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Non-critical corrections - June 2024 Edition #1024

epage opened this issue Jun 3, 2024 · 28 comments · Fixed by #1052

Non-critical corrections - June 2024 Edition #1024

epage opened this issue Jun 3, 2024 · 28 comments · Fixed by #1052
enhancement Improve the expected


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epage commented Jun 3, 2024

Please list any corrections you noticed typos doesn't fix and we'll roll these up into a single PR, making it lighter weight for adding new corrections.

Preferred format (for easy copy/pasting):

bad1 -> good1
bad2 -> good2

(using a code block allows me one-click copy/paste)

Feel free to update your comment as you find more suggestions for this month to reduce noise and making updating the dictionary easier

Please use dedicated issues for false positives as they likely need more discussion than is intended for this thread.

Related open issues

@epage epage added the enhancement Improve the expected label Jun 3, 2024
@epage epage pinned this issue Jun 3, 2024
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Veetaha commented Jun 4, 2024

tings -> things
commtis -> commits
directorires -> directories
cocatenated -> concatenated 
uploadds -> uploads

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jrosdahl commented Jun 5, 2024

atmoshere -> atmosphere
atmospere -> atmosphere
biger -> bigger
bigest -> biggest
classfied -> classified
clearity -> clarity
combability -> compatibility
creaing -> creating
decresses -> decreases
deeemed -> deemed
diffences -> differences, defences, defenses
disgonal -> diagonal
errenous -> erroneous
fals -> false
fliped -> flipped
foulded -> folded
hemispere -> hemisphere
modefied -> modified
naem -> name
otimize -> optimize
paramers -> parameters
reconstuction -> reconstruction
reulting -> resulting
semgents -> segments
statistcs -> statistics
tesselating -> tessellating
unfould -> unfold
unfoulded -> unfolded
unfoulding -> unfolding
utlizes -> utilizes
vegitation -> vegetation

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groengpx commented Jun 5, 2024

adaper -> adapter
adapers -> adapters

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szepeviktor commented Jun 6, 2024

unefficient -> inefficient
probabilitic -> probabilistic
fiding -> finding
delevopers -> developers
sponses -> responses
asychronous -> asynchronous
guage -> gage, gauge
trush -> trust, trash

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abadoned -> abandoned
ablum -> album
ablums -> albums
accoutning -> accounting
accureate -> accurate
actucally -> actually
addign -> adding
agreesive -> aggressive
almaost -> almost
amzaing -> amazing
anf -> and
applicatoin -> application
applicatoins -> applications
arealdy -> already
assuem -> assume
cacncel -> cancel
cacnel -> cancel
calculatsion -> calculation
cehckout -> checkout
chari -> chair
charis -> chairs
checkkout -> checkout
checout -> checkout
chekout -> checkout
cloen -> clone
clonet -> clone
colaborative -> collaborative
collaboratoin -> collaboration
commetn -> comment
commetns -> comments
commt -> commit
complext -> complex -> complexity
consoel -> console
correctoin -> correction
correctoins -> corrections
culteral -> cultural
cultueral -> culteral
dahboard -> dashboard
dahboards -> dashboards
deatail -> detail
defence -> defense
defences -> defenses
dertmine -> determine
dispirsed -> dispersed
distinugish -> distinguish
disucussed -> discussed
divorse -> divorce
docekr -> docker
doens't -> doesn't
dooing -> dooing
dynamnically -> dynamically
ellegant -> elegant
évaluate -> evaluate
evetually -> eventually
exisitng -> existing -> exiting
expecation -> expectation
expectatoin -> expectation
fakse -> fake
fallign -> falling
fodler -> folder
freqently -> frequently
frotn -> front
gam -> game
generatin -> generating -> generations
hypohthezied -> hypothesized
ideitifed -> identified
incedents -> incidents
interferience -> interference
internvals -> intervals
iternship -> internship
karam -> karma
maanagement -> management
malcious -> malicious
managar -> manager
mathamatical -> mathematical
meetigns -> meetings
mitgate -> mitigate
motiveated -> motivated
movign -> moving
noboday -> nobody
oriign -> origin
otpoins -> options
overwelmed -> overwhelmed
ownenership -> ownership
performa -> performs
perminant -> permanent
prusue -> pursue
prusues -> pursues
pubilc -> public
puesdo -> pseudo
purpus -> purpose
quieries -> queries
rebease -> rebase
recrutiing -> recruiting
recrutiting -> recruiting
recuriting -> recruiting
releatd -> related
removs -> removes
replcias -> replicas
replyign -> replying
resiliance -> resilience
reuqirement -> requirement
reuqirements -> requirements
roels -> roles
roght -> right
saerching -> searching
satisfactoin -> satisfaction
savigns -> savings
searhc -> search
slience -> silence
snapshop -> snapshot
spritn -> sprint
spritns -> sprints
staatus -> status
startes -> starts
statuys -> status
stauts -> status
storign -> storing
stroner -> stronger
stuat -> status
surevy -> survey
survye -> survey
symptons -> symptoms
technoligies -> technologies
tehere -> there
theorectically -> theoretically
theorhetically -> theoretically
thouhgt -> thought
thouhgts -> thoughts
trainigns -> trainings
trak -> track
uinque -> unique
unblcok -> unblock
untimatly -> ultimately
varieity -> variety
wahts -> whats
waitign -> waiting
wansts -> wants
wnt -> want

