This project explain easy approach to get Roll, Pitch, Yaw angle by using MPU6050.
By using Acc data, you can get Acc Angle.
void CalculateAccAngle(Struct_Angle* Angle, Struct_MPU6050* MPU6050)
Angle->acc_roll = atan(-MPU6050->acc_x / sqrt(pow(MPU6050->acc_y,2) + pow(MPU6050->acc_z,2))) * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE;
Angle->acc_pitch = atan(MPU6050->acc_y / sqrt(pow(MPU6050->acc_x,2) + pow(MPU6050->acc_z,2))) * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE;
// Angle->acc_yaw = atan(sqrt(pow(MPU6050->acc_x, 2) + pow(MPU6050->acc_y, 2)) / MPU6050->acc_z) * RADIAN_TO_DEGREE;
//Can't use Angle->acc_yaw there is no reliability. It's based on my personal experimental view.
By using Gyro data, you can get Gyro Angle.
void CalculateGyroAngle(Struct_Angle* Angle, Struct_MPU6050* MPU6050)
Angle->gyro_roll += MPU6050->gyro_y * dt;
Angle->gyro_pitch += MPU6050->gyro_x * dt;
Angle->gyro_yaw += MPU6050->gyro_z * dt;
Acc Angle has high frequency noise.
And gyro Angle has low frequency.
Each of the Angle has low reliability.
However you can get reliable Angle value by using ComplementartFilter.
void CalculateCompliFilter(Struct_Angle* Angle, Struct_MPU6050* MPU6050)
CalculateAccAngle(Angle, MPU6050); //Prepare Acc Angle before using Complimentary Filter.
static float alpha = 0.96f;
Angle->ComFilt_roll = alpha*(MPU6050->gyro_y * dt + Angle->ComFilt_roll) + (1-alpha) * Angle->acc_roll;
Angle->ComFilt_pitch = alpha*(MPU6050->gyro_x * dt + Angle->ComFilt_pitch) + (1-alpha) * Angle->acc_pitch;
Angle->ComFilt_yaw = Angle->ComFilt_yaw + MPU6050->gyro_z * dt;
This project succeed to this project
Follow the predecessor project for better understanding.
If you already followed predecessor project, you just need to add only one line to get Angle.
if(MPU6050_DataReady() == 1)
//CalculateAccAngle(&Angle, &MPU6050);
//printf("%f, %f, %f\n", Angle.acc_roll, Angle.acc_pitch, Angle.acc_yaw);
//CalculateGyroAngle(&Angle, &MPU6050);
//printf("%f, %f, %f\n", Angle.gyro_roll,Angle.gyro_pitch,Angle.gyro_yaw);
CalculateCompliFilter(&Angle, &MPU6050);
printf("%f, %f, %f\n", Angle.ComFilt_roll,Angle.ComFilt_pitch,Angle.ComFilt_yaw);