This application exposes four REST endpoint by which we can manage the stock items. All operation are happening in memory.
Simple Front End:
-To see the list of available stock, just run the application and open following link in your browser.
Stack Details:
- Maven as a build tool.
- Spring Boot as a framework.
- H2 as the in memory database.
Minimum System Requirements to run the project
- Java 8
How to run application ?
1. Use Precompiled Jar
- Download from here( & simply run with java -jar <filename>
2. Build from source
- Install & Setup Maven.
- Clone this project.
- Go to root folder.
- Fire command "mvn clean package"
- It will run all the unit tests,compile the code & generate the final jar under the target folder there.
- Run generated jar from the last step. java -jar target/SimpleStockRESTApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
API Documentation via Swagger
To see the API documentation & for trying out the api call. Please run the application and go to the following page.
- Swagger UI :
REST endpoints details:
Get All stocks.
Method : GET URL :
Get a stock by id.
Method : GET URL :{id}
Create a stock.
Method : POST URL : Body : { "name" : "APPLE", "currentPrice": "USD 182.14"}
Update an existing stock.
Method : PUT URL :{id} Body : { "currentPrice": "EUR 153.47"}