it collect separate databases of RPI (contacts) per user? Which does it use while no one is logged in?


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ndegendogo commented Nov 11, 2020

If I have several devices with the same Apple -ID

@Enib80 if you don't carry both with you all the time, of course they will pick up different RPI / contacts. Both will perform checking, independently.

See also "Wie teile ich ein positives Testergebnis auf mehreren Geräten?" in the FAQ

@dsarkar dsarkar added bug Something isn't working mirrored-to-jira This item is also tracked internally in JIRA labels Nov 11, 2020
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dsarkar commented Nov 11, 2020

Hi @Enib80, @thomasaugsten, and community,

This issue is internally tracked:

Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3682 Duplicate/Obsolete
Internal Tracking ID: EXPOSUREAPP-3664

Best wishes,

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

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Ein-Tim commented Nov 11, 2020


I know you want these questions to be answered by the Devs but just if you wanna have a quick answer I will share my personal opinion:

To rephrase: is the ENF aware of this family usage? Does it collect separate databases of RPI (contacts) per user? Which does it use while no one is logged in?

I don't think that the ENF is aware of any family usage. Even if it would be it is not important since the UX of CWA does not support something like this. All Encounters recorded by the ENF, no matter which (or if an) AppleID is signed in, will be shown in the App.

And if you change the AppleID on your iPhone the Encounters in CWA will stay the Same.

Still I think this is a good question and important to be answered by someone official 🙂

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Ein-Tim commented Nov 16, 2020

I also experience this Issue (thx @ndegendogo for the hint):

On the 15.11. and also on the 14.11. the Hash 54EB693E49198CB491546099297CEAC3A12E32D0A6D78DB619B2CD86E84ACD66 is always downloaded 2 times.
(You can ignore that there are so many checks on the same day, I tested something (#1514))

@thomasaugsten Are you able to reproduce this?

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Enib80 commented Nov 16, 2020 via email

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@Enib80 the strings that you see in your log files are the hash values of the DEK key files that you dowloaded. Everybody here gets the same files.

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Ein-Tim commented Nov 16, 2020

And about:

CWA app is updating and creating a log whenever I open the the app - although several times a day.

This is, at the moment with 1.6.1, intended, see: #1514 (comment)

Whereas on the other device, the CWA updates only once per day.

Which version of CWA is this device running?

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dsarkar commented Dec 7, 2020

HI @Enib80, @ndegendogo, @Ein-Tim, dear community,

This issue was fixed and should not occur again. For a couple of days we will keep this issue open for feedback before closing it.

Best wishes,

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

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dsarkar commented Dec 9, 2020

Dear @Ein-Tim, @ndegendogo, @Enib8, and community

Thank you for your contributions. This issue will be closed now. Re-open if necessary!
Best wishes,

Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team

@dsarkar dsarkar closed this as completed Dec 9, 2020
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