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WebAuthn Service

This is a fully-functional reference implementation of @simplewebauthn/server and @simplewebauthn/browser, using Express to handle the WebAuthn flows for registration and authentication (login).


  • User Registration via WebAuthn
  • User Authentication via WebAuthn
  • HTTPS Support for secure origins
  • CSRF protection via lusca
  • Rate Limiting to prevent abuse
  • Handles both resident key and non-resident key options
  • Uses CORS for cross-origin requests


  • Node.js (>=12.x)
  • SSL certificates for HTTPS (if enabled)
  • Environment configuration via .env file


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd webauthn-service
  2. Install dependencies:

    pnpm install
  3. Create a .env file with the following environment variables:

    RP_ID=[""]    # Relying Party ID, can be an array
    EXPECTED_ORIGINS=[""]  # Expected origins for authentication
    RP_NAME=My WebAuthn Service    # Name of your service
    TIMEOUT=60000    # Timeout for registration/authentication flows
    ENABLE_CONFORMANCE=true    # Enable conformance routes for FIDO Metadata Service
    ENABLE_HTTPS=true    # Enable HTTPS mode for the service


Start the Server

To run the server, use the following command:

pnpm start