This is a collection of SQL Scripts and snippets for LabTech. If you would like to change, add or request something feel free to submit a pull request or contact me in IRC on freenode servers, channel ##labtech, nick jessec.
An attempt at describing the purpose of each table in LabTech.
Table Name | Description |
aditionalschedules | |
advancedconfig | |
agentalerts | |
agentcommands | |
agentcomputerdata | |
agentcomputers | |
agentdefaults | |
agentignore | |
agents | Monitor data, can be related to groupmonitors and groupdmonitors. The DriveID field on this table is a collection of group ids that are using the monitor. |
agenttrendingdata | |
alerts | |
alerttemplate | Alert templates. Dashboard -> Management -> Alert Templates |
alerttemplatemaintenance | |
alerttemplates | Alert template actions. Can be viewed in the table below a selected alert template. |
antivirusconfigurationlookup | |
antivirusconfigurationsettings | |
antivirusstatuslookup | |
antivirusstatusvalues | |
antivirustemplatepolicy | |
antivirustemplatepolicydata | |
antivirusthreatactiontakenlookup | |
antivirusthreatlevellookup | |
antivirusthreatlookup | |
antivirusthreats | |
antivirusthreattargetlookup | |
antivirusthreattypelookup | |
applicationblacklist | |
applicationwhitelist | |
asp_connectionpool | |
auditactions | |
auditactions_plugins | |
autoagentsoverrides | |
autofixignore | |
autogeneratedagents | |
autoservicesblacklist | |
autostartup | |
autostartupdefs | |
availableapps | |
backupdestinations | |
backupjobs | |
backuplogs | |
backupstatus | |
cachecontrol | |
certificatestore | |
chattranscript | |
cim_formfactor | |
cim_hv_classes | |
cim_hv_data | |
cim_hv_element | |
cim_hv_properties | |
cim_hv_property | |
cim_memorytype | |
cim_processorfamily | |
cim_sensortype | |
clienthistory | |
clients | |
commandfolders | |
commands | |
communityupdatelog | |
computercollectedsnmp | |
computerconfig | |
computerconfigproperties | |
computermenus | |
computerroledefinitions | |
computers | |
config | |
configbackup | |
configoutlook | |
contactcomputers | |
contactpwtoken | |
contacts | |
contactsessions | |
controlcenterconfig | |
customcommands | |
custommenus | |
databasealerts | |
databasealertsignored | |
databasefails | Failed internal monitors. |
datacache | |
datacollectors | |
dataviewfolders | |
dataviews | |
dbaseagentcontrol | |
dbaseagentstats | |
defragmentation | |
dependancy | |
devicelibrary | |
diskcleanup | |
documents | |
drives | |
dynamicclients | |
errmsgs | |
errorlogs | |
eventblacklist | |
eventlogs | |
extrafield | Extra data fields. |
extrafielddata | Data for extra data fields. |
failedemails | |
filelibrary | |
founddevice | |
functions | |
groupagents | Remote monitors. |
groupagentscontrol | |
groupagentscontroldevices | |
groupbackupjobs | |
groupdagents | Internal monitors. |
groupmonitorcontrol | |
groupmonitors | |
groupscripts | Contains scripts scheduled at the group level. |
h_agentdata | |
h_agentdatadaily | |
h_agentdatamonthly | |
h_agentdataweekly | |
h_agentdatayearly | |
h_agenthistory | |
h_agents | All agent history, also used to get failed remote monitors. |
h_agentsignup | |
h_apps | |
h_clientscript | |
h_clientstats | |
h_clientstatsdaily | |
h_clientstatsmonthly | |
h_clientstatsweekly | |
h_clientstatsyearly | |
h_commands | |
h_computers | |
h_computerstats | |
h_computerstatsdaily | |
h_computerstatshourly | |
h_computerstatsmonthly | |
h_computerstatsweekly | |
h_computerstatsyearly | |
h_drives | |
h_drivestats | |
h_drivestatsdaily | |
h_drivestatsmonthly | |
h_drivestatsweekly | |
h_drivestatsyearly | |
h_eventlogs | |
h_extrastats | |
h_extrastatsdaily | |
h_extrastatsmonthly | |
h_extrastatsweekly | |
h_extrastatsyearly | |
h_labtech | |
h_locationstats | |
h_mobilecommands | |
h_mobiledata | |
h_mobiledata_daily | |
h_mobilelocation | |
h_patching | |
h_pendingscripts | |
h_probecollectedsnmp | |
h_probecommands | |