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shirayu commented Jun 9, 2024

aslias -> alias
deployes -> deploys
exapanded -> expanded
foirefox -> firefox
methodoligies -> methodologies
middelware -> middleware
middlewar -> middleware
owened -> owned
prototying -> prototyping
rejcted -> rejected
screenhot -> screenshot
screenhots -> screenshots

(Some typos are found with

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aDotInTheVoid commented Jun 11, 2024

neglicable -> negligible
chalenges -> challenges
couroption -> corruption
uncarefull -> uncareful
bitwize -> bitwise
clairity -> clarity
eraised -> erased
occors -> occurs
declair -> declare
declaire -> declare
unhelpfull -> unhelpful
sinceer -> sincere
lamdba -> lambda
monomophization -> monomorphization
machiery -> machinery

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Mte90 commented Jun 11, 2024

I have a project that track typos for english and other languages:
I will work to add an importer from this db for english.

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szepeviktor commented Jun 11, 2024

I have a project that track typos for english

That JSON contains ~1687 unknown typos.

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Mte90 commented Jun 12, 2024

Importing this dataset I get 17629 words with 76517 typos on my project as totally :-)

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justanotheranonymoususer commented Jun 12, 2024

thet -> that
correcltly -> correctly

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nicholasbishop commented Jun 13, 2024

indluces -> includes

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RainRat commented Jun 14, 2024

