dotnet add package Core.Arango
- .NET Standard 2.0, 2.1, .NET 8 and .NET 9 driver for ArangoDB 3.11+
- LINQ support (WIP)
- Newtonsoft.Json and System.Text.Json serialization support with PascalCase and camelCase options
- Updates from anonymous types supported as (Id, Key, Revision, From, To) properties are translated to (_id, _key, _rev, _from, _to)
- This means these property names are reserved and cannot be used for something else (e.g. "To" property in email collection)
This driver has various extensions available.
Extension | Nuget | Command |
Core.Arango.Migration | dotnet add package Core.Arango.Migration | |
Core.Arango.DataProtection | dotnet add package Core.Arango.DataProtection | |
Core.Arango.DevExtreme | dotnet add package Core.Arango.DevExtreme | |
Core.Arango.Serilog | dotnet add package Core.Arango.Serilog |
Realm optionally prefixes all further database handles (e.g. "myproject-database")
Context is completely thread-safe and can be shared for your whole application
// from connection string var arango = new ArangoContext("Server=http://localhost:8529;Realm=myproject;User=root;Password=;"); // from connection string - NO_AUTH var arango = new ArangoContext("Server=http://localhost:8529;"); // from connection string with PascalCase serialization var arango = new ArangoContext("Server=http://localhost:8529;Realm=myproject;User=root;Password=;", new ArangoConfiguration { Serializer = new ArangoJsonSerializer(new ArangoJsonDefaultPolicy()) });
For AspNetCore DI extension is available:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // add with connection string services.AddArango(Configuration.GetConnectionString("Arango")); // or add with custom configuration services.AddArango((sp, config) => { config.ConnectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("Arango"); config.Serializer = new ArangoJsonSerializer(new ArangoJsonDefaultPolicy()); var logger = sp.GetRequiredService<ILogger<Startup>>(); config.QueryProfile = (query, bindVars, stats) => { var boundQuery = query; // replace parameters with bound values foreach (var p in bindVars.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key.Length)) boundQuery = boundQuery.Replace("@" + p.Key, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(p.Value)); logger.LogInformation(boundQuery); } }); }
[ApiController] [Route("api/demo")] public class DemoController : Controller { private readonly IArangoContext _arango; public DemoController(IArangoContext arango) { _arango = arango; } }
The specific serializer can be configured on setting the Arango configuration when creating the context.
Supported serializer:
Microsoft System.Text.Json
using Core.Arango.Serialization.Json; // Specify with PascalCase Serializer = new ArangoJsonSerializer(new ArangoJsonDefaultPolicy()); // Specify with camelCase Serializer = new ArangoJsonSerializer(new ArangoJsonCamelCasePolicy());
using Core.Arango.Serialization.Newtonsoft; // Specify with PascalCase Serializer = new ArangoNewtonsoftSerializer(new ArangoNewtonsoftDefaultContractResolver()) // Specify with CamelCase Serializer = new ArangoNewtonsoftSerializer(new ArangoNewtonsoftCamelCaseContractResolver())
Microsoft System.Text.Json
using Core.Arango.Serialization.Json; // Model example: uses DateTimeOffset private class DateTimeOffsetEntity { public DateTimeOffset A { get; set; } public DateTimeOffset B { get; set; } } // Define serializer on Arango context Serializer = new ArangoJsonSerializer(new ArangoJsonDefaultPolicy()) { UseTimestamps = true // Serialize DateTime / DateTimeOffset to Unix Timestamp (in milliseconds) }; // Use await arango.Document.CreateAsync("database", "collection", instanceOfDateTimeOffsetEntity); // Converts between Unix Timestamp in DB and C# data type
// not supported
await arango.Database.CreateAsync("database");
await arango.Collection.CreateAsync("database", "collection", ArangoCollectionType.Document);
await arango.Collection.CreateAsync("database", new ArangoCollection
Name = "paddedcollection",
Type = ArangoCollectionType.Document,
KeyOptions = new ArangoKeyOptions
Type = ArangoKeyType.Padded,
AllowUserKeys = false
await arango.Document.CreateAsync("database", "collection", new
Key = Guid.NewGuid(),
SomeValue = 1
Retrieve documents from a single collection based on a LinQ statement. See LinQ help for more information.
