This repo holds all the assets for the following coding tasks.
- Hedera Accounts
- The Hedera Consensus Service
- The Hedera Token Service
- Scheduled Transactions
- Smart Contract Service
- Multi-signature Transactions
Each coding task solution is added as a separate directory.
- Node.js - 16 or greater
- npm
The solutions and outputs for each task are available in a separate directory.
The solutions are available in the 'Account' directory.
cd 1.Setup
npm install
npm start:createaccounts - To Create 5 accounts
The solution scripts are added in the '<Account/scripts>' directory.
The outputs are added in the '<Account/outputs>' directory.
The solutions are available in the repo '<Token_Service>' directory.
cd <2.Token_Service>
npm install
npm install
start:createfungible - To create fungible tokens
npm start:queryfungible - To query balances of five accounts
start:increasefungiblesupply - To increase the fungible token supply
npm start:transferfungible - To associate and transfer fungible tokens
start:pausefungible - To pause fungible tokens
npm start:unpausefungible - To unpause fungible
npm start:transferwithoutassocfungible - To transfer fungible tokens
The solution scripts are added in the '<Token_Service/scripts/fungible>' directory.
The outputs are added in the '<Token_Service/outputs>' directory.
The solutions are available in the repo '<SmartContract_Service>' directory.
cd <3.SmartContract_Service>
npm install
npm start:deploytohedera - To deploy contract
npm start:getfunction - To call the function execution
The solution scripts are added in the '<SmartContract_Service/scripts>' directory.
The outputs are added in the '<SmartContract_Service/outputs>' directory.
The solutions are available in the '<6.Consensus_Service>' directory.
cd <6.Consensus_Service>
npm install
npm start:createtopic - To create topic
npm start:submitmessage - To submit message to a topic.
npm start:subscribe - To subscribe message
The solution scripts are added in the '<Consensus_Service/scripts>' directory.
The outputs are added in the '<Consensus_Service/outputs>' directory.
The solutions are available in the repo '<Scheduled_TX>' directory.
cd <Scheduled_TX>
npm install
npm createscheduledtx - To create scheduledtx
The solution scripts are added in the '<Scheduled_TX/scripts>' directory.
The outputs are added in the '<Scheduled_TX/outputs>' directory.
The solutions are available in the repo '<Multi_Signature>' directory.
cd <Multi_Signature>
npm install
npm start:multisig - To transfer MultiSig
The solution scripts are added in the '<Multi_Signature/scripts>' directory.
The outputs are added in the '<Multi_Signature/outputs>' directory.