z install
It's ok. Ignore them.
WARN deprecated stable@0.1.8: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibility table on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#browser_compatibility
ERROR (node:2789) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
WARN Issues with peer dependencies found
└─┬ @nuxtjs/i18n 8.0.0-beta.3
└─┬ vue-i18n-routing 0.8.1
└─┬ @vue/composition-api 1.7.1
└── ✕ unmet peer vue@">= 2.5 < 2.7": found 3.2.40 in nuxt
z dev
z generate
- document rootindex.yaml
- metadata (Chapters, pages, etc)[chapter]/[slug].[locale].md
document content- title: page title
- revison: document revision (yyyymmdd)
Read existing documents for more information
rc -> stable
- i18n: 8.0.0-beta.6
- content: 2.2.2
- nuxt: 3.0.0