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Releases: couchbase/couchbase-elasticsearch-connector

Couchbase Elasticsearch Connector (Plug-in) 3.0.2 (2018-09-18)

18 Sep 20:36
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Maintenance release for improved compatibility and stability.

Bug Fixes

  • CBES-82 / #191: NoClassDefFoundError under Java 9.
  • CBES-83: VersionConflictEngineException in storeUUID if document already exists.
    (Causes XDCR replication to be removed.)

Couchbase Elasticsearch Connector (Standalone) 4.0.0-dp.1 (2018-08-31)

31 Aug 01:40
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More documentation will accompany the GA release. In the mean time, here's a brief Quickstart Guide.

New in the Developer Preview

  • Compatible with Elasticsearch versions 5 and 6.

  • Support for secure connections to Couchbase and Elasticsearch.

  • Tools for managing replication checkpoints.

  • A "rejection log" for documents Elasticsearch permanently refuses to index.

  • Configurable document structure (omit metadata if you don't need it).

  • The connector is a separate process instead of an Elasticsearch plug-in.

Things to be aware of

  • Parent-child relationships are no longer supported, as this feature
    was removed in ES 6.

  • Custom document routing is not implemented. Please let us know
    if this feature is still relevant for your deployment.

Couchbase Elasticsearch Connector (Plug-in) 3.0.1 (2018-02-18)

19 Feb 04:56
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New in this version

The birch development line has been retired. The cypress line now supports
all 5.x versions of Elasticsearch.

RegexParentSelector now reads the parent ID format from the correct config
property (couchbase.parentSelector.documentTypesParentFormat.<type>).
If you previously put the parent ID format in the documentTypeParentFields
property as a workaround, please update your configuration.

The connector can now delete child documents and other documents that have
custom routing. If you're using RegexParentSelector then this feature
has no additional overhead. Otherwise, for each document whose routing
cannot be derived from the document ID, the connector creates a separate
signpost document to record the routing. Be aware that child documents created
by previous versions of the connector are not eligible for deletion, since
they don't have signposts (you'll see "missing signpost" warnings in the log
when the connector tries to delete those documents).

The signposts have a document type of couchbaseSignpost. The mapping for
this type must store the contents of the meta field. This is already the case
if you're using the default mapping template included in the plugin distribution.

Issues resolved in this release

  • CBES-49: [BUGFIX] RegexParentSelector reads parent ID format from wrong config property
  • CBES-50: [BUGFIX] RoutingMissingException when deleting child documents

Couchbase Elasticsearch Connector (Plug-in) 3.0.0

22 Nov 02:15
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With this release, the Couchbase plugin for Elasticsearch moves to a new versioning and branch management strategy that allows for simulateneous releases across ES versions.

Don't be alarmed by the major version bump; upgrading from version 2.x of the plugin should be seamless, and is recommended for all users. The code has just been relabeled for easier maintenance.

Issues resolved in this release:

  • CBES-48: [BUGFIX] Connection counter leak can cause spurious TooManyConcurrentConnections errors
  • #153: [BUGFIX] ClassCastException when TTL is Long instead of Integer
  • [FEATURE] Add 'couchbase.pipeline' config for specifying ingestion pipeline
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Improve logging for indexing errors
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use Dropwizard Metrics to collect and log richer stats

Supported versions

There are a lot of plugin versions here (by necessity, one for each version of Elasticsearch). The reality is they have not all received the same degree of testing. The following versions are considered Supported, indicating they have received the most testing:

  • 3.0.0-cypress-es5.6.4
  • 3.0.0-birch-es5.2.2
  • 3.0.0-alder-es2.4.0

The remaining versions are considered Available, indicating they are expected
to work but have received only superficial testing.

Which version should you download? Pick the file whose es version component exactly matches your version of Elasticsearch.

Update for ES 5.6.3

25 Oct 13:26
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Updated plugin metadata for ES 5.6.3

Update for ES 5.4.1

06 Jun 11:25
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Minor update to support ES 5.4.1

Update for ES 5.4.0

11 May 10:07
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Updated the plugin to ES 5.4.0

Update for ES 2.4.5

11 May 10:06
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Updated the plugin to ES 2.4.5

Update for ES 2.4.4

19 Apr 09:25
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Updated the plugin to ES 2.4.4 and CAPI server 1.4.2, which fixes an issue with nodes in the bucket map being returned in inconsistent order.

Update for ES 5.3.0 and CAPI 1.6.2

04 Apr 12:26
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Updated plugin to ES 5.3.0 with some minor namespace changes in ES.
Updated CAPI library dependency to 1.6.2, which fixes the vbucket map to return consistently ordered results across requests.