A collection of useful RMM functions - Developed for DattoRMM, but useful anywhere
To import the module in a cript use the following codeblock and modify the event source.
##Initial Setup##
$env:RMMEventSource = "CTSRMM"
Import-Module "C:\cts\CTSRMM.psm1"
##End Enitial Setup##
This will allow using Write-EVLog to log messages to the Event Log. it is preferable to use Write-Append for creating an event log message, as this will log your string to the console for the RMM platform to output as part of stdout as well as append the string, with a built in linebreak to the existing log variable
$myLogVariable = Write-Append "Beginning my Log"
$myLogVariable += Write-Append "Some useful status information"
$myLogVariable += Write-Append "All done doing whatever we were doing"
Write-EVLog $myLogVariable
This function is typically not used outside of the Write-EVLog function provided in the example above and by the template. It is an implementation wrapper of Write-EventLog that also provides Verbose output to the console if the Verbose stream is enabled.
This function is used to write events to the event log, A Message is mandatory, and optionally you can provide -IsError and -TriggerAutomation which will
change the EventID used. See the function definition for additional details.
Creates a new Event Source in the Windows Event Viewer that can be logged to. Function handles checking to see if the log already exists and logs a message if it does. See the example above or the Template.ps1 for example use cases.
Utility Function, typically used with += to append the contents of a string, and also echo that contents to the console. Automatically appends a CRLF at the end of the provided string for the actual append functionality. Does not output the extra CRLF to console.
Silently installs an MSI. Additional Parameters can be provided via -AdditionalParams (for things like ALLUSERS=1 etc). Specifying -OutputLog will send the Install Log to the console for script output.
Ensures that Powershell is configured to utilize the maximum version of TLS possible (SSL3 < TLS1 < TLS1.1 < TLS1.2 < TLS1.3)
Wraps the System.Net.WebClient class to download a file. Returns $true if the file downloaded was successful and the file exists, $false if not.
Returns $true if there is more freespace than the specified value in GB, otherwise returns $false
Returns $true if the system is 64 bit. Otherwise returns $false
Returns $true if the system is 32 bit. Otherwise returns $false
Returns a string containing the Windows Version (eg 6.1.7601, 10.0.19041.0 etc.)
Returns $true if OS is Windows 10, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows 8.1, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows 8, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows 7, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows Vista, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows Server 2008, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows Server 2008R2, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows Server 2012, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows Server 2012R2, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows Server 2016, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows Server 2019, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is Windows 10, otherwise $false
Returns $true if OS is a Windows Server OS, otherwise $false
Returns $true if computer hardware is a laptop or tablet, $false otherwise
Returns $true if computer is a Windows AD Domain Controller, otherwise $false
Returns $true if computer has a valid license, otherwise $false
Returns $true if the computer has the named service, regardless of whether it is enabled/running, otherwise $false
Returns $true only if the named service exists and is currently running. Otherwise returns $false
This should not be used unless there is a very specific need. It is much slower than Test-InstalledSoftware, and provides less functionality. Return values are the same as Test-InstalledSoftware
Returns $true if the specified software is installed. Name must match exactly (but is not case sensitive). Returns $false if the software is not installed.
Returns the UninstallString of an installed application. Application Name must match exactly (but is not case sensitive). Returns an empty string if no match is found.
Returns an array of Application Names that match the specified search pattern. Supplying * to this function will get a full list of everything installed.
Converts Binary to Hexidecimal strings, for use with REG_BINARY types. Return Value is a string.
Converts a Hexidecimal string to Binary for use with REG_BINARY types. Return Value is an array of bits that can be written to the registry.
Input value is just the # of the KB in question (eg 12345678 not KB12345678), returns $true if installed, $false otherwise.
Converts JSON into Powershell Objects. Works with Powershell 2.0 (Convert-FromJSON does not). Returns an object composed of whatever properties were in the JSON.
Backs up an Event Log, attempts to compress it with 7zip. Return Value is an Object with the properties "Success" which is a boolean value indicating whether the backup was successful or not, and LogMessage, which is properly formatted for Write-EVLog/appending to an existing logMessage.
Compress Files into a 7zip archive. Takes exactly 2 arguements. OutputFile which is the name of the .7z archive you wish to create, and Source which is a string specifying what you want to archive. This can include standard wildcards or be a folder etc. Returns $true if the files were successfully compressed, otherwise $false.
Expands zip or 7z archives. Only 2 arguments required. OutputFile which is the name or path you want to extract the files to, and Source which is a string specifying the current archive you want to extract. Returns $true if the files were successfully extracted, otherwise $false.
Checks if the registry key exists. Requires only 1 paramter, the registry path, $key. Returns $true if key exists, otherwise $false.
Checks if the registry value exists at the given key. Requires 2 paramters, the $key and the $value. Returns $true if it exists, otherwise $false.
Checks if the requested $value is not null . Requires 2 paramters, the $key and the $value. Returns $true if the value is not null, otherwise $false.
Checks various places in order to determine if a reboot is pending on a machine. Returns $true if reboot needed, otherwise $false.
Takes the supplied OutputResultName and Message and generates a formatted monitor result. Note the supplied Message must be a single line. Optionally, will take a provided diagnostic message for display in the monitor.