aboue -> about
accelerateor -> accelerator
acception -> exception
accessble -> accessible
accomodoate -> accommodate
accumuated -> accumulated
accumulater -> accumulator
accumuluate -> accumulate
accute -> acute
acknowlwdge -> acknowledge
acquision -> acquisition
activing -> activating
activness -> activeness
actuallly -> actually
actucally -> actually
actvated -> activated
acuiring -> acquiring
addiitons -> additions
addintional -> additional
additinoally -> additionally
addtions -> additions
adjudivate -> adjudicate
adjustament -> adjustment
adjustmens -> adjustments
adjustsments -> adjustments
adpapter -> adapter
advnced -> advanced
afterwords -> afterwards
aftewards -> afterwards
aftrerwards -> afterwards
aggresiveness -> aggressiveness
agragates -> aggregates
alaising -> aliasing
alignmnent -> alignment
alliasing -> aliasing
alloacte -> allocate
allocatation -> allocation
allocatiom -> allocation
allocats -> allocates
alloved -> allowed
allternate -> alternate
alnterating -> alternating
alpanumeric -> alphanumeric
alreaady -> already
alterntives -> alternatives
amalagmation -> amalgamation
ambigiuous -> ambiguous
amlpifier -> amplifier
analaysis -> analysis
analzer -> analyzer
andelabra -> candelabra
anf -> and
anglular -> angular
animartions -> animations
anlyze -> analyze
anlyzed -> analyzed
annonciators -> annunciators
annontation -> annotation
announcess -> announces
announciators -> annunciators
annount -> announce
annuciators -> annunciators
anonimous -> anonymous
anonotate -> annotate
anonoymous -> anonymous
anotrher -> another
antialised -> antialiased
aposthrophe -> apostrophe
appaise -> appease, appraise
applifiers -> amplifiers
apprirate -> appropriate
appromixation -> approximation
arbritray -> arbitrary
archecture -> architecture
argumends -> arguments
arranagement -> arrangement
arrenged -> arranged
arthrimetic -> arithmetic
artifactig -> artifacting
artifcacts -> artifacts
artifial -> artificial
assers -> asserts
assignged -> assigned
assisstant -> assistant
asssumed -> assumed
assumng -> assuming
asterick -> asterisk
asynchrously -> asynchronously
atract -> attract
attactor -> attractor
attemmpt -> attempt
attitional -> additional
attribtute -> attribute
attribubtes -> attributes
attriubutes -> attributes
attriute -> attribute
atttack -> attack
auguments -> arguments, augments
authenticde -> authenticode
authur -> author
autmatic -> automatic
autoincremet -> autoincrement
automactically -> automatically
backoor -> backdoor
backpropogation -> backpropagation
backreferrence -> backreference
baught -> bought
becausae -> because
befow -> below
begative -> negative
behaiour -> behaviour
belongning -> belonging
benchmar -> benchmark
benchmarmking -> benchmarking
bencmarking -> benchmarking
bencmarks -> benchmarks
betcause -> because
bevcause -> because
bigegr -> bigger
birectional -> bidirectional
bitswaping -> bitswapping
blantantly -> blatantly
bnack -> back
boides -> bodies
boith -> both
booard -> board
bottomost -> bottommost
boundatries -> boundaries
bracketting -> bracketing
breakoint -> breakpoint
breakpoing -> breakpoint
bsaically -> basically
bufferd -> buffered
buffere -> buffer
buffrer -> buffer
byond -> beyond
bziped -> bzipped
caads -> cards
calcultions -> calculations
calcutlates -> calculates
callbbacks -> callbacks
camer -> camera
cancelleable -> cancellable
candicate -> candidate
capabillities -> capabilities
capatibility -> compatibility
capitain -> captain
carrefull -> careful
cartriges -> cartridges
categrories -> categories
catgeory -> category
catogory -> category
catstrophe -> catastrophe
cature -> capture
challanger -> challenger
challeger -> challenger
challendge -> challenge
chamnge -> change
changability -> changeability
changably -> changeably
characgter -> character
chrystal -> crystal
circumstaces -> circumstances
cirquit -> circuit
clampping -> clamping
cleaneup -> cleanup
clearity -> clarity
clonned -> cloned
cloudfare -> cloudflare
cocentrated -> concentrated
cocktrice -> cockatrice
cocnurency -> concurrency
coeefficients -> coefficients
coefficiencts -> coefficients
coercian -> coercion
colapse -> collapse
colect -> collect
collisiton -> collusion, collision
colouising -> colourising
comatability -> compatibility
comformity -> conformity
comodore -> commodore
compatibitity -> compatibility
compatilibility -> compatibility
compatility -> compatibility
compensentate -> compensate
compiing -> compiling
compililation -> compilation
componennts -> components
comporession -> compression
compososite -> composite
comrpomise -> compromise
concatation -> concatenation
concecutive -> consecutive
conceptally -> conceptually
concievable -> conceivable
concleanment -> concealment
configureation -> configuration
congnitively -> cognitively
conmmutes -> commutes
conncted -> connected
connctions -> connections
connectoion -> connection
connetcor -> connector
conpilers -> compilers
consecutivly -> consecutively
consoldate -> consolidate
consome -> consume
consonate -> consonant
constructore -> constructor
contenated -> concatenated
contignous -> contiguous
contigouous -> contiguous
controllng -> controlling
conttroller -> controller
