sbt-runner is a tiny Java application, whose main class
- parses its arguments just like sbt-extras does, supporting a subset of the arguments of sbt-extras, then
- loads and starts the main class of the official sbt launcher (sbt/launcher).
It's designed to be put in the class path alongside the JAR of sbt/launcher. It starts the main class of sbt/launcher put alongside it in the class path.
It can be used with the help of coursier like
$ cs launch io.get-coursier.sbt:sbt-runner:0.1.0 org.scala-sbt:sbt-launch:1.3.10 -- -Dfoo=bar test:compile
$ cs launch io.get-coursier.sbt:sbt-runner:0.1.0 org.scala-sbt:sbt-launch:1.3.10 -- -help
or via the default app channel, where it's named just sbt
$ cs launch sbt -- -Dfoo=bar test:compile
$ cs install sbt
$ sbt -help