A lightweight typescript library that uses the fast and lightweight Luhn implementation to generate valid credit cards.
Below is an overview of the package.
Package can be installed using npm cli
npm i @credit-card-stuffs/ccgen
You can import like any other npm package
import { ccgen } from "@credit-card-stuffs/ccgen"
You control the data generated through masks and everything can be customized in the generator options.
const cards = ccgen(
generation: {
masks: {
targets: {
number: {
mask: "4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
cvv: {
mask: "xxx",
date: {
month: {
generate: true,
year: {
generate: true,
// [
// {
// metadata: { brand: "visa" },
// expiration: { month: "02", year: "2024" },
// identifier: { number: "4638862591704015", cvv: "365" }
// },
// ...
// ]
In this example of use, we are generating 5 credit cards that start with the number 4.