Chisel is a light-weight Python WSGI application framework built for creating well-documented, schema-validated JSON web APIs.
Chisel provides the action decorator for easily implementing schema-validated JSON APIs.
# Sum a list of numbers
action sum_numbers
# The list of numbers
float[len > 0] numbers
# The sum of the numbers
float sum
def sum_numbers(ctx, req):
return {'sum': sum(req['numbers'])}
application = chisel.Application()
application.request('GET', '/sum_numbers', query_string='numbers.0=1&numbers.1=2&numbers.2=4')
('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')], b'{"sum":7.0}')
Each action defines an action
definition using
Schema Markdown.
The action callback is passed two arguments, a request
and the schema-validated request input dictionary. The input request dictionary is created by
combining the request's URL path parameters, query string parameters, and input JSON content
If there is a schema validation error the appropriate error code is automatically returned.
status, _, content_bytes = application.request('GET', '/sum_numbers')
'400 Bad Request'
b'{"error":"InvalidInput","message":"Required member \'numbers\' missing (query string)"}'
You can add API documentation to your application by adding the Chisel documentation application requests from create_doc_requests.
application = chisel.Application()
By default the documentation application is hosted at "/doc/". An example of of Chisel's documentation output is available here.
This package is developed using python-build. It was started using python-template as follows:
template-specialize python-template/template/ chisel/ -k package chisel -k name 'Craig A. Hobbs' -k email '' -k github 'craigahobbs' -k nomain 1