- version 0.3.3 (June 2020)
- CUDA Runtime Library 9.0+
- Nvidia GPU supporting CUDA
- GLEW (with support of OpenGL 3.0+)
cleap is open source and has GPL v3 license. Therefore it may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed under the
copyright notices stated in the file COPYING.
1) cd cleap
2) mkdir build
3) cd build
4) cmake ..
5) make
6) sudo make install
- after this, cleap will be installed into /usr/local
(this steps suppose that prefix is left as PREFIX=/usr/local. If you choose another path, just change "/usr/local" to the new one)
* configure $CFLAGS to include "-I /usr/local/include/cleap-x.y.z"
* configure $LDFLAGS to include "-L /usr/local/lib"
* make sure dynamic linking is set properly:
~$ set LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Please visit http://users.dcc.uchile.cl/~crinavar/doc/cleap/ for more documentation.