var list1 = await Arango.Query<Entity>("database").Where(p => p.Id == "myid").ToListAsync();
Get (many) documents by providing a list of keys or objects with "Key" and optional "Revision" property
var list1 = await Arango.Document.GetManyAsync<Entity>("database", "collection", new List<string> {
"1", "2"
var list2 = await Arango.Document.GetManyAsync<Entity>("database", "collection", new List<object>
Key = "1"
Key = "2"
await arango.Document.UpdateAsync("database", "collection", new
Key = Guid.Parse("some-guid"),
SomeValue = 2
// depending on serializer
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
// or
using Newtonsoft.Json;
class ComplexEntity
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
// Will never be read or written from or to arangodb
public object Data { get; set; }
// Newtonsoft only
// Will only be read from query, on write will be ignored
public object CalculatedProperty { get; set; }
await arango.Document.UpdateAsync("database", "collection", new ComplexEntity {
Key = "123",
Name = "SomeName"
var col = "collection";
var list = new List<int> {1, 2, 3};
// System.Text.Json
var result = await arango.Query.ExecuteAsync<JsonObject>("database",
$"FOR c IN {col:@} FILTER c.SomeValue IN {list} RETURN c");
// Newtonsoft.Json
var result = await arango.Query.ExecuteAsync<JObject>("database",
$"FOR c IN {col:@} FILTER c.SomeValue IN {list} RETURN c");
Results in AQL injection save syntax:
'FOR c IN @@C1 FILTER c.SomeValue IN @P2 RETURN c'
"@C1": "collection",
"P2": [1, 2, 3]
for collections parameters, formats '@'
, 'C'
and 'c'
are supported. They all mean the same format.
var collectionName = "collection";
var list = new List<int> {1, 2, 3};
FormattableString forPart = $"FOR c IN {collectionName:@}";
FormattableString filterPart = $"FILTER c.SomeValue IN {list}";
FormattableString returnPart = $"RETURN c";
// System.Text.Json
var result = await arango.Query.ExecuteAsync<JsonObject>("database",
$"{forPart} {filterPart} {returnPart}");
// Newtonsoft.Json
var result = await arango.Query.ExecuteAsync<JObject>("database",
$"{forPart} {filterPart} {returnPart}");
If using multiple FormattableString
variables, every single injected string variable needs to be of type FormattableString
or Arango will return an error stating:
AQL: syntax error, unexpected bind parameter near @P3
public class MyClass2
public MyClass Data { get; set; }
public double CustomData { get; set; }
var collectionName = "collection";
var list = new List<int> {1, 2, 3};
var pointA = "[48.157741, 11.503159]";
var pointB = "[48.155739, 11.491601]";
FormattableString forPart = $"FOR c IN {collectionName:@}";
FormattableString filterPart = $"FILTER c.SomeValue IN {list}";
FormattableString letDistance = $"LET distance = GEO_DISTANCE({pointA}, {pointB})";
FormattableString returnPart = $"RETURN {{Data: c, Distance: distance}}";
var result = await arango.Query.ExecuteAsync<MyClass2>("database",
$"{forPart} {filterPart} {letDistance} {returnPart}");
// insert 100.000 entities
await Arango.Document.CreateManyAsync("database", "collection", Enumerable.Range(1, 100000).Select(x => new Entity { Value = x }));
// iterate in batches over 100.000 entity ids
await foreach (var x in Arango.Query.ExecuteStreamAsync<string>("database", $"FOR c IN collection RETURN c._id"))
LINQ support has been adapted from Internalized re-motion relinq since their nuget is quite outdated
Work in progress as some things are deprecated or need to be modernized
- Basic queries generally work
- Some more complex queries (chaining multiple operators, complex subqueries, etc.) are not supported yet
- All these issues are solvable and pull requests are accepted
- NOTE : Some queries will blow up at run time and you will get an exception, but some queries will actually generate valid AQL with the wrong semantics.
- Combining multiple result operators is not recommended with the current implementation (e.g.
will generate valid AQL but will apply the operators in the wrong order) - The following operators are not yet supported:
- All other operators should be supported. If you find any queries that fail or generate incorrect AQL, open an issue so we can at least document it. A PR with a (failing) unit test would be even better!
- There is also development done on a driver without relinq and aggregate support
- Configurable property / collection / group naming for camelCase support
var list1 = await Arango.Query<Project>("database").Where(p => p.Id == "myid").ToListAsync();
var q = Arango.Query<Project>("database").Where(p => p.Id == "myid");
// Execute
await q.ToListAsync();
// Debug
var (aql, bindVars) = q.ToAql();
var q = Arango.Query<Project>("test")
.Where(x => x.Name == "Project A")
.Select(x => new
ClientName = Aql.Document<Client>("Client", x.ClientKey).Name
// Execute
await q.ToListAsync();
// Debug
var (aql, bindVars) = q.ToAql();
Note: database/transaction is only specified on the root expression, not on the inner one
var q = from p in Arango.Query<Project>("test")
let clients = (from c in Arango.Query<Client>() select c.Key)
select new {p.Name, Clients = Aql.As<string[]>(clients) };
await q.ToListAsync();
var q = Arango.Query<Project>("test")
.Where(x => x.Name == "Project A")
.Update(x => new
Name = Aql.Concat(x.Name, "2")
}, x => x.Key);
await q.ToListAsync();
- Note: To push an object to inner collection.
var q = Arango.Query<Project>("test")
.PartialUpdate(p=>p.hobbies, x => new
}, x => x.Key);
await q.ToListAsync();
will be converted to:
FOR doc IN Project
hobbies: PUSH(doc.hobbies, {"val1": 1, "val2":2})
} IN users
await Arango.Query<Project>("test")
.Where(x => x.Name == "Project A")
.Remove().In<Project>().Select(x => x.Key).ToListAsync();
"Option" is the query option that exists in ArangoDb. Some operations like FOR / Graph Traversal / SEARCH / COLLECT / INSERT / UPDATE / REPLACE / UPSERT / REMOVE would support "Options".
