This is a tiny iOS implementation of n2n.
- It works as a n2n edge to connect to supernode under iOS device which need NOT been jailbreaked.
- It support all versions of n2n.
- Thus Apple reject all GPL-only applications, we CANNOT publish it in Apple APP Store. You MUST clone source code and compile by yourself.
- To compile and run this APP, you MUST have an Apple developer account and have the Network-Extension entitlement.
Any suggestion will be appreciate!
- 它实现了在iOS设备(无需越狱)下作为edge工作,能够连接到supernode以实现NAT穿透。
- 支持全部n2n协议
- 由于苹果不支持仅以GPL协议发行的APP,我们无法在苹果商店上上架。您必须自己下载代码并编译安装。
- 如果要编译,您必须拥有一个苹果开发者账号且确保申请了Network Extension的权限。