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Freezuh, Final Transformation, is a full-stack tissue management application for a biotech company. It supports automatic location retrieval for samples and plates.


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Freezuh, Final Transformation



Freezuh, Final Transformation (hereby referred to as Freezuh), is a web application designed for biospecimen storage and retrieval for a biotech company. Most (all?) biotech companies start tracking samples on spreadsheets which leads to lost materials, potential material thaws, and increased freezer motor strain from manual searching. To help aid research for human disease and ailments, Freezuh will always be free-of-charge under the MIT license.

Due to the high-volume of data required for molecular biology research, many freezers are needed to store the biospecimen samples. This app is designed to track samples from courier receipt (AWS S3 bucket handles storage of manifest scans/pictures), to the experiment's conclusion in a final sample storage plate. Any stored samples can be found through search or through browsing different parent containers.

Freezuh owes its color palette and inspiration for its freezer icon from the most memorable villain of Dragon Ball Z, Frieza. I created all of the icons, except for the Firefox, LinkedIn, and Github icons on the about page, in Inkscape to break up intense coding segments. No matter the technology, I'm always interested in learning and applying my creative problem-solving ability.

Database Schema


Technologies and Packages Used


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Solution (S3)
  • Python
  • Flask
  • WTForms
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Alembic
  • PostgreSQL
  • Heroku


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • React-Select
  • Inkscape

Example Workflow

Storage container creation: from freezers to 96-well plates


Biospecimen (sample) accessioning (creation) to storage in a 96-well plate, and relocating sample in same plate


Storing new and existing samples from the plate view


Plate ID and well ID fetching from sample view


Highlights from the Code

One of the most useful features is Freezuh's ability to find the next available well in a 96-well plate for sample storage. Initially I used an O(n) linear search algorithm to find a the next well before designing this O(n*log(n)) algorithm.

function findMissingNumber(list, min, max) {
  if (min >= max) {
    return min + 1;
  } else {
    const pivot = Math.floor((min + max) / 2);
    if (list[pivot] === pivot + 1) {
      return findMissingNumber(list, pivot + 1, max);
    } else {
      return findMissingNumber(list, min, pivot);

Initially, Freezuh only supported adding samples to a plate in numerical order (scientists typically follow A1 (pos. 1) -> H1 (pos. 8) -> A2 (pos. 9) -> H2 (pos. 16)...). For some experiments, it's better to leave a row/column/well gap between sample sets for organization, or to add a sample at a later date. This feature necessitated a database refactor with a joins table, see database diagram, connecting the plate to the sample. In addition, the previous function of adding samples in numerical order needed to be maintained, which you'll see in the code below. For a complete look at how sample storage was implemented, please see /app/models/

next_available_well = (filled_wells[-1] + 1
                        if (len(filled_wells) >= 1)
                        else 1)
if next_available_well > self.max_well:
    return {"errors": "Given plate has no open wells."}
sample_well = Well(
self._store_sample(sample, sample_well, sample_id)


Working with dates and times

Maintaining an accurate log of when items are created and stored is one of Freezuh's essential functions. The issue is that many of the components of Freezuh do not play well together - HTML, Javascript, Python, and PostgreSQL have their own standards of storing date-time objects. Reading the different docs was the only way to successfully grab an HTML Form's datetime, convert it to a JavScript format (see below), read in Python and eventually convert it for use in PostgreSQL.

function getInputDateTime(dateToConvert = {
  // Takes a given date and converts it to a format recognized by the
  // HTML datetime-local input element
  const currentDateTime = dateToConvert ? new Date(dateToConvert) : new Date(;
  let currentMonth = currentDateTime.getMonth() + 1;
  let currentDate = currentDateTime.getDate();
  if (currentMonth < 10) currentMonth = "0" + currentMonth;
  if (currentDate < 10) currentDate = "0" + currentDate;
  let currentHour = currentDateTime.getHours();
  let currentMinutes = currentDateTime.getMinutes();
  if (currentHour < 10) currentHour = "0" + currentHour;
  if (currentMinutes < 10) currentMinutes = "0" + currentMinutes;
  const today = `${currentDateTime.getFullYear()}-${currentMonth}-${currentDate}T${currentHour}:${currentMinutes}`;
  return today;

Rendering the correct rows and columns for 96-well plates

A 96-well plate isn't normally read the same as English: English reads left to right, top to bottom whereas a 96-well plate is read top to bottom, left to right. Due to this quirk of how samples are normally stored, and how the database was designed, extra processing of the well positions of samples was necessary to render the correct samples in each well.

