This tool is used to tag coreferences in quiz bowl questions.
- PHP 5.5 or greater
- Web server (e.g. Apache)
- Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome (Internet Explorer is not supported at this time)
- Clone this repository in to your webserver htdocs folder
- Create a MySQL database
- Import the MySQL database file (
mysql -p -u username database-name < install/qbcoref.sql
) - Copy includes/config.default.php to includes/config.php and fill in database information
- Open your web browser and go to http://yourhost/qb-coref/
Use the tools/load_data.php. Example data is in the data directory. This data is in the question answer (QA) format, so you might want to modify the code if you want to tag non-QA data.
- You will need to start by creating an account
- Once you create an account you will need to login
- Now you are ready to start tagging!
No easy process for this at the moment except for adding a flag to the user in the user table of the database.
- CTRL+Z = Undo (deletes your last tag, there is currently no way to redo, so BE CAREFUL!)
- P = Go to the previous question
- N = Go to the next question
- A = View the question's answer
- Select Text + 1-9 = Create a new coreference group based on selected text