convenent -> convenient
convienance -> convenience
convnetions -> conventions
cooprative -> cooperative
coornates -> coordinates
copyrigt -> copyright
cornders -> corners
cornerns -> corners
corredct -> correct
correltions -> correlations
correpsonds -> corresponds
correspnds -> corresponds
correspoing -> corresponding
correspondng -> corresponding
correspong -> corresponding
corrsponing -> corresponding
coulor -> colour
coumter -> counter
countig -> counting
countinously -> continuously
crackes -> crackles, cracks, crackers
creat -> create
createed -> created
crenditals -> credentials
croation -> croatian
cronstructs -> constructs
culller -> culler
cumbersomem -> cumbersome
cuncurrent -> concurrent
curcular -> circular
currenct -> current
cursosr -> cursors
cursror -> cursor
cusor -> cursor
cutsomer -> customer
czechoslavakia -> czechoslovakia
datahasheets -> datasheets
datashhet -> datasheet
datasset -> dataset
datrabase -> database
daugtherboard -> daughterboard
deallcoate -> deallocate
decalartion -> declaration
deccimal -> decimal
declarion -> declaration
decomiler -> decompiler
decomperssor -> decompressor
decompessor -> decompressor
decomplier -> decompiler
decomtamination -> decontamination
decorataions -> decorations
decorelate -> decorrelate
decryptyon -> decryption
defeined -> defined
definisions -> definitions
defititions -> definitions
defuct -> defunct
degbugging -> debugging
deisplays -> displays
deliminator -> delimiter
demamgled -> demangled
demmangled -> demangled
demonation -> denomination
dentering -> centering
denumenator -> denominator
derivated -> derived
dervices -> devices, services
descedent -> descendent
descriptin -> description
destibation -> destination
destinattion -> destination
destoring -> destroying
destrucor -> destructor
destrution -> destruction
desttructor -> destructor
detcted -> detected
deteceted -> detected
deterministicly -> deterministically
determnines -> determines
detertmines -> determines
devellopment -> development
developent -> development
devidable -> divisible
devince -> device
devored -> devoted, devoured
diaginal -> diagonal
diagnonal -> diagonal
diagnonals -> diagonals
diassembling -> disassembling
diassociate -> disassociate
differemt -> different
differenctly -> differently
differenecs -> differences
difficullty -> difficulty
digitzed -> digitized
dilaog -> dialog
diliberately -> deliberately
dimensiom -> dimension
dipatch -> dispatch
dipsosing -> disposing
directionh -> direction
directtions -> directions
dirrection -> direction
disassamble -> disassemble
disassbly -> disassembly
disassemblying -> disassembling
disassemlby -> disassembly
disassmbly -> disassembly
disassmebled -> disassembled
discrepance -> discrepancy
dismabiguation -> disambiguation
dispoase -> dispose
distanca -> distance
distane -> distance
distingused -> distinguished
distorition -> distortion
disttribution -> distribution
ditsnace -> distance
divised -> divided, devised
documentationn -> documentation
documnent -> document
domainate -> dominate
domiance -> dominance
dopper -> doppler
dosctrings -> docstrings
drawning -> drawing
dsiplay -> display
dterminated -> determined
dueration -> duration
dummmy -> dummy
duplciated -> duplicated
ecape -> escape
ecoding -> encoding, decoding
editabiliity -> editability
efinitions -> definitions
eithe -> either
elememts -> elements
elimate -> eliminate
ellimination -> elimination
embedidngs -> embeddings
emmitter -> emitter
emodifying -> modifying
emuation -> emulation
emulaion -> emulation
emulaton -> emulation
enchanment -> enchantment
encounteerd -> encountered
encouranged -> encouraged
encrouch -> encroach
encryptrion -> encryption
encumberance -> encumbrance
endoding -> encoding
engene -> engine
enhanchements -> enhancements
ensureing -> ensuring
entartainment -> entertainment
enterrnal -> external, internal
entried -> entries
enumaration -> enumeration
enumration -> enumeration
environemtns -> environments
envleope -> envelope
envonment -> environment
ephemerial -> ephemeral
epheremal -> ephemeral
ephermal -> ephemeral
eplison -> epsilon
equaliteral -> equilateral
equievalent -> equivalent
equivalalent -> equivalent
equivelency -> equivalency
equiverlant -> equivalent
equuivalence -> equivalence
erraticly -> erratically
erroneouly -> erroneously
esacape -> escape
eumeration -> enumeration
evalutator -> evaluator
evenlope -> envelope
ewxception -> exception
examime -> examine
exammple -> example
exapanding -> expanding
excceds -> exceeds
excelerates -> accelerates
exceptionn -> exception
excists -> exists
exclosed -> enclosed
excption -> exception
exhuasive -> exhaustive
exixts -> exists, exits
exmples -> examples
exoressuin -> expression
expaneded -> expanded
expecected -> expected
explicily -> explicitly
explisitly -> explicitly
exploraton -> exploration
exponention -> exponentiation
expontential -> exponential
exporintg -> exporting
expressons -> expressions
exprssion -> expression
exspecially -> especially
extensibilty -> extensibility
exttra -> extra
exucution -> execution
fasetr -> faster
fathest -> farthest
featuires -> features
fictionnal -> fictional
fintuned -> finetuned
fiorst -> first
firball -> fireball, furball