Samples were listed in a dictionary with a key corresponding to the plate's well and the value corresponding to the sample id. For each corresponding number in a 96-well plate, 1-96, the dictionary was checked for a sample, and rendered accordingly. Omitted is the function for creating appropriate classes for rendering. Please see react-app/src/components/PlateZoom/PlateZoom.js for a more complete picture of how the 96-well plate was rendered with all samples and functioning links.

const numRows = 8;
const numCols = 12;
const rowNameConversion = {
  0: "A",
  1: "B",
  2: "C",
  3: "D",
  4: "E",
  5: "F",
  6: "G",
  7: "H",

function tableBody() {
    const rows = [];
    for (let row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
      const cellsInRow = [];
      for (let col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
        const wellNumber = row + col * 8;
        // Setting up the row header
        if (col === 0) {
              className={`${style[rowClass]} ${style.plate__header} ${style.plate__header__row}`}
          // creating a sample well
            className={classesForWell(wellNumber, colClass)}
            onClick={(e) => makeWellActive(e)}
                  wellNumber === parseInt(activeWell)
                    ? `${style["plate__well__inner"]} ${style["plate__well__inner-active"]}`
                    : style["plate__well__inner"]
                  (parseInt(wellNumber) + 1).toString()
                ] !== undefined
                  ? `${
                        (parseInt(wellNumber) + 1).toString()
                  : ""}
        <tr key={row} className={`${style.plate__row}`}>
    return rows;

Future Features (Don't forget to star this repo and check back often to see Freezuh's progress)

  • Implementation of a shopping cart to hold samples and plates before exporting to a printable CSV file. This would allow all relevant samples for an experiment to be retrieved at a single time-point to minimize freezer interaction and to minimize chances of samples thawing.
  • Exporting of a sorted CSV file for sample retrieval. Sorting would be organized by freezer -> rack -> plate -> sample to allow for quick, efficient sample retrieval.
  • Implement additional attributes for samples. Planned attributes
    • additional sample types: materials, purified protein, cell supernatant, research cell bank (RCB), production cell bank (PCB)
    • additional fields: name, experiment name(s), notes, sample species if applicable, sample biological/chromosomal gender if applicable, contact info for sample if human sample, purpose: research sample or diagnostic sample
    • data log: would give a printable log of when sample was accessioned, when it was stored, when it was thawed, when it was stored again, etc.
  • Filterable views for all containers and samples. Sortable by first/last updated, first/last created, discarded/decommissioned, empty, expired, different sample attributes
  • Import CSVs to populate freezers, racks, plates, etc. This would allow an established organization to import their populated containers and samples rather than manually enter each one.
  • Add additional containers commonly used in the biotech industry. Currently, Freezuh is geared towards storing samples for a next-generation-sequencing (NGS) laboratory.
    • additional freezer types/designations: -20C, -80C, -160C, liquid nitrogen (LN2)
    • additional rack types: plate storage horizontal, plate storage vertical, box storage horizontal, box storage vertical
    • additional plate types: 6-well, 24-well, 384-well
    • additional sample storage types: boxes for falcon tubes (50ml), boxes for falcon tubes (12ml), boxes for 1.5ml Eppendorf tubes

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone repository from Github to a user directory.
git clone
  1. Navigate to repository's root directory and install all dependencies for Python.
cd {insert-directory-path}
pipenv install --dev -r dev-requirements.txt && pipenv install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a .env file in the same directory as the .env.example file, using the .env.example file as a template.

  2. Setup your PostgreSQL user & password, PostgreSQL database, and AWS S3 bucket, ensuring it matches your .env file.

  3. Activate your pipenv shell, then upgrade your database, (optionally) seed some initial data, and start your flask app. Keep this terminal running in the background.

pipenv shell
flask db upgrade
{optional} flask seed all
flask run
  1. In a new terminal window, navigate to your /react-app directory, install all dependencies (it takes a while), and start your react app. Keep this terminal running in the background.
cd {insert-directory-path}/react-app
npm install
npm start
  1. Open a browser window, and navigate to https://localhost:3000/.

  2. Enjoy Freezuh, Final Transformation!

BONUS: Gallery of Created Icons

Only because I love the color scheme and the about icon is too small to appreciate the detail on the website. freezuh




about lightbulb

unknown user



Freezuh, Final Transformation, is a full-stack tissue management application for a biotech company. It supports automatic location retrieval for samples and plates.





