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Button Combination (Shortcut) tables for the Roland MC-707 Groovebox


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Cheat Sheet - Roland MC-707 Groovebox

Hi there, and welcome to the unofficial Cheat Sheet for the Roland MC-707 Groovebox! This sheet was initially copied from this document, and adapted for the MC-707 content:

This Cheat Sheet aims to provide a one or two pager of the most useful shortcuts and workflow operations of this nifty little Groovebox. Please note that you'll be able to find most of these by reading the manuals, but who has time to go through all of that, right? ;)

How to read this cheat sheet

Everything in bold refers to a control (a button, knob or slider) on the front panel of the MC-707 (see picture above).

A + (plus-sign) between two or more controls indicates that those controls should be used simultaneously, in the specified order.

A , (comma) between two or more controls indicates that those controls should be used sequentially, in the specified order.

Cheat Sheet - Shortcuts

Switching Screens and Modes

Action Shortcut Version
To access the quantize edit screen [SHIFT]+[QUANTIZE] v1.0
To access the sound edit screen [SHIFT]+[SOUND] v1.0
To access the UTILITY screen [SHIFT]+[KNOB ASSIGN] v1.0
To access the master clock setting screen [SHIFT]+[TEMPO] v1.0
To access the input/output and recording settings screen [SHIFT]+[INPUT] v1.0
To access the project save screen [SHIFT]+[FUNC] v1.0
To access the CLIP SETTINGS screen Select a clip and [SHIFT]+[CLIP] (Below the [C2] knob) v1.0
Clip Chain Screen Select a clip and [SHIFT]+[CLIP] (Below the [C2] knob), [LEFT] v1.71
To access the CLIP SEQUENCE SETTING screen Select a clip and [SHIFT]+MEASURE [<] or [>] v1.0
Scene Chain Screen In [MUTE] Mode, [SHIFT]+[STEP] v1.71
Chord Designer Screen [ENTER] from the Chord Edit Screen v1.7
Random Tone Designer Screen Double press [SOUND] v1.6
To switch to LAST STEP mode [SHIFT]+MOTION [REC] v1.0
Access the CHORD EDIT screen [SHIFT]+[CHORD] v1.0
To edit the total effect Reverb [SHIFT]+[REVERB] v1.0
To edit the total effect Delay [SHIFT]+[DELAY] v1.0
To edit the total effect Multi-Effect [SHIFT]+[MULTI]. Select the MFX tab. v1.0
To edit the total effect Comp/EQ [SHIFT]+[MULTI]. Select the Comp tab or EQ tab. v1.0
Access the SAMPLING RECORDER screen [SHIFT]+[REC] v1.2

First/Last Step Mode

Action Shortcut Version
First/last step mode [SHIFT]+MOTION [REC]
Change measures MEASURE [<] - [>]
Set first step [STEP]
Set last step [SHIFT] + [STEP]
Disable first/last step function [CLEAR]

Adjusting the Mix Sound

Note: these modify the SOUND object of the selected clip

Action Shortcut Version
To adjust the volume of the sound TRACK [SEL]+[C1] knob. v.1.0
To adjust the pan of the sound TRACK [SEL]+[C2] knob. v.1.0
To adjust the delay send of the sound TRACK [SEL]+[C3] knob. v.1.0
To adjust the reverb send of the sound TRACK [SEL]+[C4] knob. v.1.0


Action Shortcut Version
Erase clip motion [SHIFT]+MOTION [ON] v1.0
To delete a knob’s motion MOTION [ON]+TRACK [FILTER] / [MOD] / [FX] knobs. v.1.0
To punch-in motion MOTION [REC]+TRACK [FILTER] / [MOD] / [FX] knobs. v.1.0

Phrase Editing

Action Shortcut Mode Version
To step-record (Tone track only) [REC]+[STEP] [NOTE] mode v.1.0
To input Motion in a step [STEP]+TRACK [FILTER] / [MOD] / [FX] [NOTE] mode v.1.0
To mute the drum part (for each clip) PAD MODE [MUTE]+Pad [NOTE] mode v1.0
To enter weak drum beats PAD+[STEP] [NOTE] mode v1.0
To clear the phrase from a clip [CLEAR]+TRACK [SEL] -- v1.0
To clear the phrase from a drum part [CLEAR]+Pad -- v1.0
To duplicate a phrase [FUNC]+MEASURE [>] -- v1.0