fiw -> fix
floaring -> floating, flooring
floppyies -> floppies
floppys -> floppies
foced -> forced
followoing -> following
fonctionnal -> functional
foregound -> foreground
formalizng -> formalizing
formatable -> formattable
formet -> format
forvatter -> formatter
fouind -> found
friendy -> friendly
frquency -> frequency
frusteration -> frustration
fullsceen -> fullscreen
funcationality -> functionality
funcsions -> functions
furished -> furnished
garunteed -> guaranteed
genaral -> general
generallly -> generally
generaotrs -> generators
generte -> generate
geomentry -> geometry
geomeotry -> geometry
grabge -> garbage
guarateed -> guaranteed
handshacked -> handshaked
hanndle -> handle
hanshaked -> handshaked
harnomics -> harmonics
heavely -> heavily
hexadeciaml -> hexadecimal
hexadeimcal -> hexadecimal
highlithing -> highlighting
highst -> highest
highting -> highlighting
historcal -> historical
hiting -> hitting
hodling -> holding
homogeoneous -> homogeneous
honoric -> honorific
horitontal -> horizontal
horitzontal -> horizontal
hotizontally -> horizontally
humon -> human
hunred -> hundred, hunted
hyperhtreaded -> hyperthreaded
hypocondriac -> hypochondriac
idenified -> identified
identfy -> identify
identicals -> identical
identication -> identification
identifes -> identifies
identifiaction -> identification
identitical -> identical
identitier -> identifier
idirectly -> indirectly
ignoers -> ignores
ilegally -> illegally
imeadiatly -> immediately
immediatedly -> immediately
immerdiate -> immediate
impeared -> impaired
impleemntations -> implementations
implementataions -> implementations
implemententation -> implementation
implemnted -> implemented
inatruction -> instruction
incluudes -> includes
incompability -> incompatible, incompatibility
incompable -> incompatible
incompatibale -> incompatible
incompatibl -> incompatible
inconsistantly -> inconsistently
incrememtal -> incremental
incurrs -> incurs
indavidual -> individual
indefinitrelly -> indefinitely
indicater -> indicator
indictate -> indicate
indiscrimnate -> indiscriminate
indiviudual -> individual
indivually -> individually
inesrted -> inserted
infared -> infrared
inhereted -> inherited
inherints -> inherits
inintialize -> initialize
initiailization -> initialization
initialialized -> initialized
initialice -> initialize
initialisere -> initialisers
initializd -> initialized
initializion -> initialization
initializtion -> initialization
initiallly -> initially
initialzied -> initialized
initiaton -> initiation
innaccible -> inaccessible
inolving -> involving
inraged -> enraged
inremental -> incremental
inrinsics -> intrinsics
insecue -> insecure
insensive -> insensitive
insentivie -> insensitive
insruction -> instruction
instancce -> instance
instanteniously -> instantaneously
instantenous -> instantaneous
instantion -> instantiation
instatiated -> instantiated
instriction -> instruction
instruced -> instructed
instruemnt -> instrument
instrunctions -> instructions
instument -> instrument
intantiated -> instantiated
intecepted -> intercepted
intendend -> intended
intentually -> intentionally
interepeted -> interpreted
interfces -> interfaces
interferencies -> interferences
interplation -> interpolation
interplotation -> interpolation
interpolatation -> interpolation
interpoluation -> interpolation
interspursed -> interspersed
interstingly -> interestingly
interuptable -> interruptible
intrcutions -> instructions
intrinisics -> intrinsics
intristic -> intrinsic
introducation -> introduction
invisisble -> invisible
itermediate -> intermediate
itersection -> intersection
itseltf -> itself
jetsream -> jetstream
johhny -> johnny
jusitification -> justification
keboard -> keyboard
keynoard -> keyboard
kwnown -> known
laballed -> labelled
lighbar -> lightbar
linkinag -> linking
listiner -> listener
logarighmic -> logarithmic
lteral -> literal
luckely -> luckily
luminaces -> luminances
machiine -> machine
maginitude -> magnitude
maimum -> maximum
mainainer -> maintainer
maintream -> mainstream
mallicious -> malicious
maniplulate -> manipulate
mannar -> manner
markown -> markdown
maximumn -> maximum
meansure -> measure
mechnical -> mechanical
meesages -> messages
memonics -> mnemonics
meningful -> meaningful
menmonic -> mnemonic
mesasge -> message
messagess -> messages
messagse -> messages
messasges -> messages
metatatble -> metatable
millesecond -> millisecond
milliscond -> millisecond
millisoconds -> milliseconds
mimiced -> mimicked
mimimized -> minimized
mirrioring -> mirroring
mislabaled -> mislabeled
mistakingly -> mistakenly
mixxed -> mixed
mixxing -> mixing
modication -> modification
modificatins -> modifications
modiofication -> modification
monochrone -> monochrome
monopoply -> monopoly
monorchrome -> monochrome
muliplexer -> multiplexer
multipied -> multiplied
multiplcation -> multiplication
multiplie -> multiply
multipliy -> multiply
multismapling -> multisampling
multitaking -> multitasking
mutithreaded -> multithreaded
mutliplies -> multiplies
ncessarily -> necessarily
necessaray -> necessary
necesseary -> necessary
necssarily -> necessarily
neigther -> neither
nesessary -> necessary
nessesery -> necessary