h_probehistory | |
h_probeinternal_datainterfaces | |
h_probeinternal_hcsampledinterface | |
h_probeinternal_hostedresources | |
h_probeinternal_ifmib | |
h_probeinternal_printererrors | |
h_probeinternal_printermarkers | |
h_probeinternal_printermarkersupplies | |
h_probeinternal_sampledinterface | |
h_probeinternal_storageareas | |
h_probeinternal_systeminfo | |
h_processes | |
h_redirector | |
h_script | |
h_scripts | |
h_stats | |
h_systemtimings | |
h_users | |
heartbeatcomputers | |
hotfix | |
hotfixdata | |
hotfixgroups | |
hotfixscripts | |
hudmain | |
huduser | |
hvabstract | |
hvcounter | |
hvcpu | |
hvdevices | |
hvhconfig | |
hvhost | |
hvmconfig | |
hvmemory | |
hvnetwork | |
hvpci | |
hvresourcepool | |
hvstorage | |
hvstoragedisk | |
hvstoragetype | |
hvswitch | |
hvsysinfo | |
hypervisor | |
ignite_propertyinfo | |
ignite_propertytypes | |
igniteguids | |
igniteserviceplantypes | |
infocategory | Ticket Categories for monitors. Dashboard -> Config -> Configurations -> Information Base Categories |
informationbase | |
inv_bios | |
inv_chassis | |
inv_devices | |
inv_memoryslots | |
inv_networkcard | |
inv_operatingsystem | |
inv_probefansensor | |
inv_processor | |
inv_systemslots | |
inv_videocard | |
iosdevices | |
iospushcommands | |
ipcountry | |
ipprotocol | |
ipservices | |
l_mobileandroidperms | |
labtechlogmessages | |
languagepacks | |
licenseavailability | |
licensemanagement | |
licensetypelookup | |
licenseusage | |
links | |
localizationresources | |
localizations | |
locationbackupjobs | |
locationbookmarks | |
locations | |
lookupdevicecode | |
lookupiananumbers | |
lt_languages | |
lt_loadedoids | |
lt_news | |
lt_newsusers | |
lt_scriptdebugging | |
lt_scripts | |
lt_solutions | |
ltantivirusthreats | |
mactable | |
maintenancemode | |
maintenancemodealerts | |
maintenancewindow | Contains maintenance windows. Fancy eh? |
maintenancewindows | |
managementreport | |
managementscore | |
mastergroups | Contains all groups in LabTech. The 'master' portion of the name is not related to the group type; that can be found on mastergroups.GroupType |
mngd_svc_defs | |
mngd_svc_services | |
mngd_svc_servicexrefs | |
mobileandroidapplookup | |
mobileandroidappperms | |
mobileandroidinstalledapps | |
mobileandroidperms | |
mobilecommands | |
mobilecommandslookup | |
mobileconfig | |
mobileconfigclass | |
mobileconfigclassemail | |
mobileconfigclassexchange | |
mobileconfigclassldap | |
mobileconfigclasspasscode | |
mobileconfigclassrestrictions | |
mobileconfigclassscep | |
mobileconfigclassvpn | |
mobileconfigclasswifi | |
mobiledeviceinfo | |
mobiledevices | |
mobileiosapplookup | |
mobileioscertificates | |
mobileiosinstalledapps | |
mobileiosinstalledprofiles | |
mobileiosprofilecontent | |
mobileiosprovisioningprofiles | |
mobileiosrestrictions | |
mobilelabtechusers | |
mobilelocation | |
mobilemastergroups | |
mobilemeldedandroidprofile | |
mobilemeldediosprofile | |
mobilenetworkinterfaces | |
mobilepermissions | |
mobileprocesses | |
mobileretiredassets | |
mobilerunningconfig | |
mobileschedules | |
mobilesubgroups | |
mobilesystemlogs | |
mobiletemplates | |
monitorcategories | |
monitortemplate | |
monitortemplates | |
msg_messages | |
msg_questions | |
msg_responses | |
network | |
networkdevices | |
networkdrives | |
opportunities | |
orderparts | |
outgoingemailattachments | |
outgoingemails | |
outgoingsms | |
passwords | |
pendingscripts | |
permissions | |
plugin_cw_agreements | |
plugin_cw_agreementtypes | |
plugin_cw_allcwcompanies | |
plugin_cw_assettemplateassignments | |
plugin_cw_assettemplates | |
plugin_cw_categories | |
plugin_cw_categorymapping | |
plugin_cw_clientmapping | |
plugin_cw_communicationstats | |
plugin_cw_configquestionpossibleresponses | |
plugin_cw_configurationtypequestions | |
plugin_cw_configurationtypes | |
plugin_cw_contactmapping | |
plugin_cw_cwstatusmapping | |
plugin_cw_cwtolabtechservicepriorityxrefs | |