Action Shortcut Mode Version
To audition a track in your headphones (CUE) PAD MODE [MUTE]+Pad MUTE mode v1.0
To mute a track PAD MODE [MUTE]+TRACK [SEL] -- v1.0
To mute a drum part (for each track) TRACK [SEL]+Pad Drum Track selected v1.0
To switch parts without sounding the drums PAD MODE [NOTE]+Pad Drum Track selected v1.0
To start/stop each track PAD MODE [CLIP]+TRACK [SEL] -- v1.0
To forcibly return to the beginning of the pattern [SHIFT]+[START/STOP] Playing v1.0
To silence sound that continues after stopping [SHIFT]+[START/STOP] Stopped v1.0
To transpose the sequence [NOTE]+Pad Tone Track selected v1.8
Temporarily set RANDOM Sequencer mode TRACK [SEL]+MEASURE [>] -- v1.02
Temporarily set REVERSE Sequencer mode TRACK [SEL]+MEASURE [<] -- v1.02
Invert (Swap) MUTE states for all tracks [FUNC]+[MUTE] -- v1.02
Turn on Arpeggiator PAD MODE [NOTE] NOTE Edit Menu v1.6
Turn off Arpeggiator PAD MODE [NOTE] After arp was enabled in NOTE menu v1.6
Turn on Arpeggiator PAD MODE [CHORD] CHORD Edit Menu v1.6
Turn off Arpeggiator PAD MODE [CHORD] After arp was enabled in CHORD menu v1.6
Play entire row of clips [CLIP]+[STEP] -- v1.2
Repeat the drum part Pad PAD MODE [CHORD] & Drum Track Selected v.1.3
Set repeat frequency for single drum part STEP [1] - [6] PAD MODE [CHORD] & Drum Track Selected v.1.3
Set repeat frequency for all drum parts PAD MODE [CHORD]+STEP [1]-[6] Drum Track Selected v.1.3
Shift the pad octave in a non-Chromatic scale Hold the [NOTE] + [OCT-] or [OCT+] pad [NOTE] Mode v1.2
Play the selected steps as a loop Hold track [SEL] + press & release [STEP] buttons [NOTE] Mode v1.02

Controller Values and Parameter Editing

Action Shortcut Mode Version
To specify the parameter operated by the total effect knobs [REVERB] / [DELAY] / [MULTI]+[FX PRM] knob -- v1.0
To specify the depth operated by the total effect knobs [REVERB] / [DELAY] / [MULTI]+[FX DEPTH] knob -- v1.0
To view the value of a knob [SHIFT]+Any knob (Note below exceptions) -- v1.0
To change the parameter value more greatly [SHIFT]+[C1] / [C2] / [C3] / [C4] / [VALUE] knob -- v1.0
To adjust the pad velocity curve PAD MODE [NOTE]+[VALUE] knob. -- v1.0
To specify tap tempo [SHIFT]+[ENTER] button three or more times. -- v1.0
To clear the Scatter pad parameters [CLEAR]+Pad [SCATTER] mode v1.0
To clear the Scatter Step parameters [CLEAR]+[STEP] [SCATTER] mode v1.0
To jump between effect type categories [SHIFT]+[C2] knob. MFX EDIT screen v1.0
To move to the same parameter for each band(low, mid, high) of the TOTAL COMP [SHIFT]+CURSOR [UP] or [DOWN] TOTAL COMP EDIT screen v1.0
Adjust the Pad Gain [NOTE]+CURSOR [UP] / [DOWN] -- v1.2
Initialize the parameter assigned to a knob [SHIFT]+[CLEAR]+[FILTER] / [MOD] / [FX] knob -- v1.02

Sequence editing shortcuts

Action Shortcut Mode Version
Copy Step Select [STEP] to copy, [FUNC]+CURSOR [UP] to copy Tone track Step Edit mode (shift + step) v1.02
Paste Step Select [STEP] to paste, [FUNC]+CURSOR [DOWN] to paste. Tone track Step Edit mode (shift + step) v1.02
Duplicate measure [FUNC]+MEASURE [>]
Halve measure [FUNC]+MEASURE [<]
Add drum substep [NOTE]+[STEP] [NOTE] mode v1.1
Add 50% probability drum hit [MUTE]+[STEP] [NOTE] mode v1.02
Add low velocity drum hit Pad+[STEP] [NOTE] mode v1.02
Clear clip in selected row [CLEAR]+TRACK[SEL]
Auto-advance mode (tone track only) [REC]+[STEP] [NOTE] mode
Note edit [STEP] [NOTE] mode in Tone Track
Motion edit [STEP] then CURSOR [<] to select MOTION tab [NOTE] mode in Tone Track
Motion Drawing [FUNC] Tone Trak Step Edit mode, on MOTION page v1.3
Toggle Metronome [FUNC]+[TEMPO] (See System SettingsCTRL tab for options) -- v1.02
Undo [EXIT]+MEASURE [<] -- v1.8
Redo [EXIT]+MEASURE [>] -- v1.8
Change all events in a step [FUNC] + Turn [C1] - [C4] Tone Track Step Edit mode v1.02
Set START value to "0" [CLEAR] + Turn [C3] -- v1.02

Scene shortcuts

Note: you can call a row of clips using [CLIP] + [STEP] and this is independent from the scene calling system.