nevetheless -> nevertheless
nonpriviledged -> nonprivileged
noptifying -> notifying
noramlized -> normalized
normalied -> normalized
normarlized -> normalized
notificatin -> notification
notificationn -> notification
notifiication -> notification
notitifers -> notifiers
notmally -> normally
obscolescence -> obsolescence
obtasisned -> obtained
ocatve -> octave
occcurrences -> occurrences
ochestrating -> orchestrating
offsetes -> offsets
ofset -> offset
ofuscated -> obfuscated
omiitted -> omitted
omitable -> omittable
operants -> operands
operartor -> operator
operatorss -> operators
operstions -> operations
operting -> operating
opetion -> option
opon -> upon
opperand -> operand
opperator -> operator
opportunaity -> opportunity
opposuite -> opposite
oppponent -> opponent
opreration -> operation
oprhaned -> orphaned
optimazations -> optimizations
optimiation -> optimization, optimisation
optimitations -> optimizations, optimisations
optimizible -> optimizable
optimzations -> optimizations
orccurs -> occurs
orgainizing -> organizing
oridinary -> ordinary
orienetaion -> orientation
originary -> originally
orthongally -> orthogonally
oscilllators -> oscillators
othervise -> otherwise
othewrise -> otherwise
othogonal -> orthogonal
otuput -> output
oueue -> queue
overcrouded -> overcrowded
overfloww -> overflow
overriting -> overwriting
overritten -> overwritten
overruning -> overrunning
overrwritten -> overwritten
pageing -> paging
palesine -> palestine
paletable -> palatable
pallettes -> palettes
palyer -> player
paraghraph -> paragraph
parameteer -> parameter
paramether -> parameter
partisipate -> participate
paticles -> particles
pedastal -> pedestal
pediod -> period
pefectly -> perfectly
peforated -> perforated
peforms -> performs
pendinig -> pending
percengtage -> percentages
percrent -> percent
percusive -> percussive
percusson -> percussion
performanve -> performance
perharps -> perhaps
periodicly -> periodically
periodicy -> periodicity
perpedicularly -> perpendicularly
pertient -> pertinent
pertrified -> petrified
phazing -> phasing
phospher -> phosphor
physcal -> physical
piclking -> pickling
piecewice -> piecewise
plas -> plays
plesantly -> pleasantly
pobably -> probably
poesession -> possession
poimt -> point
poisioning -> poisoning
poitive -> positive
polymophing -> polymorphing
polymorhed -> polymorphed
polynominal -> polynomial
poossible -> possible
porportinal -> proportional
postdomiator -> postdominator
postitions -> positions
postiton -> position
potention -> potential
practic -> practice
precictions -> predictions
precomiled -> precompiled
precomupte -> precompute
predecent -> precedent
prediously -> previously
preformated -> preformatted
preocessor -> processor
prepherial -> peripheral
preprosessor -> preprocessor
prerequistes -> prerequisites
prescedence -> precedence
presmuably -> presumably
prettyier -> prettier
priorietor -> proprietor
priorties -> priorities
privilges -> privileges
privoded -> provided
proabaly -> probably
proagation -> propagation
probabably -> probably
probabalistically -> probabilistically
probablility -> probability
probablistically -> probabilistically
probility -> probability
processd -> process, processed
procssed -> processed
procudure -> procedure
prodeed -> proceed
proecess -> process
proeceudre -> procedure
programa -> program
progrma -> program
proided -> provided
projectilt -> projectile
projetile -> projectile
properyy -> property, properly
propogator -> propagator
proprition -> proportion
proprly -> properly
protecton -> protection
proteection -> protection
protypted -> prototyped
prvileged -> privileged
prviously -> previously
psudeo -> pseudo
ptting -> putting, pitting
punicode -> punycode
quadrupple -> quadruple
qualifers -> qualifiers
quantiation -> quantization
quantzation -> quantization
quaratine -> quarantine
quarentee -> guarantee
quaterion -> quaternion
queeue -> queue
queuable -> queueable
quirkyness -> quirkiness
ralative -> relative
ramains -> remains
randam -> random
rapidally -> rapidly
reachablity -> reachability
reacked -> reached
readahaed -> readahead
reatil -> retail
receent -> recent
rechaged -> recharged
recongnized -> recognized
reconnnaissance -> reconnaissance
recorvery -> recovery
redicilous -> ridiculous
redundate -> redundant
reectangular -> rectangular
refererences -> references
regaurdless -> regardless
regerenerate -> regenerate
regretably -> regrettably
regsister -> register
regsisters -> registers
regually -> regularly
reinitiailize -> reinitialize
relacatable -> relocatable
releaseing -> releasing
relevants -> relevant
relicate -> replicate, relocate
relocatated -> relocated
relocaton -> relocation
reloction -> relocation
remmapped -> remapped
renderesd -> rendered
rendesvous -> rendezvous
rengenerate -> regenerate
replaints -> repaints
reponds -> responds
reposible -> responsible
repoter -> reporter
represends -> represents
representatino -> representation
requiress -> requires
requirying -> requerying
resason -> reason
resizeing -> resizing
resolustion -> resolution
resorusion -> resolution
responsibilitiy -> responsibility
resuls -> results
retargetted -> retargeted
