Steam is a minimal and customizable theme for bloggers and was developed by Tommaso Barbato. He created it as a slightly adapted version of the Vapor Ghost theme by Seth Lilly. Noteworthy features of this Hugo port are the integration of a comment-system powered by Disqus, the customizable appearance by changing theme colors, support for RSS feeds, syntax highlighting via Highlight.js for source code and the optional use of Google Analytics. Enough to read. Let's take the first steps to get started.
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
$ cd themes
$ git clone
For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.
Take a look inside the exampleSite
folder of this theme. You'll find a file called config.toml
To use it, copy the config.toml
in the root folder of your Hugo site. Feel free to change strings as you like to customize your website.
You can add custom pages like this by adding menu = "main"
in the frontmatter:
date = "2015-08-22"
title = "About me"
menu = "main"
If no document contains menu = "main" in the frontmatter than the navigation will not be shown
This theme features four different theme colors (green as default, blue, red and orange) that change the appearance of you Hugo site slightly. Just set the themeColor
variable to the color you like.
Furthermore you can create your own theme. Under layouts/partials/themes
you'll find a stylesheet template called custom-theme.html
. Customize the colors as you like and save the new theme with the schema <myNewColor>-theme.html
within the same folder. As you can see, the color is the prefix of the stylesheet template. Therefore you just need to set themeColor
in the configs
) to that self-defined prefix.
This theme features a comment system powered by Disqus. To enable it you have to add your Disqus shortname to the disqusShortname
variable in the config file.
In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server.
$ hugo server
Now enter localhost:1313
in the address bar of your browser.
You can find the latest changes and improvements of this theme in the
Did you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the issue tracker to let me know. Or make directly a pull request.
This theme is released under the MIT license. For more information read the License.
Thanks to
- Steve Francia for creating Hugo and the awesome community around the project.
- Seth Lilly and Tommaso Barbato for developing the original version(s) of this theme