In my opinion the scene shortcuts are all kind of clunky, so pick your poison and practice them before you perform. For full documentation see on page 11.


Action Shortcut Version
Recall the first scene [FUNC]+[START/STOP] v1.7

Scene Mode Type 1:

  • 8 Scenes, 16 banks.
  • Simpler to operate, but less Scenes per Project.
Action Shortcut Mode Version
Select Bank [STEP] [MUTE] Mode v1.5
Store Scene 1-4 Long-Press SCENE [#] -- v1.5
Store Scene 5-8 [SHIFT] + Long-Press SCENE [#] -- v1.5
Recall Scene 1-4 Tap SCENE [1] - [4] -- v1.5
Recall Scene 5-8 [SHIFT] + Tap SCENE [1] - [4] -- v1.5
Delete Scene 1-4 [CLEAR] + Tap SCENE [1] - [4] -- v1.5
Delete Scene 5-8 [SHIFT]+[CLEAR] + Tap SCENE [1] - [4] -- v1.5

Scene Mode Type 2:

  • 16 Scenes, 8 banks.
  • Slightly more complex to use, more Scenes per Project.
  • Select Bank buttons start a Timer that runs for 3 seconds.
  • You will see an elipises (...) to mark the seconds left.
  • If you need more than 3 seconds, use the (No Rush) shortcuts
Action Shortcut Mode Version
Select Bank 1-4 & Start Timer Tap SCENE [1] - [4] -- v1.5
Select Bank 5-8 & Start Timer [SHIFT] + Tap SCENE [1] - [4] -- v1.5
Recall Scene (Before Timer) [STEP] before Timer ends -- v1.5
Recall Scene (No Rush) [STEP] [MUTE] Mode v1.5
Store Bank 1-4 and Scene 1-16 Long-Press SCENE [#] button, then press [STEP] -- v1.5
Store Bank 6-8 and Scene 1-16 [SHIFT] + Long-Press SCENE [#] button, then press [STEP] -- v1.5
Delete Scene (Before Timer) [CLEAR]+[STEP] before Timer ends -- v1.5
Delete Scene (No Rush) [CLEAR]+[STEP] [MUTE] Mode v1.5

Sampling shortcuts

Action Shortcut Version
Continuously assign the resulting sound sliced using the sampler to the pads [NOTE]+[ENTER] (Press repeatedly) v1.8
Access the SAMPLING RECORDER screen [SHIFT]+[REC] v1.2
Vertically expands the sample CURSOR [UP] v1.2
Vertically shrinks the sample CURSOR [DOWN] v1.2
Re-records the sample [SHIFT] + [EXIT] v1.2
Previews the sample [FUNC] v1.2
Delete the slice point [CLEAR] + press the [C2] knob v1.3

Copy Paste

Action Object Shortcut Version
Copy Drum Kit Pad Contents [FUNC]+CURSOR [UP] v1.5
Paste Drum Kit Pads Contents [FUNC]+CURSOR [DOWN] v1.5
Copy Tone Track Step Edit Notes [FUNC]+CURSOR [UP] v1.5
Paste Tone Track Step Edit Notes [FUNC]+CURSOR [DOWN] v1.5

Project Management

Action Shortcut Version
Skip the confirmation when overwriting a project In PROJECT save screen: [FUNC]+[ENTER] v1.2

Clip Editing

Action Shortcut
Select whole row of clips [FUNC]+CURSOR [RIGHT]
Select single clips [FUNC]+CURSOR [LEFT]

Cheat Sheet - Workflows

Step recording tone track

Start editing: Press Seq, then Pad to select the first step, then Note. Enable/disable notes via Pad (hold for tie). Select step via Value.

Step recording drum track:

Start editing: Press Note,Pad to select the drum part to edit, then Seq. Enable/disable steps for given drum part. Select drum part via Value.

Input a tie: In NOTE mode, [FUNC]+[STEP] (Added in Version 1.6)

Realtime recording a tone track

Press Record,Note, then Play; play on the pads, press Record again to stop.

Realtime recording a looper track

Press Pad, then Shift+Record, select source from menu. Press Pad to select clip and press Record. This puts it on standby-recording mode and will record the 1st 8 measures (max) after pressing Play.

Realtime recording motion to a track

Make sure motion is on (via Motion Editor), Press Play, Record, press Sound or Filter or Mod or FX, C1-C4 to record motion for each track. Press Record again to stop.

Editing motion for a step

Press Seq, Shift+< or Shift+> to select step. Press Value, C1-C4 to change motion value.


Button Combination (Shortcut) tables for the Roland MC-707 Groovebox







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