retargetting -> retargeting
retreaving -> retrieving
retriger -> retrigger
returen -> return
reveiver -> receiver
rocess -> process
rotine -> routine
rror -> error
rusult -> result
saandbox -> sandbox
sampleing -> sampling
sanitzed -> sanitized
sanple -> sample
santizer -> sanitizer
satic -> static
satuaration -> saturation
scalale -> scalable
scatchpad -> scratchpad
scheduing -> scheduling
screeen -> screen
screewed -> screwed
scrooling -> scrolling
seaparate -> separate
seconary -> secondary
seeems -> seems
seelction -> selection
sellection -> selection
semconductor -> semiconductor
semicondictor -> semiconductor
sensivitive -> sensitive
seqeuences -> sequences
sequentail -> sequential
serializatioin -> serialization
serializble -> serializable
serializeable -> serializable
settig -> setting
seuqence -> sequence
shematic -> schematic
shirnk -> shrink
shuttdown -> shutdown
signicant -> significant
silkscreend -> silkscreened
sillicon -> silicon
simiarly -> similarly
similiarities -> similarities
simiulated -> simulated
simpilfy -> simplify
simplisitically -> simplistically
simplities -> simplicities
simular -> similar
simulteanous -> simultaneous
skirmesh -> skirmish
slghtly -> slightly
sloted -> slotted
slowely -> slowly
snashot -> snapshot
socketted -> socketed
sotware -> software
souble -> double
soustraction -> subtraction
spacial -> special, spatial
sparsly -> sparsely
spartians -> spartans
spataializer -> spatializer
specal -> special
specator -> spectator
specatotors -> spectators
specicied -> specified
specificfation -> specification
specifiede -> specified
specifried -> specified
specilazations -> specializations
spliter -> splitter
sqeeze -> squeeze
startng -> starting
stattered -> scattered
steping -> stepping
stortage -> storage
strang -> strange
stratup -> startup
strutures -> structures
sttring -> string
sturct -> struct
stytle -> style
subfuntion -> subfunction
subseuent -> subsequent
subtitiles -> subtitles
subtracion -> subtraction
subtractss -> subtracts
succssors -> successors
sumation -> summation
summariztion -> summarization
superseeds -> supersedes
suporior -> superior
suppert -> support
supplated -> supplanted
supposely -> supposedly
suppposed -> supposed
supprort -> support
supriously -> spuriously
susequent -> subsequent
sutract -> subtract
sutracting -> subtracting
switcn -> switch
symantic -> semantic
synatx -> syntax
synbolic -> symbolic
synchroous -> synchronous
synchrounous -> synchronous
syncronisation -> synchronisation
syntesized -> synthesized
synthedic -> synthetic
sytactical -> syntactical
sytler -> styler
tabls -> tables
tecture -> texture
telemitry -> telemetry
teleporation -> teleportation
telepotation -> teleportation
telporting -> teleporting
teminator -> terminator
tepmlate -> template
terimate -> terminate
teritary -> tertiary
termianting -> terminating
termintating -> terminating
tessllation -> tessellation
textrues -> textures
texutre -> texture
texuture -> texture
theaded -> threaded
theads -> threads
thighten -> tighten
thorougnly -> thoroughly
thowing -> throwing
thrads -> threads
tiemr -> timer
tilda -> tilde
timstamp -> timestamp
tirggered -> triggered
togggle -> toggle
tokenizaing -> tokenizing
touh -> touch
traceing -> tracing
trainner -> trainer
trajactory -> trajectory
trancations -> truncations
transalator -> translator
transgrassion -> transgression
transscript -> transcript
transscription -> transcription
tranverser -> traverser
treaing -> treating
tresholds -> thresholds
trougth -> through
tructures -> structures
trunction -> truncation
turnning -> turning
unaffliated -> unaffiliated
unaliged -> unaligned
unalligned -> unaligned
uncknown -> unknown
undefind -> undefined
undeneath -> underneath
undertstanding -> understanding
undicovered -> undiscovered
undocomented -> undocumented
unducumented -> undocumented
unexepecedly -> unexpectedly
unexpanced -> unexpanded
unfamilar -> unfamiliar
unfiform -> uniform
uniforn -> uniform
unil -> until
unimiplemented -> unimplemented
unimplmented -> unimplemented
uninitiliazed -> uninitialized
uninititalized -> uninitialized
unintialization -> uninitialization
unitialzied -> uninitialized
unknkown -> unknown
unknowun -> unknown
unnhandled -> unhandled
unopossed -> unopposed
unrandimized -> unrandomized
unrecgonized -> unrecognized
unrecognizeable -> unrecognizable
unroken -> unbroken
unrptorect -> unprotect
unspuported -> unsupported
unvisisted -> unvisited
updatete -> update
updatwe -> update
varialble -> variable
vartex -> vertex
vecors -> vectors
verex -> vertex
verrsion -> version
verteces -> vertices
vertecies -> vertices
verteices -> vertices
vertival -> vertical
vibratao -> vibrato
vietual -> virtual
virtialized -> virtualized
visiuble -> visible
visualiztion -> visualization
volocity -> velocity
volumnes -> volumes
vulnerabity -> vulnerability
wachdog -> watchdog
warnning -> warning
wdth -> width
westdern -> western
whaever -> whatever
wharever -> wherever
whethor -> whether
whirpools -> whirlpools
whitepace -> whitespace
winnig -> winning
wishlit -> wishlist
workarond -> workaround
writiing -> writing
writtened -> written
writtings -> writings
yougest -> youngest
zobriust -> zobrist

