This is a Chess game I've done as a project for Computer Networks.
The project uses TCP/IP communication protocol and is able to manage more games at the same time.
To be able to play it you have to own Linux as an operating system.
- g++ server.c -o name1
- g++ client.c -o name2
- firstly, you need to start the server: ./name1
- secondly, connect 2 clients to the server using the command: ./name2 2728
you can connect more than 2 clients to the server, if the number of clients is an even number they will be grouped up in pairs, having their own game.
if a client does not have another client as a rival then it will be put on hold.
- you have to pick the position of the piece you want to move and the position where you would like to move the piece. Example: b4 c7
- if you want to make a move such as promotion or castling you have to add another letter after the positions.
- for promotion you have to write the piece you want your pawn to transform into
- for castling you have to write F.