plugin_cw_deviceapifieldmapping | |
plugin_cw_devicemappingoverrides | |
plugin_cw_groupmapoverride | |
plugin_cw_ignoredentities | |
plugin_cw_infomessages | |
plugin_cw_labtechproductmap | |
plugin_cw_labtechproducttypes | |
plugin_cw_lastassetsync | |
plugin_cw_ltproduct_agreementtype | |
plugin_cw_ltstatusmapping | |
plugin_cw_managedservicetemplateassignments | |
plugin_cw_managedservicetemplates | |
plugin_cw_masterproducts | |
plugin_cw_members | |
plugin_cw_possibilityproductmapping | |
plugin_cw_printercounts | |
plugin_cw_productclasses | |
plugin_cw_producttypes | |
plugin_cw_sectionlookup | |
plugin_cw_serviceboards | ConnectWise plugin service board definitions |
plugin_cw_serviceitemrelations | |
plugin_cw_serviceitems | ConnectWise plugin service board service item definitions |
plugin_cw_servicepriorities | ConnectWise plugin service board priority definitions |
plugin_cw_servicepriorityxrefs | |
plugin_cw_servicestatuses | |
plugin_cw_servicesubtyperelations | |
plugin_cw_servicesubtypes | ConnectWise plugin service board service subtype definitions |
plugin_cw_servicetypes | ConnectWise plugin service board service type definitions |
plugin_cw_settings | |
plugin_cw_sitemapping | |
plugin_cw_streamlinecollectionmapping | |
plugin_cw_subcategories | |
plugin_cw_ticket_failures | |
plugin_cw_worktypes | ConnectWise plugin work type definitions |
plugin_sap_activities | |
plugin_sap_activityresults | |
plugin_sap_applieddeductions | |
plugin_sap_appliedhealthchecks | |
plugin_sap_appliedparameters | |
plugin_sap_appliedstandards | |
plugin_sap_deductionstemplate | |
plugin_sap_failedstandards | |
plugin_sap_healthcheckdeductions | |
plugin_sap_healthcheckoverrides | |
plugin_sap_healthcheckparameters | |
plugin_sap_healthchecks | |
plugin_sap_healthdeductionoverrides | |
plugin_sap_healthparameteroverrides | |
plugin_sap_healthresults | |
plugin_sap_lookupcategories | |
plugin_sap_properties | |
plugin_sap_reportcategoryresults | |
plugin_sap_reportcheckresults | |
plugin_sap_snapshotcomputerstats | |
plugin_sap_snapshotpatchstats | |
plugin_sap_standardoverrides | |
plugin_sap_standards | |
plugin_sap_summarydata | |
plugin_screenconnect_config | |
plugin_screenconnect_connectionevents | |
plugin_screenconnect_entitysettings | |
plugin_screenconnect_pluginproperties | |
plugin_screenconnect_scinstalled | |
plugin_screenconnect_serverinstallupdates | |
plugin_screenconnect_settings | |
plugin_webroot_clientsettings | |
plugin_webroot_computerdata | |
plugin_webroot_computersettings | |
plugin_webroot_locationsettings | |
plugin_webroot_threats | |
pluginalerts | |
plugincalls | |
plugins | |
possibilities | |
printers | |
probe_events | |
probe_receivedsnmptraps | |
probealerts | |
probecollectedsnmp | |
probecollectionrules | |
probecollectiontemplates | |
probecommands | |
probeconfig | |
probedetectionrules | |
probedetectiontemplates | |
probeinternal_datainterfaces | |
probeinternal_hcsampledinterface | |
probeinternal_hostedresources | |
probeinternal_ifmib | |
probeinternal_interfacedelta | |
probeinternal_pingresults | |
probeinternal_printererrors | |
probeinternal_printermarkers | |
probeinternal_printermarkersupplies | |
probeinternal_sampledinterface | |
probeinternal_storageareas | |
probeinternal_systeminfo | |
proberemotecommands | |
probewalkresults | |
processes | |
processlist | |
productkeys | |
products | |
projects | |
properties | |
quickconnect | |
quotes | |
redirectionapps | |
redirectorports | |
redirectors | |
regions | |
remotecommands | |
remotepluginschedule | |
reportcategory | |
reportfilters | |
reportfolders | |
reports | |
reportscheduler | |
reporttemplates | |
reporttemplatetypes | |
retiredassets | |
roledefinitions | |
roleremoteplugin | |
routers | |
runningscripts | Scripts queued into the script engine. If running=1, the script is running. If running=0, the script is Waiting or Pending, depending on if the target machine is online or offline. |