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reeiving -> receiving

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availaibility -> availability

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reltaionship -> relationship

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akx commented Jun 19, 2024

underultilization -> underutilization
ultilization -> utilization

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zecakeh commented Jun 19, 2024

optoinal -> optional

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Blacksmoke16 commented Jun 19, 2024

customing -> customizing
performaing -> performing

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estin commented Jun 26, 2024

reguar -> regular

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pacth -> patch

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requset -> request

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paniic -> panic
paniics -> panics

@epage epage unpinned this issue Jul 4, 2024
epage added a commit to epage/typos that referenced this issue Jul 4, 2024
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shirayu commented Jul 5, 2024

@epage These are not included in #1052. Could you check it?

epage added a commit to epage/typos that referenced this issue Jul 5, 2024
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epage commented Jul 5, 2024

@shirayu thanks for noticing and calling it out! While here or here a word might be dropped due to some of our rules (which I try to watch for as there are sometimes mistakes), it looks like I somehow just missed that whole block when copying things over. Maybe I should automate the scraping...

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epage commented Jul 5, 2024


Looks like "defenses" was not included as a possible correction for "diffences" in (suggested in #1024 (comment))? Just wanted to check if that was intentional of not. (AFAICT, defences and defenses are both correct variants, but I realize that the -ses variant is less similar to the misspelled word.)

moved to keep #1051 focused

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epage commented Jul 5, 2024

One off missing corrections like that usually are removed by our automated checks. In this instance, I think its because another varcon entry was present for the same word. To correct to a specific one, you need to set a locale.

tekumara pushed a commit to tekumara/typos-lsp that referenced this issue Jul 8, 2024
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