is a simple implementation of principal component analysis designed to run extremley fast on matrices of varying sizes. Additionally, FastPCA
provides users the ability to only calculate a couple PCs at time. This allows users who are only interested in the first couple PCs to save large amounts of computing time when compared with base R implementation of PCA. The workhorse function of the algorithm is the PRIMME
eigensolver ( which allows for both partial eigendecompositon and a great increase in speed.
Below we compare run speeds with princomp from the stat package and corpcor's ( fast.svd function
#Simulating a square matrix
square_mat = matrix(runif(3000^2, 0, 200), 3000, 3000)
#Running on the matrix while only calculating first 2 PCs
time = proc.time()
FastPCA(square_mat, PCs = 2)
user system elapsed
18.37 0.09 18.44
#Repeating with first 10 PCs
time = proc.time()
FastPCA(square_mat, PCs = 10)
user system elapsed
19.82 0.12 20.33
#Now with base R
time = proc.time()
user system elapsed
71.35 0.25 71.97
It is a known problem that PCA can be exceptionally slow on large p, small n matrices. These matrices are common in genomics with large-scale GWAS studies. Here, the PCA step is limited by the speed of the correlation/covariance calculation which we optimize using the coop package.
#Simulating a 50x5000 wide matrix
wide_mat = matrix(runif(50*50000, 0, 200), 50, 5000)
#Running on the matrix while only calculating first 2 PCs
time = proc.time()
FastPCA(wide_mat, PCs = 10)
user system elapsed
2.84 0.05 2.92
#Using princomp
time = proc.time()
user system elapsed
69.89 0.17 70.30
Like all PCA methods, FastPCA is most efficient on long matrices. Thus, we demonstrate this with an exceptionally large matrix (5000000 x 50).
#Simulating a 5000000x50 long matrix
long_mat = matrix(runif(5e+06*50, 0, 200), 5000000, 50)
#Running on the matrix while only calculating first 2 PCs
time = proc.time()
pcs = FastPCA(long_mat, PCs = 10)
user system elapsed
14.80 2.73 16.25
time = proc.time()
pc_princomp = princomp(long_mat)
user system elapsed
37.14 1.84 39.31
#Redoing PCs
pcs = FastPCA(long_mat, PCs = 10)
#Plotting 1st and 3rd PC
plotPCs(pcs, PC1 = 1, PC = 3)