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use windows style paths for msys? weird #1

use windows style paths for msys? weird

use windows style paths for msys? weird #1

name: Windows Acceptance Tests
shell: msys2 {0}
runs-on: windows-latest
- uses: msys2/setup-msys2@v2
install: >-
- name: Checkout Core
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: install cf-remote
run: pip install cf-remote
# Note that msiexec can't install packages when running under msys;
# But cf-remote currently can't run under powershell
# (because it requires `pwd` module which is Unix-only).
# Hence, we _download_ msi package using cf-remote under msys,
# and install it by msiexec running under powershell.
- name: get CFEngine package
run: cf-remote --version 3.18.x download x86_64 msi
- name: move CFEngine package to current workdir
run: "mv $HOME/.cfengine/cf-remote/packages/*.msi cfengine.msi"
- name: install CFEngine
run: |
Get-Location # pwd
New-Item -Path "c:\" -Name "artifacts" -ItemType Directory
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/quiet /qn /i cfengine.msi /L*V c:\tmp.log'
Get-Content c:\tmp.log | Set-Content -Encoding utf8 c:\artifacts\CFEngine-Install.log
file c:\artifacts\CFEngine-Install.log
shell: pwsh
- name: run cf-agent
run: "'/c/Program Files/Cfengine/bin/cf-agent.exe' --version"
# Note that msiexec install CFEngine onto the C: drive (/c/ partition),
# but testall expects it to be on the same partition as where all tests are located (D: drive),
# hence we just copy it over.
- name: copy CFEngine to workdir partition
run: 'cp -a /d/a/core /c/'
- name: prune platform independent tests to make the job more efficient
run: 'Remove-Item -Recurse -Force 00_basics, 01_vars, 02_classes, 10_files, 14_reports, 15_control, 16_cf-serverd, 21_methods, 22_cf-runagent, 26_cf-net, 27_cf-secret, 28_inform_testing'
working-directory: "/c/core/tests/acceptance"
shell: pwsh
# - name: check copied cfengine contents
# run: "ls -l /d/a/Cfengine/bin"
- name: run the tests
run: './testall --bindir="/d/a/Cfengine/bin" --extraclasses=EXTRA ./05_processes/01_matching/ '
working-directory: "C:\core\tests\acceptance"

Check failure on line 68 in .github/workflows/windows_acceptance_tests.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/windows_acceptance_tests.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 68
# env vars for testall script to properly detect environment
USER: runneradmin
OSTYPE: msys
- name: print test.log
run: 'cat ./tests/acceptance/test.log || true'
working-directory: "C:\core"
if: ${{ always() }}
- name: save test.log in artifacts
run: 'cp ./tests/acceptance/test.log /c/artifacts/test.log || true'
working-directory: "C:\core"
if: ${{ always() }}
# make a tarball because otherwise there will be too many files and github won't save in the artifact
- name: save workdir to artifacts
run: 'tar cfz /c/artifacts/workdir.tar.gz ./tests/acceptance/workdir || true'
working-directory: "C:\core"
if: ${{ always() }}
- name: save artifacts
if: success() || failure()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: artifacts
path: c:\artifacts