Scrape the latest results from the Rangers Lotto site following the draw of the lottery numbers and post them to Twitter and Telegram.
# Create a virtual environment named "rangers-lotto"
python3 -m venv /opt/virtualenv/rangers-lotto
# Activate the virtual environment
source /opt/virtualenv/rangers-lotto/bin/activate
# Install project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# RangersLottoBot Twitter API keys
export TWITTER_API_KEY="your_twitter_api_key"
export TWITTER_API_SECRET_KEY="your_twitter_api_secret_key"
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN="your_twitter_access_token"
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="your_twitter_access_token_secret"
# RangersLottoBot Telegram Bot Key
export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="your_telegram_bot_token"
# Your UserID in Telegram (use GetIDs Bot)
export TELEGRAM_USER_ID="187219972021"
Add it to the crontab to run twice a week, for example. Pass in your numbers (e.g. 1 6 9 55
) to check if you have hit the jackpot! 💰
# Post the Rangers Lotto results to Twitter and Telegram twice per week
09 09 * * 1,4 . $HOME/.zshrc; source /opt/virtualenv/rangers-lotto/bin/activate && /opt/virtualenv/rangers-lotto/bin/python3 /Users/crmpicco/rangers-lotto-scraper/ 1 6 9 55 > /var/log/rangers-lotto-scraper.log 2>&1