Implements a subgraph for the CoW Protocol
This is a work in progress
- Subgraph on mainnet
- Subgraph on sepolia
- Subgraph on gnosis chain network
- Subgraph on arbitrum one network
For more information about:
The Cow Protocol:
The Graph:
There is also a GP v1 subgraph here:
Further information about the model here
Requisites: You must have access to a console and have yarn installed. More info about yarn
- Install the dependencies by executing:
Go to The Graph Studio and log in using your github credentials.
In your browser, create a new subgraph in the dashboard by clicking "Add Subgraph" button. Complete the form.
Create your own environment and edit so it points to your testing subgraph:
cp .env.example .env
- Deploy:
yarn deploy
If everything went well you'll have a copy of this subgraph running on your hosted service account indexing your desired network.
Please notice a subgraph can only index a single network, if you want to index another network you should create a new subgraph and do same steps starting from step 3.