scheduledscripts | |
scheduledtasks | |
schedules | |
scriptbreakpoints | |
scriptdebugginginformation | |
scriptfolders | |
scriptlets | |
scripts | |
scriptstate | |
scriptstats | |
scriptsteps | |
scripttime | |
searches | |
searchfolders | |
sensorchecks | Contains searches and their SQL. |
serverfiles | |
services | |
signupdata | |
smartattributenames | |
smartattributes | |
snmpchecks | |
snmptraps | |
software | Computer screen -> Software tab |
sphistory | ShadowProtect integration (LTBackup Tab on Computer screen) job history |
spjobs | ShadowProtect integration (LTBackup Tab on Computer screen) job definitions |
statusitems | |
subgroups | Contains the members of groups. |
subgroupscontacts | |
subgroupsnetworkdevices | |
subgroupwchildren | |
subgroupwchildrencontacts | |
subgroupwchildrennetworkdevices | |
syslogtraps | |
templateavailableproperties | |
templateproperties | |
templates | Navigation Tree -> Admin -> Templates |
ticketdata | |
ticketdatatypes | |
ticketpolicyemails | |
ticketpriority | |
tickets | |
ticketstatus | |
timecategory | |
timers | |
timeslips | |
trackers | |
userclasses | |
userfolders | |
userproperties | |
users | |
users_extend | |
usersec | |
util_ints | |
v_alerts | |
v_androidappstub | |
v_autostartup | |
v_cim_hvsensor | |
v_clientlocationstats | |
v_clients | |
v_commandhistory | |
v_computeralertcounts | |
v_computerhistory | |
v_computers | |
v_defragmentation | |
v_detectedroles | |
v_drivesinternal | |
v_extradataclients | |
v_extradatacomputers | |
v_extradatagroups | |
v_extradatalocations | |
v_extradatanetdevice | |
v_extradataprobe | |
v_extradatatickets | |
v_hotfixes | |
v_hvcimdata | |
v_hvhmemconsumed | |
v_hvhmemgranted | |
v_hvhmonitormemory | |
v_hvhost | |
v_hvmachine | |
v_hvmdisk | |
v_hvmmemconsumed | |
v_hvmmemgranted | |
v_hvmmonitormemory | |
v_internalmonitors | |
v_iosappstub | |
v_licensemanagement | |
v_localip | |
v_locationobjects | |
v_locations | |
v_ltcr_assets | |
v_ltcr_avcomputers | |
v_ltcr_avpolicy | |
v_ltcr_avthreatevents | |
v_ltcr_avthreats | |
v_ltcr_backuplogs | |
v_ltcr_changeaudit | |
v_ltcr_h_extrastats | |
v_ltcr_memoryslots | |
v_ltcr_mobiledataplan | |
v_memoryboards | |
v_mngd_svc_clients | |
v_mngd_svc_computers | |
v_mngd_svc_contacts | |
v_mngd_svc_locations | |
v_mngd_svc_networkdevices | |
v_mobilecommandstub | |
v_mobiledata_billingdates | |
v_mobiledata_dataplan | |
v_mobiledevices | |
v_mobilegroupdata | |
v_mobileinformation | |
v_networkadapters | |
v_networkmonitors | |
v_parallelports | |
v_patch | |
v_patches | |
v_patchhistory | |
v_powerlevel | |
v_printers | |
v_processes | |
v_processhistory | |
v_processors | |
v_productkeys | |
v_remotecontrols | |
v_reportstats | |
v_reportstatscom | |
v_reportstatsloc | |
v_scheduledcommands | |
v_scheduledscripts | |
v_scsicontrollers | |
v_serialports | |
v_serverfreehd | |
v_serverroles | |
v_services | |
v_smartattributes | |
v_software | |
v_softwarehistory | |
v_soundcards | |
v_stats | |
v_systemalerts | |
v_systemmonitors | |
v_tapedrives | |
v_tickets | |
v_time | |
v_ups | |
v_usageperiods | |
v_usbcontrollers | |
v_users | |
v_videocards | |
v_xr_clientosgraph | |
v_xr_clients | |
v_xr_clientsummary | |
v_xr_computers | |
vendorproducts | |
vendors | |
virusscanners | |
vmcounter | |
vxr_clientavscanners | |
vxr_clientpatchscoretop | |
vxr_clientservices | |
vxr_clientticketstats | |
vxr_computercommands | |
vxr_computermonitors | |
vxr_computerpatchscores | |
vxr_drives | |
vxr_drivestatsweekly | |
vxr_hardware | |
vxr_healthcheck | |
vxr_hotfixes | |
vxr_hotfixstats | |
vxr_licenses | |
vxr_locationstats | |
vxr_memoryboards | |
vxr_mobiledevices | |
vxr_networkdevices | |
vxr_patchweights | |
vxr_serverresources | |
vxr_serverroles | |
vxr_softwarestats | |
vxr_ticketdata | |
vxr_tickets | |
vxr_ticketstats | |
vxr_timeslips | |
webcontrolcenteroptions | |
webdashboards |