IOU is an Android application that helps groups keep track of expenses. This project was developed as an individual project for Professor Gudrun Socher’s CPE 305 at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in Fall 2016.
By: Sarah Padlipsky
##How to Use## In the near future, this application will be available for download on the Google Play Store. The application requires a Google account to use as well as a phone that is running Android as it’s OS. The application supports API Level 16 (Jelly Bean) and above.
Until it is on the Google Play Store, clone this directory and open up the project on Android Studio 2.1. Once the project is imported on Android Studio, click the green "Play" button near the top of the browser. You may either run this application on an Android device plugged into your computer or an emulator. If you do not have a device plugged into your computer, Android Studio will walk you through creating an emulator.
- Keep track of apartment bills, group trips, and more
- Users can log in, see their balances, and add new expenses
- Settle up instantly by notifying others you have paid them back
##More Information## For more information, please visit the GitHub Pages link below. This page will contain a detailed explanation of the application and the architecture. https://cpe305.github.io/fall2016-project-sarahpadlipsky/
Please contact spadlips@calpoly.edu for any questions, comments, or general feedback.