This is the GitHub repository hosting the R package matingRhinos.
The package aims at documenting how we obtained the results for the paper entitled 'Mate choice, reproductive success and inbreeding in white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum Burchell, 1817): new insights for conservation management' by Kretzschmar P., Auld H., Boag P., Ganslosser U., Scott C., Van Coeverden de Groot P.J. & Courtiol A. (accepted in Evolutionary Applications).
For this reason, the package will not evolve much in the future. The only planned updates are those that will be necessary to maintain compatibility with other packages, so that our code won't break. This package has not been conceived for general use. It only serves to document the steps of our analysis, and must be used with our data.
To see our source code, you can either browse the files above within GitHub or download the *.tar.gz file containing all sources bundled with some data to try out our functions in R. This file is available here.
Whichever option you choose, to install successfully the R package you will need:
an up-to-date installation of R (;
the following R packages
installed. You can install them by typing:
install.packages(c("drat", "ggplot2", "ggforce", "cowplot"))
Then, simply type the following:
install.packages("matingRhinos", type = "source")
- load the package:
- access the main documentation by typing: