A scalable key-value store to be fault tolerant, available and eventually consistent, where the data can be partitioned across several nodes. We always can add more partitions to increase the capacity of a key-value store.
- The key-value store is partition tolerant: it will continue functioning in the face of network partitions and node failure.
- Due to the CAP theorem, we know that we cannot have a fault tolerant key-value store that is both available and strongly consistent. Here, we favour availability over strong consistency.
- Thus, The key-value store always returns responses to requests, even if it cannot guarantee the most recent data.
- Even though we cannot guarantee strong consistency, it is possible to guarantee eventual consistency and convergence. Right after a network is healed, the key-value store can return stale data.
- This key-value store guarantees that the data is up-to date after a certain time bound. In other words, the key-value store has the property of bounded staleness, with the time bound for this implementation being 5 seconds.
It possible that after a network is healed, two nodes end up with different values for the same key. Such a conflict is resolved using causal order, if it can be established. If the events are causally concurrent, the tie is resolved using local time stamps on replica nodes. The KVS uses a vector clock implementation to establish a causal relation between events.
To start a key value store we use the following environmental variables.
- "K" is the number of replicas per partition. Each partition (having k replicas) owns a subset of keys.
- "VIEW" is the list of ip:ports pairs of nodes.
- "IPPORT" is the ip address and port of the node.
An example of starting a key-value store with 4 nodes and partition size 2:
docker run -p 8081:8080 --ip= --net=mynet -e K=2 -e VIEW=",,," -e ip_port="" mycontainer
docker run -p 8082:8080 --ip= --net=mynet -e K=2 -e VIEW=",,," -e ip_port="" mycontainer
docker run -p 8083:8080 --ip= --net=mynet -e K=2 -e VIEW=",,," -e ip_port="" mycontainer
docker run -p 8084:8080 --ip= --net=mynet -e K=2 -e VIEW=",,," -e ip_port="" mycontainer
GET, PUT requests return extra information about partitions and causal order. The information used to establish causal order is stored in "causal_payload" and "timestamp" fields.
- This field is used to establish causality between events.
- For example, if a node performs a write A followed by write B, then the corresponding causal payloads X_a and X_b should satisfy inequality X_a < X_b.
- Similarly, a causal payload X of a send event should be smaller that the causal payload Y of the corresponding receive event, i.e. X < Y.
- The value of the "causal_payload" field is solely depends on the mechanism we use to establish the causal order.
- The value of this field is the wall clock time on the replica that first processed the write.
- Let a client A writes a key, and a client B reads that key and then writes it, B's write should replace A's write (even if it lands on a different server). To make sure that this works, we will always pass the causal payload of previous reads into future writes. That is, B's read returns a causal payload higher than the payload associated with A's write.
- Let 2 clients write concurrently to 2 different nodes respectively. Let T_1 and T_2 be the corresponding write timestamps measured according to the nodes' wall clocks. If T_1 > T_2 then the first write wins. If T_1 < T_2 then the second write wins.
- A GET request
(Note: All parameters in the URL) retrieves the value that corresponds to the key. The "causal_payload" is the causal payload observed by the client’s most recent read or write operation. A response object has the following fields: "msg", "value", "partition_id", "causal_payload", "timestamp". A response to a successful request looks like this
"partition_id": 3,
"causal_payload": "",
"timestamp": "1256953732"
- A PUT request
"/kvs” -d “causal_payload=<payload>&key=<keyname>&value=<val>”
(Note: All parameters in the request body) creates a record in the key value store. The "causal_payload" data field is the causal payload observed by the client’s most recent read or write operation (why we need it? See the example above). If the client did not do any reads, then the causal payload is an empty string. The response object has the following fields: "msg", "partition_id", "causal_payload", "timestamp". An example of a successful response looks like
"partition_id": 3,
"causal_payload": "",
"timestamp": "1256953732"
- We use "view_update" request to add and delete nodes. An addition or a deletion of a node might change the number of partitions. For example, lets say we started a key value-store with 6 nodes and partition size K=3. It follows that the key-value store has 2 partitions with 3 replicas each. If we add a new node, then due to the partition size constraint, the number of partitions becomes 3. The new partition will consist of one node only. Further, if we add another node, then the number of partitions does not change, and the new node lands into the partition with 1 replica. This partition will consist of 2 replicas afterwards.
- A PUT request
"/kvs/view_update" -d "ip_port=<ip_port>&type=add"
adds the node to the key-value store. It increments the number of partitions, if needed. A successful response returns the partition id of the new node, and the total number of partitions. It should look like:
"partition_id": 2,
- A PUT request
"/kvs/view_update" -d "ip_port=<ip_port>&type=remove"
removes the node. It decrements the number of partitions, if needed. A successful response object contains the total number of partitions after the deletion, for example
"number_of_partitions": 2
The following methods allow a client to obtain information about partitions.
- A GET request on "/kvs/get_partition_id" returns the partition id where the node belongs to. A successful response looks like
"partition_id": 3,
- A GET request on "/kvs/get_all_partition_ids" returns a list with ids of all partitions.
"partition_id_list": [0,1,2,3]
- A GET request on "/kvs/get_partition_members" with parameter "partition_id=<partition_id>" returns a list of nodes in the partition.
For example the following GET request
will return a list of nodes in the partition with id 1.
"partition_members": ["", "", ""]
Another endpoint to get the number of keys in one instance:
- GET localhost:8081/kvs/get_number_of_keys:
“count”: 25
All error responses contain 2 fields "msg" and "error". The error field contains the details about the error, for example
"error":"key value store is not available"