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Vuelidate Form Group


A Vue Form Group component plugin for Vuelidate

This plugin provides a renderless component which, when using Vuelidate, validates and compiles (with value interpolation) error messages for individual form inputs. This plugin is a direct result of my findings while writing Vuelidate: Effortless Error Messaging .

Check out the demo


yarn add -D vuelidate-form-group
# or
npm i -D vuelidate-form-group
import Vue from 'vue';
import VuelidateFormGroup from 'vuelidate-form-group';

const options = {
   * Defining these templates is critical to get the most out of this plugin. Be sure to define templates
   * for every Vuelidate validator you're using. A good place to start is to define
   * templates for all built-in Vuelidate validators found here:
   * If you forgo this step, you can still style your form elements
   * using the invalid slot scope. However, crucial
   * user context will be missing.
  templates: {
    alpha: 'Alphanumeric characters only.',
    email: 'Please enter a valid email address.',
    minLength: 'Please enter a {label} with a length no less than {min}.',
    required: 'Please enter your {label}.'

Vue.use(VuelidateFormGroup, options);


Name Description Default
componentName The name of the globally registered Form Group component v-form-group
errorFormatter The last method executed on any compiled Form Group component error string lodash.upperFirst
interpolateRegex The regex used by lodash.template to interpolate values into an error template during compilation /{([\s\S]+?)}/g
templates The templates used to generated error strings for a given validator {}

Form Group Component


Name Type Description Required
label string The label value used for interpolation Yes
validations object The Vuelidate object for the input model (i.e.$ Yes

Slot Scope (default)

Name Type Description
errors array The array of compiled error strings given the current state of the input
invalid boolean If the input is valid given the current value and validators


  <!-- Wrap each form input in its own Form Group component -->
  <v-form-group :validations="$" label="email">
    <div slot-scope="{ errors, invalid }">
          placeholder="Email Address"
          :class="{ invalid }"
      <span class="error-message" v-for="(error, index) in errors" :key="index">{{ error }}</span>

import { email, required } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators';

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      email: ''

  validations: {
    email: {
      email, // Please enter a valid email address.
      required // Please enter your email.

Interpolation/Compilation of Error Messages

All values that exist in $params of the validations prop (a child of Vulidate's vm.$v) will be used during interpolation/compilation of error strings. The label prop will also be used.


Let's say we provide the following templates when installing the plugin:

const options = {
  templates: {
    minLength: 'Please enter a {label} with a length no less than {min}.'

And we have the following Vuelidate validations:

validations: {
  name: {
    // The key of this validator must match the key of a template in the templates object!
    minLength: minLength(10),

And we provide the following label and validations props to v-form-group:

The resulting interpolated/compiled error message will be:

Please enter a name with a length no less than 10.

Additional Values for Interpolation/Compilation

See the Vuelidate $props support documentation for more information on how to provide additional values for interpolation/compilation.


yarn demo
yarn lint
yarn test
yarn build

How to Contribute

Pull Requests

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for each feature or improvement
  3. Send a pull request from each feature branch to the develop branch




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