* Chef policy
* Roles
* SolR searches with cache
export TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
go build -o $TMPDIR/plugin
Here's a simple line you can use to start a dev instance with plugins already catalogued
vault server -dev -dev-plugin-dir=$(realpath $TMPDIR) -dev-plugin-init -dev-root-token-id=devtoken -log-level=trace
Otherwise, use the regular way to catalog them
export SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 "$TMPDIR/plugin" | cut -d' ' -f1)
vault write sys/plugins/catalog/vault-auth-plugin-chef sha_256="${SHA256}" command="plugin"
vault auth enable -path="chef" -plugin-name="vault-auth-plugin-chef" plugin
vault write auth/chef/config host="http://chef-server.example.com"
vault write auth/chef/policy/my-policy policies="default" period=86400
# Allowed staleness is an optionnal caching mechanism for big chef deployments
vault write auth/chef/search/recipes policies=openssh-secret search_query="recipes:openssh*" allowed_staleness=60
vault write auth/chef/login node_name="node_name" private_key="private_key"