await Arango.Query<Project>("test")
.Where(x => x.Name == "Project A")
.Options(() => new { indexHint = "byName" }).ToListAsync();
await arango.Index.CreateAsync("database", "collection", new ArangoIndex
Fields = new List<string> {"SomeValue"},
Type = ArangoIndexType.Hash
await arango.Analyzer.CreateAsync("database", new ArangoAnalyzer
Name = "text_de_nostem",
Type = "text",
Properties = new ArangoAnalyzerProperties
Locale = "de.utf-8",
Case = ArangoAnalyzerCase.Lower,
Accent = false,
Stopwords = new List<string>(),
Stemming = false
Features = new List<string> { "position", "norm", "frequency" }
await arango.View.CreateAsync("database", new ArangoView
Name = "SomeView",
Links = new Dictionary<string, ArangoLinkProperty>
["collection"] = new ArangoLinkProperty
Fields = new Dictionary<string, ArangoLinkProperty>
["SomeProperty"] = new ArangoLinkProperty
Analyzers = new List<string>
PrimarySort = new List<ArangoSort>
new ArangoSort
Field = "SomeProperty",
Direction = ArangoSortDirection.Asc
await arango.Collection.CreateAsync("database", "vertices", ArangoCollectionType.Document);
await Arango.Collection.CreateAsync("database", "edges", ArangoCollectionType.Edge);
await Arango.Graph.CreateAsync("database", new ArangoGraph
Name = "graph",
EdgeDefinitions = new List<ArangoEdgeDefinition>
Collection = "edges",
From = new List<string> {"vertices"},
To = new List<string> {"vertices"}
await arango.Graph.Vertex.CreateAsync("database", "graph", "vertices", new
Key = "alice",
Name = "Alice"
await arango.Graph.Vertex.CreateAsync("database", "graph", "vertices", new
Key = "bob",
Name = "Bob"
await arango.Graph.Edge.CreateAsync("database", "graph", "edges", new
Key = "ab",
From = "vertices/alice",
To = "vertices/bob",
Label = "friend"
await arango.Graph.Edge.UpdateAsync("database", "graph", "edges", "ab", new
Label = "foe"
await arango.Graph.Vertex.RemoveAsync("database", "graph", "vertices", "bob");
await arango.Function.CreateAsync("database", new ArangoFunctionDefinition
Name = "CUSTOM::TIMES10",
Code = "function (a) { return a * 10; }",
IsDeterministic = true
var transaction = await arango.Transaction.BeginAsync("database", new ArangoTransaction
Collections = new ArangoTransactionScope
Write = new List<string> { "collection" }
await arango.Document.CreateAsync(transaction, "collection", new
Key = Guid.NewGuid(),
SomeValue = 1
await arango.Document.CreateAsync(transaction, "collection", new
Key = Guid.NewGuid(),
SomeValue = 2
await arango.Transaction.CommitAsync(transaction);
// Build Foxx service zip archive
await using var ms = new MemoryStream();
using (var zip = new ZipArchive(ms, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true, Encoding.UTF8))
await using (var manifest = zip.CreateEntry("manifest.json").Open())
await manifest.WriteAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"
""$schema"": """",
""name"": ""SampleService"",
""description"": ""test"",
""version"": ""1.0.0"",
""license"": ""MIT"",
""engines"": {
""arangodb"": ""^3.0.0""
""main"": ""index.js"",
""configuration"": {
""currency"": {
""description"": ""Currency symbol to use for prices in the shop."",
""default"": ""$"",
""type"": ""string""
""secretKey"": {
""description"": ""Secret key to use for signing session tokens."",
""type"": ""password""
await using (var readme = zip.CreateEntry("README").Open())
await readme.WriteAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"
await using (var index = zip.CreateEntry("index.js").Open())
await index.WriteAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"
'use strict';
const createRouter = require('@arangodb/foxx/router');
const router = createRouter();
router.get('/hello-world', function (req, res) {{
res.send({{ hello: 'world' }});
.response(['application/json'], 'A generic greeting.')
.summary('Generic greeting')
.description('Prints a generic greeting.');
ms.Position = 0;
// install service
await Arango.Foxx.InstallServiceAsync("database", "/sample/service", ArangoFoxxSource.FromZip(ms));
// list services excluding system services
var services = await Arango.Foxx.ListServicesAsync("database", true);
// call service
var res = await Arango.Foxx.GetAsync<Dictionary<string, string>>("database", "/sample/service/hello-world");
Assert.Equal("world", res["hello"]);
var backup = await Arango.Backup.CreateAsync(new ArangoBackupRequest
AllowInconsistent = false,
Force = true,
Label = "test",
Timeout = 30
var backups = await Arango.Backup.ListAsync();
await Arango.Backup.RestoreAsync(backup.Id);
await Arango.Backup.DeleteAsync(backup.Id);