sparqlclient is a scala port of the excellent SPARQLWrapper python module
This software is the product of research carried out at the University of Zurich and comes with no warranty whatsoever. Have fun!
- (more) unit tests
- more documentation
- (more) examples
Every time the project version information is changed, BuildInfo needs to be regenerated. To do that simply run:
$ sbt compile
import com.sparqlclient.{DataFormat, SparqlClient}
import com.sparqlclient.rdf.RdfTerm
val dbpedia = SparqlClient("")
val query = s"""
select distinct ?Concept where {[] a ?Concept} LIMIT 100
val results:Seq[Seq[RdfTerm]] = dbpedia(query, 10)._2.toSeq
- University of Zurich and the Swiss National Science Foundation for generously funding the research that led to this software.