Team project for CSCI 311 Web Programming.
- HTML5 / CSS - Webpage Structure, and Style
- Bootstrap - Automation of CSS
- Php - For Database access, and Responsive Webpage
- SQLite - Database
- Carolyn McAughren - Developer, Database Designer
- Iuliiana Unesikhina - Developer
- Zeke Critchlow - Developer, Repo Master
- Brandon Stanton - Developer, Graphic Designer
├── docs
│ └── sops
├── project
│ ├── css
│ ├── img
│ │ └── _orig
│ ├── js
│ ├── php
│ │ └── UserQuery
│ └── sql
├── src
└── tools
This subdirectory is for project technical amd workflow documentation.
This subdirectory is for team standard operating procedures.
This subdirectory is for the working project itself.
This subdirectory is for the creative style sheets for the project
This subdirectory is for the images for the project
This subdirectory is for the original images for the project
This subdirectory is for the javascript scripts for the project
This subdirectory is for the php scripts for the project
This subdirectory is for the Iuliiana's WIP php scripts for the project
This subdirectory is for the sql tables for the project
This subdirectory is for the other documentation for the project
This subdirectory is for project supporting scripts and tools.