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Integrated Energy Monitoring Platform for Households

Demo user:

  • usernmae: user1
  • password: user1

Requirements & Modules

This is a distributed system for an energy distribution operator that stores energy consumption data for its clients.


  • Energy Platform: a web app for system management and data visualization
  • Sensor Monitoring System and Real-Time Notification: a monitoring system for sensor data acquisition build with message-oriented-middleware and web sockets for asynchronous notification
  • Smart Device Notification: a part of the web app which simulates a smart device for getting data about baseline energy consumption of the client

Functional requirements

  • users login and are redirected to the page corresponding to their role
  • the users corresonding to one role will not be able to enter the pages corresponding to oher roles
  • admin role:
    • CRUD operations for clients, devices, sensors
    • Create mapping client-device and associate sensors to devices
  • client role:
    • view on his/her page all the devices and sensors
    • view their monitored energy consumption
    • view historical energy consumption on a chart
  • the message-oriented middleware allows the sensor system to send data tuples in a JSON format
  • the message consumer component of the system processes each message and notifies asynchronously using WebSockets the client application
  • the client application displays a chart with the client historical energy consumption over d days in the past (default d = 7)
  • the client application displays the client baseline as a reference consumption for the next day
  • the client application asks the server for the best start time in the next day to minimize the peaks of energy consumption; it displays the new chart of estimated consumption as the baseline summed with the device max consumption


  • ReactJS for client development
  • Material UI and Sass for client styling
  • Spring Framework for server development
  • PostgreSQL as database management system
  • Java Swing for producer (simulator) development
  • RabbitMQ as message broker
  • Docker and Heroku for deployment


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