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Covariant Script Build System

schedule_release schedule
CSBuild is a system used for parallel building, automatic releasing and continues integration of official maintained packages.

Latest Release

v3.4.3-patch3 (updated on 2024.08.10)

Supported Operating System

Platform Architectural Toolchain Installer Build Tool Package Tool
Microsoft Windows x86, x86_64 MinGW-w64 Microsoft Installer auto-build.bat package_tools/wix/make.bat
Canonical Ubuntu x86, x86_64, ARM, MIPS64EL GCC, LLVM Clang Debian Packager package_tools/deb/
Apple macOS x86_64 Apple Clang Apple Disk Image package_tools/dmg/ [--no-gui]

To build release version rather than nightly version, please add release argument when running build tool command.

Setup build environment


You need to install Git and CMake on your system first.

For building environment, please download official maintained MinGW-w64 environment.

Otherwise, you need to install libffi, libglfw3 and libcurl manually.


sudo apt install -y git cmake p7zip build-essential
sudo apt install -y libffi-dev unixodbc-dev libglfw3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev


brew install git cmake wget p7zip
brew install glfw libffi unixodbc

Build your package with CSBuild

Step 1: Write your Package Description File

Package Description File Template:

    "Type": "Package",
    "Name": "test",
    "Info": "Test Package",
    "Author": "Anonymous",
    "Version": "1.0.0",
    "Target": "Path to your package(*.cse|*.csp)",
    "Source": "Path to your source file(*.cpp)",
    "Dependencies": []
  • Type is the type of your package, can be Package(*.csp) or Extension(*.cse)
  • Name is the unique identifier of the package and cannot be repeated.
  • Info is the description of your package, should be short in one sentence.
  • Author is the name of the package author.
  • Version is the version of your package, which will be sorted in lexicographical order.
  • Target is the path to your package file(base to the repository directory).
  • Source is the path to your source file(base to the repository directory).
    • Note that if you need more complicated method to configure your project like cmake, this field is unessential.
    • Currently this method for building is experimental that can't bundle in CSBuild directly. Please use it for debugging only before this method is merged into mainline support.
  • Dependencies is an array of package names you depend on.
    • An standard extension should not have any dependencies.


    "Type": "Extension",
    "Name": "analysis_impl",
    "Info": "Data Analysis Implementation",
    "Author": "CovScript Organization",
    "Version": "1.1.0",
    "Source": "analysis_impl.cpp",
    "Target": "analysis_impl.cse",
    "Dependencies": []

Step 2: Put your json file into the csbuild folder of your repository

An legal csbuild folder should contains following files:

  • JSON files: Package Description File, can be multiple.
  • Build Scripts: Extensions Only
    • make.bat: Build script on Windows
    • Build script on Unix Systems

Step 3: Write your build script (for Extensions)

Build scripts are variable between different projects, but at least you should follow these basic rules:

  • No extra effect on system.
  • Can be executed paralleled.
  • Will not occupy unreasonable time.

Based on basic rules, a good build script should follow these rules additionally:

  • Use building tools, such as CMake
  • Output the files into standard path structural:
    • Binaries -> build/bin
    • Packages -> build/imports
  • Providing same experience in different platforms

Example of CMakeLists.txt for CovScript Extension

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)




# Compiler Options

if (MSVC)
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "/O2 /EHsc /utf-8 /w")
    if (WIN32)
        set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "--static -fPIC -s -O3")
        set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "--static -fPIC -s -O3")
    else ()
        set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fPIC -s -O3")
        set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fPIC -s -O3")
    endif ()
else ()
    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-fPIC -O3")
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-fPIC -O3")
endif ()

add_library(regex SHARED regex.cpp)

target_link_libraries(regex covscript)

set_target_properties(regex PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME regex)
set_target_properties(regex PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
set_target_properties(regex PROPERTIES SUFFIX ".cse")

We usually locate the development files via CS_DEV_PATH environment variable. If you are using Windows or Linux, the CS_DEV_PATH should be placed correctly with official CovScript Runtime Installer.

Step 4: Configure CSBuild

CSBuild have 3 phases: Fetch -> Build -> Install

1. Add your package to each phase of CSBuild

  • Fetch
    • Windows -> misc/win32_config.json -> append a record in repos field:
      • <User>/<Repository Name>
    • Unix -> misc/ -> append a record after fetch_git commands:
      • fetch_git <User>/<Repository Name> &
  • Build
    • Windows -> misc/win32_config.json -> append a record in build field:
      • <Repository Name>
    • Unix -> misc/ -> append a record after start commands:
      • start <Repository Name> "./csbuild/" &
  • Install
    • All -> misc/cspkg_config.json -> append a record in install field:
      • <Repository Name>

2. Test CSBuild script

Run auto-build.bat in Windows or in Unix, wait for final output.

If CSBuild was configured correctly, you can see these output without error report.

csbuild: building package csdbc(1.0.1)...

Step 5: Submit to official CSBuild repository(Optional)

If your test runs smoothly and you want Official release including your package, you can submit your package to our official CSBuild repository via Pull Request.